SC unlocks not account-based?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by disky00, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. mxer394

    Logged in for my first post just to say that if this remains the case, I won't spend any money on the game. Voting with my wallet and whatnot. I'll just stick to the laboriously long cert unlocks I guess.

    That's the great thing about F2Ps IMO. If you don't like the business model, you don't have to spend anything. So long as whatever the publishers did is sufficiently egregious to get enough people to not buy SC, they'll see their revenue projections are a bit off, and likely figure out why that's the case, and hopefully fix it. Or they'll just come up with more greedy business practices to offset the losses (oh hey EA didn't see you there).

    We shall see.
  2. Makaron

    Edit: Deleted the post... really not my style posting something like this. :-T
  3. Alexander Angelos

    It's like in politics, the server balance things is like a sand in the face, they just want to feed on us.
    Yes I see you there mini EA...

    So many people I want to play with, and everyone of them is on the different server, now what? Ok i thought it would be a pain to level up every time buy buying stuff again and again for real money and then delete your character? This makes no sence... the overpriced items are just a tip of this ice cube of greed...
    The prices are the same as in the new Tribes, well at least those guys did it right.

    I regret that i supported the devs.
    I regret waiting for this game.

    And fellas, if you are spending your money on a small thing this is just pointless. They want me to spend 7$ for a small piece of texture or a weapon? are they kiddin me? I can spend this money to buy a game on steam, and a good one !

    Now this is bad EA-type Managment on their side.

    Will be looking for a refund...
  4. Scorponok

    hahaha good luck with that.i dont see anything they have done wrong..just people that cant understand that not everything is account bound.
  5. Zenith

    Well, basically it's not really encouraging people to buy anything, because you may lose it all if the server dies or you have to re-roll for any reason. I think that's the point, not to mention the fact that most games make micro-transactions account wide.
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  6. Alexander Angelos

    Understand? I don't want to accept it, or you like the feeling when you are scamed ?

    Anyway, time to discuss this thing with people on streams... this is a big issue.
  7. Zenith

    Thing is, nowhere does it actually state that all SC purchases are character/server bound, so it's not surprising people are being caught out. Yes many of us expected this, but unless it tells you, how exactly will you know for certain?
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  8. Exidius

    Thats what I don t understand basicly account based would encourage SC since you could play on different Servers with the things you bought.... compared to "normal" cert stuff
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  9. Fragasm

    I purchased a few weapons on one character then switched servers to play with friends, all of my unlocks were gone. I immediately lost all motivation to play after using over half of my Alpha Squad cash. There is no way I will ever purchase more Station Cash or even continue to play this game until these unlocks are made account-wide.

    This is EXACTLY why I prefer to pay $60 for a game and MAYBE an additional $40-50 over the lifetime of the game. That way I am not nickel and dimed to death and forced to spend upwards of $30-40 PER CHARACTER.

    No thanks.
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  10. Alexander Angelos

    The sad thing is that spending certs are not even woth it... It's just takes so much to buy something.... This is really ridiculos
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  11. Tekk1

    i also want my stuff on my account, i was playing on miller but you cant play there now my money is wasted there? nice stuff....
  12. Land Hammer

    This game is not a real MMO, it's a big FPS with many servers, so they cannot be compared. Hell I'm going to play on 3 DIFFERENT SERVERS, one with friends, one with other people I know, and another for an outfit I wanted to join that's only on one server. EU, US West, and US East.

    THE VERY LEAST, I can expect is to have weapons/camos faction based. To suggest otherwise is just ridiculous.

    I had absolutely no idea what the policy for SC was with regard to characters and servers so I have not used any of my SC I got with the Alpha Squad, and i'm glad I didn't.
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  13. RyanMDanks

    Go tell them your interest in changing this feature. They moved our thread to a discussion area, which is the equivalent in sticking us in a corner to talk amongst ourselves.

    They can't ignore reading tweets though. Send one a week and let them know we want this policy changed.
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  14. Rahabib

    Shame is outfits really suffer because you can't transfer servers.
  15. Makaron Better tweet to this guy directly.
  16. ElementalFiend

    Yes, it looks like they've made "re-purchases" part of their business model. Seems rather petty to me.
  17. ElementalFiend

    No. Enough with the server balance stuff. This is about money, not server balance. 100% about the extra money they can make if someone has to switch servers to start a new character.

    The only way to balance the servers is to assume that eventually everyone will have everything unlock anyways.
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  18. Hoho5000

    That's not even the issue. I would just like to be able to play with my outfit once or twice a week on a different server (same faction). I don't want to switch servers, and that's the point. I understand that some people are fickle and may not stick to the same server if given the opportunity, but if I buy something with SC, then it should be available faction wide. Why not just give you a choice of server to play on when you start the game each time? Names and friends lists are already cross-server, so I don't see how making outfits the same way would be difficult, and it would solve this issue. Unless you're trying to play incognito or want to start over, there wouldn't be a need to create another character of the same faction.

    I am very disappointed with Smedley's response (or lack thereof) and will not be spending any more money until this changes. If it doesn't, so be it. I'll be playing long enough that I can earn whatever I want without spending a cent.
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  19. RottenGroinArea

    They got my $40 for Alpha squad but I will not spend any more.

    Best way to hurt them is with your wallet.
  20. Jac70

    I have to agree with the OP - it's a bit silly that purchases are locked to a server. Especially in the light of the 'Miller' debacle. If you have created a character and spent SC on that server you are now locked out of the game because it is unusable.

    Characters locked to servers yes but not items that I have paid for - these should be tied to my account.
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