Scythe ramming..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by XRIST0, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. XRIST0

    Whats up with this lately , how is it that we both collide with relativly the same health during a 1 v 1 but the scythe survives and i explode ? he just flys right through me and gets the kill :rolleyes:

    Is this a bug , or what ? im sick of it .
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  2. HellionX

    It's not a bug. It's FUN!
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  3. XRIST0

    Cheap tactic ..

    Its been happening alot lately .
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  4. HellionX

    Tell it to the NC sister!
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  5. Total_Overkill

    For the last god damn time... all ESFs can do it... scythes just happen to be fatter >.>
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  6. hansgrosse

    They're called "Scythes" for a reason, you know; they're meant to be used in aerial melee!
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  7. MarthKoopa

    It's difficult to ram. Be a better pilot and learn to dodge? The scythe is really slow and only turns well when near idle speeds. You should be embarrassed if enemies can physically reach you in your mosquito.
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  8. XRIST0

    I enjoy fighting Reaver's .. atleast i know they arent going to fly right through me to get a cheap kill .
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  9. XRIST0

    Its not difficult at all to ram when your facing each other going head to head ..

    aerial melee ? :rolleyes:
  10. WycliffSlim

    haha, I had a guy call me a "f'ing p*ssy" for ramming him even when we both exploded. He was trying to shoot down one of my outfit members Liberators... I didn't want to risk him killing it, so I did the only logical thing: flew straight at him. The funny thing is, he didn't try to dodge me either so... not my problem *shrugs*

    @OP I do think I know what you're talking about but I think alot of things have to do with angles and velocity... maybe it's just a case of the flatter design of they Scythe allows it to achieve that sweet spot of impact more often. I know I once caught a Mossy in my pincers and when I flipped backwards he 'sploded. Much lulz were had.

    Seriously though, I love ramming ESF's with mine, especially the good pilots that take themselves really seriously. To me, it's a perfectly fair trade. You get me, I get you. But, people rage so much when you ram them, it's hilarious.
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  11. XRIST0

    Yeah this definatly has something to do with it .
  12. Nurf3d

    Scythe's do it all the time, it's the shape of them that lets them stay alive whilst you blow up mid air...just reminds me of the cheap tactic people used in BF3 also.
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  13. WycliffSlim

    And lets be fair... we all know that collision detection in this game isn't exactly refined yet. :p
    I blew up my Magrider one time by backing it into a rock too quickly. o_O
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  14. Total_Overkill

    And what of the Mossys and Reavers that do the same thing without having this ideal shape?
  15. Total_Overkill

    Recently? I hope not, that bug should stay buried
  16. WycliffSlim

    It hasn't blown up from that recently, but just today I drove into a rock(I was dodging rockets, I'm not THAT bad of a driver) and probably took about 10% damage from frontal impact with rock. I'm pretty sure this is intended but it still makes me rather sad.

    That bug was horrible though... I have video of turning around in a tower, and it does a weird vibration against a wall and then just explodes.
  17. bNy_

    You can do it with any ESF. There was a few threads about this a few days back. I posted this to prove some NC/TR noobs wrong (basically they said you couldn't do what scythes can and posted youtube videos of them trying in the VR).

    Keep in mind, this was my 3rd try in total I believe and I managed to do exactly what people claimed was impossible... And my previous flight time in a reaver might be a total of like 5 mins.

    Point being, NC/TR people, especially NC, loves to cry about imbalance and so on when the truth is that the vast majority of them simply are terrible at everything in life.
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  18. XRIST0

    Dude , neither of those can ram through one another like the scythe does ..

    If a Reaver and a Mosqutio crashed mid air during a dogfight , most likely they will both explode .. if a Scythe rams into you , most likely he will fly off laughing .

    This is just what i have noticed lately , i never have this problem when fighting Reaver pilots ..
  19. Nurf3d

    Mossys and Reavers can do it yes but you will generally die also, but Scythes are alot more effective at it and living through the collisions. It's a cheap tactic really, I'm pretty sure air combat isn't ment to be one big game of bumper cars it's turning into.
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  20. WycliffSlim

    You are 100% correct. EVERY SINGLE Scythe pilot out there does exactly that. And you know what's really odd, I've never even once been rammed by a Reaver or Mosquito and every single time I've dominated them in a dogfight they've stuck it out all the way to the end, they haven't even bailed. Then, after they respond they typically send me, "gg :)". But, being the horrible Scythe pilot I am I usually insult them and /suicide around the time the second bullet hits me, can't have those heathens getting any kills. I also use the quad pods because it allows me to kill a MBT a whole fraction of a second faster. And what's awesome about the NC and the TR tank drivers, is that, even when their tank is in the red they stick it out till the end instead of bailing and denying me the XP.

    Wow... I really wish I wasn't part of the VS, we're all horrible people who like abusing small children.
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