Second round of pump shotties on PTS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zaik, Apr 8, 2013.

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  1. Zaik

    I can't really tell the difference between them and the first ones though. I guess it's hard to one shot people harder.
  2. Clonecenter-resident

    30m range? One shot people two at a time? One shot maxes? C'mon use your imagination, the possibilities are endless!
  3. Zaik

    well it doesn't do any of that.
  4. Anubis132

    Maybe they just look different?

    Haha, I tried, but I couldn't type that with a straight face.
  5. Zaik

    I thought the blackjack was the armistice at first glance.
  6. S1eB

    What is PTS?
  7. centurionvi

    public test server
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  8. S1eB

  9. Dethx

    ive got it the shotgun will look like a battle rifle to fool the enemies BUT it will shoot out mini NC scattmaxs but these have 10 arms instead of 2 these maxs will then begin to fire heat seeker missiles that will go through the terrain and instagib everything, id like the gun to be named after me SOE
  10. infinite loop

    Seems like the refire rate is slower, but it either has more pellets or a tighter spread. Either way it is easily the better of the two right now.
  11. Zaik

    it had better not have a better spread, the first was already at 3. we'd already be back in jackhammer=useless territory again in less than one GU.
  12. moooosa

    I'm really impressed at SOE's creativity...
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  13. Jezs


    They really didn't get the message the first time eh?
  14. GalacticBulge

    Does anyone know the serious reasoning behind the release of a new round of pump actions?
  15. Jokkie

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  16. Zaik

    nope, we'll have to wait and see what they do different once they are data mined and put into a spreadsheet like all the others.
  17. TintaBux

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  18. vulkkan

    The Blackjack is prettier.
  19. Jokkie

  20. Hypest

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