Returning player, and it's still the same...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bacardie, Feb 27, 2019.

  1. Bacardie

    Crap. This game is STILL full of hackers and cheats. Logged in today to try it again. Twice, and of course, it's TR people doing it as always it was. On hit sounds, no one around me, no indication of where the kill came from and no usual PINK you get from getting hit. Started playing this game from Beta, took a few breaks here and there, then all the garbage of taking away this and that, that we EARNED and or payed for. Unsubscribed. Well I see the same crap happens as it did before.

    Final post.. I'm done with this POS cheat game.
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  2. WinterAero

    There are plenty of them, sure. Always was. It's only more noticeable however because of population drop. That and the server performance of late has been at times a new galactic level grade of terribad. Leading to the misreading of 'cheats, cheats everywhere!' because of the bizarro world that ensues when the server burps.

    I can hardly recommend a game that has such a low population and has people in chat (ironically enough TR russians in flying max suits normally) selling their 'pro tools' for 30 euro's or whatever todays price is.

    The way I look at it is more from the perspective of a new player.

    Do we have a low pop? Definitely.
    Do we have cheaters? Sure. WhoisDiz on one of his umpteen alts, or the guy who one shots vehicles with his archer. They aren't ever far away.
    Do we have a lot of vets too, who have thousands of hours on count and are just waiting for a 'ps2' replacement? Yep.

    None of that is conducive to a healthy game growth. Its why DBG's games are all dead.

    Ergo: If you can put up with knowing it and still have fun. Good stuff, game on. If you are however a 'legit' player, mildly concerned about KDR and looking to learn in a clean environment; then its my opinion that ship sailed a good long time ago.
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  3. AllRoundGoodGuy

  4. TRspy007

    Most of the time its probably your ping or the others guys ping that cause this to happen. Also the 2x hs multiplier and the fact you're probably way behind today's vets is also a reason you die before you even hear anything. 4 shots to the head to kill or 2 for some pistols means by the time the PINK kicks in, you're long dead. In my years i've encountered aimbot users, and i still encounter some today, on any faction, any server. These people are very low brs with 100% accuracy, and are banned pretty quickly, and also discouraged from playing as once people discover someone is cheating, everyone has their eye on them and reports, also kills them repeatedly, even if they are on the same team. After a bit of bullying from everyone on the battlefield, those hackers usually realize they are unwanted and leave, the solidarity between the tight knit community of server due to the low amount of players makes it so hackers are instantly spotted and forced out. You must face the facts, you are just bad, and this is not an insult, you are just way behind the years of experience most players have and have a huge skill/knowledge gap to fill. A lot of things are bad with this game, but apart for population, the game has improved in a few ways since beta, and hackers are not as much of a significant problem as before, and trust me i was there on days where every 5 minutes a named would be broadcasted in yellow that they were banned, i was there when whole cheating outfits were dismantled, i know what hacking is, and there is no way you experienced as much cheating in your 20 minutes of play than you claim.
  5. icufos

    I've only been playing this for 6 months however don't think I've come across a single hacker.
    This is the least hacked game I know.
    Simply because hackers are all on Apex or Fortnite/Overwatch.
    Theyr'e not interested in PS2.
    With long running games like PS2 and Titanfall 2 the only players left are pretty experienced and just simply good.
    They aim for my head! I forget to do this about 90% of the time.
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  6. JibbaJabba

    I see someone I suspect of hacking maybe once every few weeks or so. MOST times, they aren't causing me direct harm and are annoying but not altering the outcome of the battle.

    It's usually the warp hacking variant. Always some low BR player with few achievements (new account)

    I don't see much hitbox/aim hacking. But I know for new players they get brutalized by good players and become convinced this is happening all the time.
  7. Gen.Drake61

    i cant say the same for the ps4 version,gonna provide a link to an announcement i made in my outfit recruitment post for ps4 which fell apart after a year and 2 months due to a number of factors i see are to blame for the way the ps4 version is going,currently im playing neverwinter because the game is so unbalanced and the way i see it,the tr faction is pretty much dead due to cheating,low pop,politics and to a much lesser extent the br game genre:
    Also the stats for ps4 server pop:
    A wikipedia article explaining the sanctions:
    And a couple of links to news articles:
    Article A.)
    Article B.)

    Overall its been horrible on ps4 to the point where i decided to take a temporary leave of absence from the game until dx11 is implemented or they anounce their shutting the ps4 version down rather than implementing dx11 on ps4,at this point im just gonna wait and see how the console community is treated,will it be like dust514 and ccp or not.
  8. Gen.Drake61

