Ridicuously bad guns, long TTK, vehicle cluster *****, pay to win

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dankshasta, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Kegstand

    I hate to say this man but you don't need any more fps then what you have. The human eye only registers like 30 fps. a game runs pretty smoothly at 60. Besides these battles are on a massive scale you have to expect a bit of cluter F$%^. On top of that my machine is only average and I am running like 80fps so maybe upgrade? My Core i3 with ati 6870 works quite well and thats old stuff...

    I will give you this. The weapon recoil on some of the guns is a bit much considering this is advanced tech over what we used today (supposedly) A max suffering from recoil issues is stupid, it's advanced weaponry/robitics and should have recoil compensation built in...I could see that in the form of cert build ups to make it fair though.

    Same with the other weapons I undertsand they are trying to make it fair, I am not rich but I own a range finder which I would imagine would be built into these awesome cloaking inf suits. also with no range theres no way to calculate reliable bullet drop on these rifles. The weapon sway while in prone is not realistic standing long term while viewing is one thing. But I can assure you along with staying steady in kneeling/prone I can also empty my bolt action 30-06 without taking eyes off target like when you jack a shell in this game. Same with shotguns I can drop a deer at 100 yards with a standard non combat shotgun. Granted we sometimes use hot loads but this is with standard slug. Same with my .308 I can reliably hit a soda bottle cap at 100 yards and empty my clip. Again I know it's not all realism but some of the things seem to have been developed by folks possibly with not a ton of firearms experience.

    Go play paintball a few weekends in a 300 player tourny field and get a good idea of what can and can't be done in a non lethal arena. Other then that though I think the game is great and the model is great and I like it as well as I like PS1 again SOE great job.
  2. RedPsycho

    Ok, so what is your name? Why don't you just show us your characters name. I'd love to see what your gun stats are vs your vehicle stats.
  3. RobotNinja

    T9 CARV is easy mode. TR weapons destroy VS & NC in close quarters. Tell you what. Create a NC character. Play around with the default Guass LMG. Tell us how ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE the recoil is on TR weapons. Seriously, you've got to be the only player in the entire TR complaining about how awful your recoil is. And all you have to do to control is just use a feather pull...just tap it in...tap it in...it's all in the hips...and you can hold a bead on an enemy's head all day.

    TR complaining about recoil? Seriously? Oh I get it...there are some hidden cameras around here right? This is one of those prank shows. Ashton Kutcher is hiding somewhere around here isn't he? Go on...pull the other one.
  4. Fallout10mm

    You've still yet to say your character name, so until then the stats you posted are meaningless.
  5. jjruh

    He doesnt have to give us his char name, thats not important to anyone. What is important is that we need to get this man to the hospital. He is clearly insane if he thinks that this game is no good :p
  6. MrIDoK

    An assault rifle that doesn't shoot straight at 150 meters? o_O the f did i just read?
    I can take my T1, shoot at a target 150 meters and hit. Probably he has the idea that real guns don't have bullet drop before something like 200 meters. That's just videogame logic, every bullet irl starts to drop from the moment it leaves the barrel, but if you zero your sights at x meters you may end up thinking that the bullet doesn't drop before that distance, which is downright stupid if you have a basic understanding of phisics.

    Also, cod has a better gunplay? really? Those guns may feel better to you for a variety of look&feel reasons, but technically how can you say that? Yeah, my opinion on cod is a bit bad because i start laughing each time i see how easy is to controll a full-auto gun, but even then...

    The TTK is long if you compare it to games that make of realism one of their strenghts. ArmA and Red Orchestra has to do it that way because that's the way to go to achieve realism. But in PS2 we have verisimilitude, not realism... and those are totally different things. We get hovertanks and shields, they get one-shot-kill assault rifles and nukes.

