Resist vs NMG shield change clarification

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bu11ish, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. Jubikus

    you know i played a bit today with the nerfs and honestly it doesnt really do anything. I still win most 1v1s against other classes base healthpool + 750 or 450 both are still higher than that guy.
  2. Eternaloptimist

    Doesn't sound stupid to me - NMG stacks with Nanoweave so the comparison shows total protection offered with each shield type.

    So, Resist is a bit weaker and has to be deployed early for best effect, but gives protection to other forms of attack. Adrenaline recharges a bit if you get a kill and NMG just ups your HP for a bit. But all to a more similar level of protection.

    Sounds like choice of shield is now more about matching your playstyle than about which gives the biggest HP. Looks like a good change to me.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    Its looks stupid because its depending on a variable(Nanoweave) that may or may not be into play.
  4. Smoo

    Why should that be an argument? The resist change is global, so you'll probably get the same result now, since his shield is less as well. Just faster. Slight chance of both heavies dying, perhaps?

    Now, if you wound up with a sliver of life left after getting jumped by a NON-HA class pre-nerf, you'd likely wind up dead with less of a shield post-nerf.
  5. Ximi

    LOL,i know now,what the thread is talking about. The NMG is nerfed but buffed too. It absorb less total damage,but reload at same speed as resist shield and stack with nanoarmor,it will be the best for me. I cant count the times i face an enemy HA with the default shields while i have resist shields,do u know who win the battle????? Yes,the NMG one. I like those changes.
  6. wolf113

    Nanoweave and flak armor bonuses only apply when shield is inactive/depleted.
    At 40% effective Nanoweave esistance, that means a heavy has effectively 1000/0.6 = 1667 HP.
    At 450 more HP and a lV.5 20% resistance, that means a heavy has effectively 1000/0.80 = 1250 HP+450nmg = 1700hp

    Cost nmg+Nanoweave 861+1211 = 2072 VS Resist Shield 1000
    headshot + flak 40% effective resistance + 1 free
    Suit slot. ,no
    drain over time ,1667 HP VS NMG 1700

  7. Beerbeerbeer

    I like resist shield for one simple reason: head-shots.

    I could care less what shield I have on against the average rank-and-file player, it's those times that I need every crutch I can get my hands on against those head-shot happy veterans. It makes all the difference. I aim for the head whenever I can and I can tell when someone has resist on.
  8. Gundem

    Same here, I can't tell you how much I wish we had an actual headshot marker that wasn't disabled with Resist shield.

    Honestly it's probably one of the reasons the "MLG" guys run it, it's harder to fight them since you can't ever tell if you are getting headshots.

    I haven't seen the math done yet, but it would seem that against Headshots, Resist provides a better EHP then NMG does.
  9. NXR1

    I coulda sworn NMG was considered an "object" so it didnt take modified damage from headshots.
  10. Gundem

    It wouldn't be so much as NMG specifically having it's own effect as it is the nature of mathematics.

    For example, slower firing higher damage weapons work better against higher defense enemies because they are effected by the defense modifier less often; such statistics are generally more useful for RPG's though.

    My guess would be that for whatever reason, reducing the doubled damage of a headshot by 40% is more effective then trying to add a 450 damage buffer. But as I said, I haven't done the math myself so I can't say for sure.