remove this ******* **** from the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalEnigmaVS, Oct 4, 2014.

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  1. CaptainGallows

    To OP: Dude... go away... turn around and run far away from this game.
    It's your kind of people that gets everything nerfed around here. Maxes are fine as they are. HA shields, fine too. LA might get some more fuel for his jets though... and the infiltrator needs the visibility of the cloak reduced by 20% for it all to be fair.

    People like you hate on other things cause they aint pray and spray. Cause things seem overpowering, ignoring the weaknesses each of em present. When someone knows how to play around the weaknesses he aint overpowered... he's just better.
    Go play more HA and whine about the infiltrator in your back or the max you couldnt kill head on.

    ******** like you just nerfed us infiltratorplayers down the ground. (1 setting for cloak= great. Current setting= too visible)
    Every class has its niche, and you won't be happy till each of em lose it and only the heavies are left with guns in their hands.

    **** you.
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  2. DatVanuMan

    BRO. Chill:( I was just joking, man:(
  3. gigastar

    Well if you arent thinking then you usually end up on the recieving end of a rocket or C4 that much sooner.
  4. Ceiu

    Jesus tapdancing Christ, OP, learn to play. If you see a MAX and have no idea how healthy it is and then you charge it... Well, you're kinda dumb/suicidal/having fun and not caring and deserve to lose. Use your environment and/or brain and figure out a less brute-forcy way to deal with it.

    One rocket and five to ten shotgun blasts = dead MAX; and that's not even hard to do quickly. Lob rocket, duck behind cover for a second, switch weapons, engage rambo-mode.

    Keep practicing and eventually you'll realize most of these things can be dealt with rather easily. But do try to refrain from these rage posts calling for nerfs to things that are more issues with your current skill level than balance issues.
  5. cdavis13

    I would like to see a timer restored for maxes. Right now, you can (almost) pull maxes infinitely. IMHO, there should be a 30 minute timer, so you'd have to consider, tactically, the best time to pull one.
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  6. EpicBlaster117

    How to solve maxes killing you in 3 simple steps!
    1. Get C4
    2. ????
    3. Profit
    No really, c4 if amazing vs maxes..
  7. Winfield

    I agree, MAX units ruin infantry fights.

    It's pretty dull to find a small infantry fight late at night only to have it ruined by MAXes. The problems with the MAX spam only escalates when the fights get bigger.
  8. LibertyRevolution

    You have 200 hours of your 238 hours of gameplay in a max suit.
    Yet your max class SPM is 218...
    So I have to ask.. Do you even leave the spawn room buddy??
  9. Wizlawz

    well the MAX reminds me of a MECH / MECH SUIT ....isn't that what it is suppose to portray here?

    so i would think it is supposed to take more damage and etc?
  10. Wizlawz

    ROFL :p
  11. Iridar51

    So your logic is "it looks tough so it must be OP"? Take more damage is such a relative term. 5% more damage and 1600% more damage are quite different, don't you agree?
  12. MAXArmar

    Well, killing infantry normally gives me around 100 XP/kill, so that explains something. If I wanted more certs faster I would play something else. And yes I do have to leave the spawnroom to make my kills.
  13. iller

    alright if you say so. But still, the whole ravens thing really gets blown out of proportion by everyone else atleast
  14. LibertyRevolution

    It tells me you are being a scrub in a skillsuit even when there are not 2 guys to kill a min..
    Players like you destroy small fights...
    My decimator tends accidentally hit players like you, be happy you are not on emerald.

    Terminals should take population into account on what units you can spawn in a hex/continent.
    If you are not outnumbered 3:1, then it should grey out maxes.

    Bring your max into a hex that you have too much pop, your nanites desolve your into a light assualt.
    Same should go for tanks and planes too.

    I'm sick of it, so are a lot of others..
    Maybe that is why this game, across all servers combined, on Friday, at primetime, doesn't even have 5000 players...

    It certainly isn't because free FPS games are not popular, as others have 10x the players of this game.
    My vote, its the cheese, players like you, that are actively killing this game.

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  15. Bixli

    ...QQ ©.
  16. Gicod

    Gee, a nerf/remove MAX thread. Welcome to the last 11 years of Forumside.

    MAX suits - OMG RUINING PLANETSIDE! Since 2003.
  17. Jeslis

    This is actually a really good idea.
    max auto detect @50m or so.
    Hell, even give them a suit slot for stealth!
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  18. Axehilt

    Why remove them when you could instead balance them?

    They're a massive problem and completely trump infantry. I use them to do so all the time. But combat would be way more interesting if they couldn't trump infantry, and if instead there was a lot more counter-play between classes, and reliance on teammates (people try to claim MAXes are teamwork-reliant, but in my 49-killstreak I was repaired maybe 3 separate times, which accounted for maybe 15 of the kills? The rest were basically solo, apart from teammates distracting the enemy from all targeting me of course.)
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  19. _itg

    And yet the MAX costs more than any of those.
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  20. Iridar51

    Cost? What cost? Nanites that regenerate over time, free of charge, you don't have to earn, or do anything. Hell, you can even AFK at the warpgate for 10 minutes.
    1. MAXes are free, stop kidding yourself.
    2. Even with pretend they're not, are you really going to argue someone should be rewarded just because he spent nanites and the other guy didn't? MAXside 2 is a good thing?
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