Server Continent Population Imbalance is a big issue

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stigler, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Stigler

    Things are not so great on the servers.

    The PS2 Beta was good because it had few servers and we mostly ALL fought on Indar in semi balanced populations. The 2nd continent was added but the Indar continent was mostly balanced. The last continent was added shortly before the end of beta.

    Currently I play on 3 of the 4 US East servers, the World populations on two of them are pretty good, the other a little off, but that is not the large problem, the bigger problem is the continent imbalances which are leading to mostly a group zerg vs little to no defenses and rarely (note I said rarely) any decent fights other than Bio or Tech.

    This is during primetime hours of 3pm to 11pm est time on est servers. I am constantly swapping servers and continents in an attempt to find any battles that resembled what we had during Beta and the last 2x xp. It is not fun at all. People will not spend money for this which I am sure will soon be reflected after your 3x SC sale.

    The cert gain is horrible because finding a decent battle is difficult, please do not be fooled into thinking this slow cert gain will cause us to spend money on SC or subscriptions. I know how the bean counters operate and the customer is usually last regardless of what we are told or how it is presented.

    You must fix the continent imbalance by adding continent XP bonuses for imbalance and double or triple the certs for the percentage of offbalance on a continent per continent population ratio, this would be a quick fix till the metagame can be overhauled and reasons for defense added.

  2. forkyar

    id disagree,its fine.
  3. Aliasse

    I can assume that this player hasn't played Planetside 1.
  4. Stigler

    I am glad you disagree but you are wrong, when it comes to the whole picture. What servers do you play on and how many hours a week do you play primetime on those servers?
  5. Stigler

    Also they may have a false sense of success because many of us will weather the current storm and wait for server mergers and continent balance, or take a break and come back but they will lose a lot of player base before that point.
  6. oherror

    for population issues on my TR server its not. I play on Genudine and its dead most of the time.


    As you can see my server is low as is ALOT of other. They need to merge some of the low pop servers. I have never seen any of the other servers reach high status since launch.