Ridicuously bad guns, long TTK, vehicle cluster *****, pay to win

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dankshasta, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Keeoo

    This game is fine, Mister. You should practtice more.
  2. UmbraUrsa

    I think I have a relevant video to this entire discussion.

  3. Necron

    Dude, you got caught... there is no shame in it, but you were busted. The shameful thing is trying to deny it now that it's all out in the open.
  4. spunchron

    You're not bad, you're just mad. There are two options here. You're either a complete dimwit and it has taken you 210 hours of gameplay to discern that you dislike a game, or you're just growing frustrated that you can't attain the levels of awesome you think you're capable of but aren't, since you obviously wish you had more than your 1.4 k/d. Which is it?
    • Up x 1
  5. Cleverbird

    I cant believe you people are still feeding this troll, 4 pages long
  6. RedPsycho

    Na, we stopped feeding him at page 3, when I found his real stats. Than it became a different kinda beast.

    FYI you posting here makes you no better...
  7. Robes

    Bro, you got caught pretty bad, like **** haha
  8. Oriius

    A 1.4 Kd isn't even bad for someone who plays as inf only, I play as inf too I'm sitting on a 1.68. (mostly as an engi defending points/bases)

    So the question then, is it maybe the way you are trying to play the game the actual issue here? How does your average play session go, what things do you try to do?

    This game does have some issues that need sorting out asp though, no doubt, every one who doesn't regularly drink bleach will likely agree. I'm not sure though that it is all just the game, maybe we can help you to find new way to enjoy the game in it's current state?
  9. RobotDoc

    Purchase a compensator attachment. Helps soooo much with vertical recoil. Night and day.
  10. Riskae

    on a side note: I'm a really big fan of hardcore squad death match in bf3... the ttk is literally 40% or less of PS2... I still stop shooting people before they're dead occasionally.
  11. Lakora

    Mmh, no vehicles? Well for some reason it shows Liberator up as his favorite vehicle with 100 kills on it. Oh, well bother...

    CoD is a good game, not the best in the world and the people are horrible. Guns do leave things to be desired in terms of the TTK being seemingly hours on end.

    BF3 is also a good game, bit on the annoying side with how the maps have gotten smaller and smaller over the years... I remember El Alamein in BF1942 was in comparison to the BF3 maps HUGE even tho it wasn't but the fact there was minimal buildings etc made it seem huge and tank battles were awesome. Specially with Desert Combat... Anyway the weapons in BF3 are quite a leap away from the ones in CoD at least in terms of performance, the TTK is close to what it is in PS2 if not lower. Ain't sitting with a stop watch.

    Never played ArmA2 nor Red Orchestra. Used to play Americas Army 1.0-2.0 than they decided to release this steaming pile of crap on steam called Americas Army v3...

    Now the TTK in PS2 is actually quite low since most FPS games rarely if ever take body armor into account but have a flat 100% HP pool where as PS2 possess both the HP pool but also a kinetic shield.

    Besides if you're gonna compare BF3/CoD etc to PS2... At least do it properly, considering that PS2 is more akin to the Halo series in terms of weaponry than either of BF3/CoD.
  12. Vachek

    What game are you playing? Bad guns, pay to win, long TTK!?!?
  13. Negator

    Then link us your character, buddy. Put your money where your mouth is

    And if youre not in an outfit, youre missing half the game.
  14. FigM

    No. Stop thinking of PlanetSide 2 in terms of other FPS games. This game isn't about infantry. This game is about vehicles with infantry as support. In that way, there's an infantry mess, not enough vehicles
  15. swenma

    This Troll got busted so hard that it was linked on my outfit's website as the prime example of what not to do on forums. Thank you all for providing me with a very entertaining 15 minutes of reading. I wish I could have the opportunity to play with or against all of you - with the exception of this loser of course.

    My game name is the same as my forum name: Swenma. And I am proud of my stats!

    If I find out that any of my members are behaving in a fashion that is anywhere near as shameful as this player, they will be permanently banned.
  16. Uncle_Lou

    Funny, I think the game is bad, but for different reasons entirely. As to long TTK, I think the TTK in PS2 is too short by about half given the way the guns work. Longer TTK makes it more about skill and less about reaction time, ping, and framerate.

    Also, I really had a good LOL about .01 MOA on real life weapons. 1 MOA = 1 inch at 100 yards. 1MOA at 150 yards is 1.5 inches. So a .01 MOA means modern rifles are accurate to within 1/100 of an inch at 100 yards? LOL Not that reality has any bearing whatsoever on a video game, but most modern military rifles with iron sights, you are doing well to achieve 2-3MOA at 100 yards. With an optic you could cut that in half, an accurized barrel to boot would get you into sub-MOA territory.

    Anyway, carry on...
  17. TheBlueMagician

    I still love how one of the "strong arguments" against PS2 in this thread was that it's not a milsim like ARMA II/RO.


    Overall, I say they really need to do more research about how soldiers in the distant future are outfitted, because this game is entirely inaccurate. The lasers aren't lasers, the armor is too thick, they think the shields are durable for some reason? Please, by the prolonged battle of Auraxis, leading science could barely get the shield to cover the entire body, much less soak up a bullet. Similarly, armor at the time was made from simple unobtanium, not the indestructainium found in armors 273 years later during the battle of Serenity.

    0/10, would not play.
  18. TintaBux

    Are you really playing PS2? Sounds like your playing a different game, sorry I know what it is, you play alone as solo your a rambo who cannot fire the guns and goes around on his own getting killed.

    Accuracy is perfectly fine, veh spam is fine, if played with team mates in platoons etc, just read above.
  19. Konfuzfanten

    LOL busted . Word of advice: next time only boost your numbers by realistic numbers.
  20. Flix

    If you think we simply trust you with your stats...we are still waiting for your charname...