Server Downtime for PU02 December 17, 2013 9:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. NinjaTurtle

    Yeah, there are many worse devs out there

    SOE make a few mistakes but they attempt to fix them and their support thus far has been great
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  2. Xasapis

    The shotgun change was rather minor. It merely reinforced the fact that bullet drop is completely worthless, since no infantry weapon is positively or negatively affected by it any longer.
  3. Iridar51

    Is that a typo?
    • Max damage range increased from 6 to 10
    • Min damage range reduced from 42 to 40
    This would make more sense.
  4. Cyferion

    Can anyone confirm that our Prowlers got a visual nerf too?!? :eek:

  5. JonboyX

    I think, on behalf of all NC max users, a massive thanks for the shotgun buff!
    That 0.055seconds will truly make all the difference to our difficulty in ranged encounters :/

    On a more serious note; nice looking changes and I look forward to seeing how they play out. :)
    Also on a serious note; who comes up with the idea that 0.055seconds is going to be even remotely realised in the real world? That's less time than it takes me to blink.
  6. biterwylie

    OMFG! Did SOE really just balance the factions :D At Last! Good Job SOE. At least now not everyone will choose TR for the Playstation4 launch.

    SOE Recognised

    Prowler was best performing tank
    Mossi best performing ESF
    TR Harrasser was best performing
    Best performing infantry weapons

    Just goes to show that dispite all the whine on the forums the Devs do know there own game :) confidence restored :)
  7. biterwylie

    I dont think NC shotgun max weapons can be balanced to be ranged versions. I would more likely expect an NS Max weapon in the future perhaps?
  8. Shuguard

    but vulcan has 800RPM while basilisk has 400 RPM. So that's twice the RPM meaning 334 max damage(10m range) and 250 min damage (130m range) for the vulcan.
    vs. basilisk doing max damage 250 (10m) and min damage 167 (130m). So vulcan is still better than basilisk
  9. MGP

    There's something that made me LOL really hard:
    • Max damage range increased from 10 to 12

    G30 Vulcan
    • Max damage range decreased from 200 to 10 meters
    Now we have an heavy Gatling gun mounted on top of the tank, with worse damage dropoff then a freakin' shotgun :D

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  10. Cyferion

    You must be joking. Everyone chooses VS because of their pew pew lazors and futuristic look! Can't say for the rest but the Prowler was only best perfoming because of being good at AI. AA was a side effect.
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  11. raumfahrer

    Just wanted to note that acceleration is measured in m/s²

    and why you saying grenade launcher kills on direct hit when it sometimes clearly doesn't

    and why you nerfing my rocket launcher >(

    Some good changes and some i get the feeling I will hate a lot
  12. Schwak

    So a free gun is suppose to be better then a ES AV variant? Get out of here.
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  13. PastalavistaBB

    They basically nerfed everything, but changed the VS LMGs which were already outperforming other Factions LMGs little. Flak Armor Buff is BS at it's best. It says "Halberd can still one shot Infantry that isn't using Flak Armor". Well, Flak Armor will be like the pre-patch Nanoweave, the only go-to Option. Who doesn't want to survive a direct hit from a Tank Shell? This is basically a direct nerf to all tanks and a bigger nerf to the Prowler in general. They gave Snipers a Free Pass with the Nanoweave change though. Snipers will be more effective at killing Infantry than Tanks. Logic flies out of the window...
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  14. biterwylie

    Beg your forgivness for wanting a balanced game :p
  15. mandy

    Maybe im being greedy, but do we get dbl xp during the holiday season ? ^^ <3
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  16. biterwylie

    Oh please stop the whining. TR did not get hit that hard! The prowler has had a significant damage increase compared to the other tanks and the Mossi has not had its damage reduced anything like the Reaver has.

    TR will continue to dominate, dont worry yourself ;)
  17. faykid

    thanks for the cert refunds!

    great patch, thank you devs!
  18. GravityJohnson

    I think we are all seriously overlooking the important change in this update. We now have snowmen in Esamir! Whooop!
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  19. Iridar51

    Don't you mean that VS slugs were the only performing slugs out there? :rolleyes:
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  20. Jaloro

    Were the TR really so blinded by their ZOE bloodlust that they forgot a balance patch would realign all their OP toys too. Just lol.

    The Prowler has been a OP for ages compared to the other two tanks, especially farming infantry.