    Oh,and to clarify what was the final straw,its like this:
    after deciding to solo for a few days because i was constantly rage quiting and at the same time not having fun anymore due to these issues which started making my bipolar 2 disorder act up and started getting really depressed and then requesting multiple reinforcement orders when i was a squad leader(getting no help too,or ridiculed and mocked for getting onto players for ignoring my request for help.),i found out because things are so bad with tr pop wise,the community has decided to only listen to reinforcement requests from only outfits within an alliance.pop,cheating, and balance issues lead to me essentially having a falling out with the person i left in charge to manage the outfit,because i could no longer have fun and be competitive while doing it,one of our members left for 2 weeks to be at a family outing away from her ps4,so im sure she'll be upset when she reads the notifications i sent her,ultimately,leaving the game temporarily due to these issues lead to the complete failure and destruction of our outfit,the phantom menace (TphM),the guy i left in charge only wanted to be competitive (but would get very angry when someone was cheating and then when i would try to suggest he leave the game to calm down or if i got really depressed and started to say the game and our faction was dying,which is true,and either him or me would rage quit,i even got ridiculed in chat for pointing this out,that tr and the games dying.)where as i wanted be competitive while having fun at the same time,so he disbanded it and created a different outfit.
  9. Gen.Drake61

  10. Gen.Drake61

  11. Gen.Drake61

    I just shared it on fb,but im lmfao,wow just wow dbg!
  12. DeadlyOmen

    When I kill, it's skill.

    When I die, it's hackers.
  13. Gen.Drake61

    I honestly don't much care for the planetside franchise for ps4 anymore because they released it unfinished and broken,its wrong for these game development companies that do use the playerbase (regardless of platform) as beta testers,i even read an article on why some games fail within 3-5 years (this reason is one of them,dust514 was also one of these games),hell,i used to enjoy playing this game,now i see it as broken with the potential for it to be a success on ps4 as completely wasted.the main reason for this on ps4 is as follows:
    1.they released it as an unfinished (and essentially a light minimum version of the ps2 version of pc,which if they had used the dx11 api to begin with,it could have had all the content from pc on ps4,the crashing bug would probably never have happened,which caused a lot of players to leave(including the temkilling issues)and the playerbase would probably still have at least 2000 players on at a time instead of 300-400)and broken product on ps4,but because of this,they expected the playerbase to drop,although i don't think they expected it to drop this low.

    2.if they had investigated to make sure columbus nova didn't have any ties to any unscrupulous people and countries,the fallout and sanctions would NEVER have happened,this also applies to the racist and white suppremacist President of the usa (yes that means trump)essentially cheating his way into office,not only has he hurt us citizens and immigrants,in my eyes hes also hurt a great videogame franchise,so dbg is partly to blame for the current state of planetside 2 (regardless of platform)

    3.i suppose battle royale games like fortnite are a small issue,at least for me,the way i see it.

    4.the announcement that they would not focus on the teamkilling issues,this also goes for cheating,as ive reported multiple players for going under the map and killing opposing faction players,their still in game to this day,even when i gave the dbg cs video evidence,and like i said,i suspect these players can make new characters even after they've been banned,so it may mean they have no failsafe in place,some of us also suspect lag switching has now hit the game and playstation console community as sony filed a patent for a way to detect lag switching on the PlayStation Network and auto ban the users that are doing this,though it remains to be seen if sony implements this idea,the client is unstable and not really fully optimized for the ps4 hardware,so we cant tell for sure.

    5.the toxic community that had started to brew in 2017 on ps4,sure not everybody is toxic,but ive still seen a lot to the point that its unbelievable and had started to make my bipolar 2 go into overdrive,i think my meds aren't as effective anymore(i think im beginning to build up a resistance to them,so ive got to talk to my doctor about finding some new different meds for it,this issue doesnt help,and its effected me mentally as well.)

    Because of this,it makes me see dbg as not really caring about the console community,more like they want our money for a broken and unfinished product as far as subscriptions are concerned.
  14. DeadlyOmen

    Where did you get your game design degree?

    Graduate, or post-grad?
  15. Gen.Drake61

    i get it,your trolling me,well,guess what,its called constructive criticism,and its directed at the way they handled the game,and these issues eventually results in an unhealthy game and eventually a game that fails and gets shutdown because all the players have left,its why dust514 failed,i still dislike ccp for blaming the console market and community for THEIR failure. specifically 1,4, and 5.
  16. FredM

    You can shoot vehicles with an archer it just takes some shots. What is the cheat about it?
  17. adamts01

    People greatly overestimate how many hackers are in this game. But if you haven't seen one in 6 months, it's simply because you don't know the game well enough yet.

    That's all he knows how to do. Don't even bother responding.
  18. Towie

    I have to agree and as the player base continues to diminish, we seem to be left with those longer term players who are just a bit too good (in a suspicious way) but as they bought something with DBC once - they appear to be immune to any sort of ban.

    Meanwhile the cannon fodder (us) just get chewed up, fed up and try something else.

    The harsh conclusion is that PS2 will increasingly be inhabited by cheats as a proportion of all players - still, at least for once it will be a fairer fight all round.

    (I've always wondered what a cheat does when they are killed by a fellow cheat - do they /report or just move on ?)
  19. adamts01

    I haven't seen anything to make me believe they protect paying players. If that ever came out, it would be game over. But their silent approach to bans, while seeing ridiculous exploits daily, makes it feel like they don't do anything. I know they do ban, but I wish they'd take PS2's old approach and be a little more transparent as to how many they're banning. They're trying to push the narrative that cheaters are few and far between, and that very well may be, but their PR campaign failed, and the narrative is that cheaters are everywhere. That's what potential new players hear. Daybreak really needs to change their approach.
  20. Gen.Drake61

    i agree