Says the Chez: GU07 Weapon Tuning

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JGood, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. iller

    It's so NOT a problem that it's actually FUNNY. They are now the weakest faction in CQC & no big vehicle advantage to compensate. THAT'S why you saw the 4th faction jump their ship and get on NC.
    NC *was* the weakest during the terrible reign of flinching which VS were more resistant to. But now VS are the weakest b/c they have the lowest DPS on most things non-Orion.

    SOE should have left DMG Falloff where it was, or even increased it... but instead put in a proximity Tileset based Camaflague field generator...that becomes active 1 second after crouching. ...allowing all VS to ambush in CQC instantly by taking the appearance of nearby props.

    (disclaimer: this is not a serious proposal, but rather satire around SOE's failed experiments in faction balance)
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  2. Lowback

    Also, this is horse crap. Reload time matters when you need to kill 3 people and your gun has to reload before the third is dropped, especially with adrenalin shield. Don't act like having the capacity to drop 3 means nothing.
  3. Lowback

    Bull. Our guns have bloom and recoil. Often times our bloom on our CoF is higher than the TR. All this does is make sure that everyone has the same net DPS. TR guns are made with the assumption that not all rounds will hit the target. They are literal bullet hose designs.
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  4. Farlion

    Oh for the love of god, I wish people would stop posting stuff about the DPS. It's completely worthless in FPS games and has nothing to do with actual gameplay.
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  5. JackOfClubs

    Why can't I like this more than once?
    Why don't people accept and use TtK as the proper balancing stat?
    And does Higby know why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
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  6. Phrygen

    the penalty is bullet drop = missing = lower dps.
  7. CaptAmazing

    You should stop talking about DPS. As someone mentioned it means nothing in FPS games. DPS is calculated that all fired bullets hit the target. That means that even if all TR guns get nerfed and recieve a 100000000x worse recoil they will still have the same DPS.

    One could argue about different weapon stats - but DPS is the worst to base arguments on.

    Btw keep in mind VS advantages against TR:

    1) Faster reload - the VS "long" reloads are in most cases faster than the TR "fast" reaload (Solstice/Trac-5)
    2) Lower horizontal recoil. If you check the current spreadsheet you will notice that VS got on average 12.5% lower horizontal recoil.
    Since you can't compensate for symmetrical horizontal recoil (which many TR guns have) that makes them more inaccurate.

    On a sidenote: VS COF doesn't bloom faster - again check the spreadsheet und "COF/Shot" - its nearly identical on the different
    weapon types.

    So no bullet drop, isn't the the only advantage. Don't get me wrong 10 more round on TR side are really good. But the tradeoff is a slower reload, worse horizontal recoil. Also the 10 rounds only apply to carbines/ARs, while the VS advantages also count for LMGs.

    I'm not even saying VS weapons are better than TR ones - but you don't seem to know which faction advantages/disadvantages you really have.

    I also don't understand why you mentioned in one of your posts larger mazinge sizes as an TR advantage in context with the Adrenaline shield. This is a HA shield and HA weapons got on all factions on average the same magazine size and after reevaluating the ammo pools, the ammo pools are nearly identical.
  8. Xae

    Are you intentionally dense?

    You didn't pay attention and cherry picked your results.

    You said the Gauss is Medium, but the Corvus is long. Take an actual look at the guns and then write a post explaining why you should pay attention.

    Not all "default" guns are the same type of gun.

    The Gauss is the "long range" assault rifle, it is a near carbon copy of the Corvus.

    You screwed up almost every comparison.

    If you're going to put some effort into something do it right.

    The TRV doesn't compare to the HV or the GR22, it is in a class of its own.

    Even ignoring your (intentional?) mismatches Vanu tends to lower velocity.
  9. Singed

    SOE really needs to look at re balancing the faction specific heavy weapons. There are tons of people who bought them because they are straight downgrades from other weapons available to the HA.
  10. Kedyn

    Spreadsheet says ADS and hipfire bloom are the same for all 143 dmg LMGs.

    If TR guns are made with the assumption that "not all rounds will hit the target", then why do VS guns shoot just as fast with less horizontal recoil? I can see that this may apply with VS weapons having a lower minimum damage, but with this coming adjustment, you still do not thing TR LMGs may need to be adjusted?
  11. Jalek

    What all this means to me: Don't buy any infantry weapons until this gets pushed, sweeping changes almost always have unintended consequences.
  12. Puppy

    But I'm already so good with grenades and AV Max :c
  13. warmachine1

    Because TTK depends on dps.
    Thre is not a single universal stat to compare guns.
  14. MrIDoK

    Not really, the Gauss lacks all the "long range" attachments like the compensator, HVA and 6x optics, that's why i included the Reaper as the NC's long-range gun. You know, factional flavour and stuff.
    However, even ignoring the Reaper the difference between the Corvus and the SABR-13 is 20 m/s. I hope you're not thinking that having 3.3% less bullet speed is such a major disadvantage for the VS.

    A class of its own? Last time i checked it still falls into the cqc assault rifles class, just like the GR-22 and the H-V45. I don't think it was changed into a SAW from the last time i used it. :p

    Well, not really. The VS tends to have a pretty similar bullet speed and the differences are still pretty small, so i still don't really get what you're complaining about... I'd understand if your guns had 100 m/s less than their counterparts, but when the difference is mostly less than 40 m/s then it looks like you're overreacting a bit about this aspect.
    Bullet speed is something that really isn't faction specific unlike recoil, damage and rof. :)
    Everybody has slow guns and fast guns, so don't complain of having the slowest if an NC is nearby, they will throw you all of their AC-X11 and Reapers until you realize it's not true :p

    Just chill down, relax and try to not accuse others of cherry picking and stuff before clearing things out, it makes you look like the usual whiny kid on the Internet that can't have a decent conversation without attacking someone. :)
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  15. Bill Hicks

    Actually the 4th faction tried NC for a week and left due having to burst fire and not holding m1 down to kill. We simply retained most of our people while the power gamers left both TR and VS after they got such little nerfs and changed warpgate position.
  16. Metaltoys

    Vanu infantry weapons only downside will be having to be fired while wearing spandex.
  17. NovaAustralis

    [IMG]Just thought I'd put this in here...
    The original intention with faction traits.
    Not mentioned:
    Reload Time
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  18. JackOfClubs

    DPS: 1787.5
    TtK: 0.48s

    Guass SAW:
    DPS: 1666.67
    TtK: 0.48s

    CARV has a 7% higher DPS than the SAW. Not a ton, but enough to be significant. They have the exact same TtK. Zero deviation.
    There is a relationship between the two, but it's largely irrelevant.

    Take it to an extreme...

    DPS: 800
    TtK: 0s

    DPS: 3107.867
    TtK: 0.276s

    ...and it doesn't hold up.
  19. Blarg20011

    Wow, got a tone of responses to my original post and just wanted to make it clear that I don't find the changes a huge problem, far more worried about the inevitable QQ-ing.
  20. warmachine1

    IF there is perfect aimbot involved, then ttk >>> dps
    BUT, missing shot with low dps weapon is far more fatal than with high dps one.
    When u count single miss to that "extreeme", equation changes completely.
    Higer DPS of CARV make it more beginner friendly than SAW, altough ttk is same in theory.