    In conclusion... let's stop feeding the obvious troll please.
  7. Necron

    Only 175 caps and 852 defenses in 210 HOURS!!! I have more than half those numbers in less than 1/3 the time. Everyone, say hello to an ESF or Lib player. You just invalidated everything you said in this thread. If not, post your player name so we can LOOK FOR OURSELVES.
  8. Dankshasta

  9. Dankshasta

    The only vehicle I have spent any certs on was a silly flash, and a sunderer. I'm straight infantry man. I'm merely showing my stats to say, this isn't about some problem I have playing, or killing other kids. OK well I expected this response from the forums. I wanted to vent, and I did. The game has been losing players in droves, so obviously I'm not alone in my thinking, huh?

    If you guys are having fun, then have fun, oh and for the wanna be ballistic expert talking about bullet drops......JUST LOLZ man, there is no assault rifle on the planet that cannot deliver .01<MOA ratings at 150 meters.

    I'm out, it's just a game and if you gusy are having fun, then have fun, but it's been a disappointment to me, and looking at some statistics it would seem that nearly 2 of 3 players have quit the game already, so I guess we are all just baddies, huh? Have fun good players of PS2! BTW crysis 3 is amazing

    Fight the good fight TR!
  10. Rhinzual

    I think you answered your own question, the guy feels the need to RAEG about something on the forums and hopes others will agree with him in 'jumping ship from a dying game' or whatever. I usually just uninstall the game for a day or so if I get too fed up with the factions I play as and will almost always install back after a hotfix/big update (though the latter often requires the former). As for the very long TTK part? Yeah I got no idea what the OP is on, I can end up killed in less than a third of a second if a TR Infiltrator with the first SMG gets the drop on me.
  11. Kurohagane

    I would agree that the game is a horrible mess but not in the way you claim it to be. It caters to certain audiences i would not like to mention, and has horrible balance and design choices. I myself don't really play the game anymore due to how frustrating and unfair it is at times, and how long it takes to unlock anything. I'll probably come back in a few months as i really wish for this game to improve - it's so unique and has so much potential. Hopefully it'll get better. Right now all i do is just visit forums from time to time to see what people are ranting about.
  12. TheArchetype

    50=60 frames. I'd be more than happy with that! You rich kids really get on my nerves.
  13. RedPsycho


    He only exaggerated on a few numbers... Though he did give us the right amount of kills, medal count, play time, facilities defended and captured.

    FYI if you want to fudge your numbers, do them all and not the others makes finding your real profile easier.
    • Up x 5
  14. Imnuktam

    Thats how I felt, how fast exactly do you need me to kill you to be happy with it OP? Its rare a stumble into each other fight lasts over 1 second before they go down. This is already probably one of the lowest ttk games I have ever played.

    Also vehicles should have been purchased in my opinion so they werent spammed everywhere but they just gave them and usually (like in the case of mbt's) they start with the weapon I would have wanted anyways. Some are a little pay to win if you consider a libby stock vs one with Dalton/Zephyr and walker but you have to make some money some how.
  15. Robes

    Nice find haha
  16. KaZaKiE

    He also needs to learn math. The kills and deaths he gave is only 5.10, not 5.13. :)
    • Up x 1
  17. Dankshasta

    bugged game then because thats not me. I don't have an outfit, and I dont want to be "found" I just was talking about what a bad game it is. That dude probably still plays, and he's bad. He doesnt seem to use vehicles though.
  18. Necron

    You Sir, are a God amongst men. I LOVE the fact he pointed out how much better stats he had than me... then it turns out not to be true... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  19. Necron

    Nope no vehicles... at least you told the truth about SOME stuff.
  20. Dankshasta

    Dude I have not lied about anything, i just dont want to say I'm this guy, or I'm that guy. It seems funny that when I say the game is bad you instantly want to say I must be bad which simply could not be further from the truth. The game is bad, it doesnt matter who I am in the game, it's not good. Your stats are not bad, but you have not played very much either. When I had played as much as you, I thought the game was ok, or at least I was hopeful that it would get better. Just wait man. That poor guy there is not me, and I shouldnt have drug him into it, but the time played was about the same as mine. I've got a lot more kills than him. Not saying I was GREAT, but this whole I didnt play enough to make an assumption, or I didn't do this or that is ******** arguments. I played over 250 hours. Thats ten and a half straight days, I think I'm fairly aware of how the game works?