Render Distance Testing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diiiii, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Diiiii

    Wen do the other servers get this? if seen vids/pics and am already loving it cant wait for it need it now!
  2. Bloodlet

    I've been asking too. I asked on the PS2 twitter last night and was told they would check and get back to me but I'm stil waiting for an answer as of now.
  3. Phyr

    Think Higby said they're still monitoring performance before rolling it out to everyone.
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  4. Bloodlet

    Good for him, don't care. The other servers want to experience the good things that are happening on Miller and connery now without wasting time on a throw away character to see for themselves.
  5. SpecOps Delta

    I am from Miller and it is just great - I can use my x10 and x12 scope for the first time effectively! Great job SOE - give this to all servers :D
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  6. Diiiii

    the should just do it and see what it does imo
  7. Phyr

    The last time they "just did it" there was a problem and a **** storm followed. Now they actually want to test it and you're ******** that it's taking too long.
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  8. Diiiii

    uhm no am not, am just asking wen the do it l2read next time befor posting some failtroll
  9. Phyr

    I don't think you know what "troll" means.
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  10. PsychoBat

    **** off with your whine. You'll get your stuff, no need to be a ****tard because developers want to actually test if the changes are stable.
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  11. Bloodlet

    LOL could you possibly project any more?
  12. TheRealMetalstorm

    PsychoBat actually has a valid point. Please counter his point with a sound argument or otherwise shut the uck up.
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  13. Bloodlet

    Actually no he didn't and no I don't need to since he made no point. He simply whined about my post which was not a whine.
  14. control-z

    Is it on Jaeger? Because I thought I saw a big difference last night, I was in on a tech plant main building up high could see the blue triangles of friendly troops flowing in from an outskirt facility.

    OTOH, I wasn't hitting crap last night, I could spot far-off enemies but it seemed like I was only hitting 1 out of 20 shots. That was the default NC engy gun with a 4x scope. I guess the cone of fire is very wide at that range and I wasn't used to having anything to shoot at that far away.
  15. TheRealMetalstorm

    Please view your previous post:
    Here, you state that "the other servers want to experience the good things [...] now". I have omitted the details in your statement pertaining to which exact servers the test is being carried out on, for simplicity. This should not affect the meaning and implication of the quote significantly. Please correct me if I am wrong and provide an alternative.

    Am I correct in saying that you wish for these changes (render distance) to be deployed on all other servers?

    If so, then you need to realise that new features should always be tested comprehensively before being rolled out.

    Unfortunately, this would mean that you cannot "experience the good things [...] now". I am merely reiterating the point made by PsychoBat. I hope you understand better.
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  16. Bloodlet

    My post was quite clear and said without any emotional conotation. The testing was widely reported to be a success by everyone who experienced it. Thereore my statement was for the devs to roll it out to the rest of the servers. I'm not sure why that is so hard to understand.
  17. Ghroznak

    They have done something about rendering distance on Miller ?

    I just came from Miller and the rendering distance thing is horrible. Perhaps it is good for snipers, I dunno... I never care about sniping.

    But several times while inside a BioLab did I jump down from a roof as my Light Assault onto the ground where it looked clear... only to have multiple enemies render in and shoot my face off.

    This happened more than once.

    In addition there were several glitches where people where "stuck" midair, or running through the air (even though they were classes such as Heavy Assault) and you could shoot them and kill them without them doing anything.

    So rendering is good on Miller?

    I feel it's so horrible I actually gave up playing right now.
  18. Bloodlet

    If your experience is from after today's hotfix, I read that they turned their rendering "fix" back off again. You would have noticed it probably from Monday until they took servers down this morning for the hotfix.

  19. Ghroznak

    That figures. I only started playing on Miller today after Lithcorp has become totally screwed up on global pop balance.

    It is really shoddy right now at least, the rendering distance.

    What I don't get is why they are forcing players in a game made in 2012/2013 to have rendering options that cater to PC's from pre-Y2K.
  20. Wasdie

    I would rather them not crash all of their servers or drastically increase latency on all of their servers.

    Not all servers are created equal. What works on one won't always work on another.
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