[SECRET] Mysterious ROAR in the mountains

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by drNovikov, Mar 26, 2013.

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  1. -Synapse-

    I fell of my chair.
  2. Xarx

    Oh wow, when was this put in? I was all over that hill in my Magrider in the early days, One of my favourite spots.
    Nice find.
  3. Wintermaulz

    Its a wampa!:eek:
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  4. Fenrisk

    It's the Wizard of Oz?
  5. SternLX

    Whoa!! Ok, a couple days ago I was stunt flying around those purple spires in my Scythe and heard that. Thought I was just hearing things. Now I know it's just an Easter Egg sound.
  6. Goretzu

    They are letting you drive your Prowler into Biolabs soon? :D
  7. Takoita

    I think we should throw this idea to those folks advocating for e-sports.

    Instead of arena TDMs or whatever they want to implement, make a re-enactment of that doomed fort defense in Starship Troopers. A game of survival action on Amerish. The team that survives the most wins. Or maybe drop both teams simultaneously and make them sabotage each other while repelling mosnter attacks...
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  8. SgtBreastroker

    That was actually rather interesting.
  9. Duff_Chimp

    Prowler is pretty much the piece of junk it was before the buffs at the moment, bugs notwithstanding.
  10. Roobarb

    This makes perfect sense, with Esamir being the spiritual successor to Hoth.

    Admit it, who else flies their ESF at a few metres above ground whilst pretending to be a snowspeeder whenever you're fighting on Esamir..?

    ..okay, it's just me then...
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  11. Czuuk

    Is it a krayt? Oh wait...
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  12. huller

    Right, that thing scared me. Now, how do I get this BFR to Hoth Esamir? Let's see how it will hold up to THAT!

    In theaters december 17th 2687
  13. (SMD)MadCow

    Wheres the BFR on Indar? Also, in the hills southwest of Leopardwood, near the edge of the map...you can hear a woman scream.
  14. RedCabbage

    @MadCow Just north of Howling Pass checkpoint, there's an abandoned base that used to be called Defunct Solar Hub before they created Howling Pass. Inside the building that looks like a spawnroom there is a BFR. You used to be able to glitch through the wall before they implemented the new spawnroom design :(

    Old video from the beta, but the location hasn't changed
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  15. RedCabbage

    Would you happen to know where the liink to this is? I've tried an can't find it
  16. Arquin

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  17. wave

    Does this animal have any influence from John Roy answering this question at 2:04?

  18. Goretzu

    If by "piece of junk" you actually mean "still the best Main Battle Tank" then I agree. :)

    So they aren't allowing them in BioLabs?
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  19. Cookie5000

    It is the Yeti... lol... It's an actual living monster on Auraxis! At first I thought the only life on Auraxis was plants. I mean seriously, a planet with similar conditions to Earth only has plants? Add some animals! Or at least the Yeti that made this sound... :p
  20. Cookie5000

    I found this while in a fight. Heres what happened.
    * VS aircraft flies over looking for targets.*
    * NC tanks fire at TR men.*
    * Me and my TR squad start shooting.*
    VS: WTF
    NC: WTF
    TR: WTF
    *VS aircrafts crash and flee*
    *NC tanks drive away*
    *Me and my squad run like hell*
    Seriously this did happen. That thing scared the **** outta us!
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