remove this ******* **** from the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalEnigmaVS, Oct 4, 2014.

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  1. andy_m

    Okay... Seeing as you asked nicely :D
  2. MAXArmar

    Infantrymen tears are so delicious!
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  3. iller

    Oh just stop it. For all the damn posts YOU make about how nothing the VS have is OP, and how the Devs are doing everything so damn well.... you don't get to exaggerate the Ravens as being some unstoppable unbalanced Death-LaserMissile. Nor does the damn OP who's wearing a light assault Avatar. Maybe this is only a secret that the NC know, but when you're operating Ravens, you're a sitting duck to flanking. You don't get to just rapid fire off a bunch in a row and have them hit a moving target automatically. No it literally puts you in a Sniper role / tunnel vision. Infact it's worse. Atleast with a Bolt action you can stop and look around everytime you fire it, and still have roughly the same DPS output.

    But with ravens equipped you're constantly having C4 lobbed at you b/c these guys are RELENTLESS and scurying over every hill like red fire Ants. I have to run Flak 4 armor which means no regen. And allied engineers on the NC are so unbelievably bad that it's way way faster to just run back to spawn, switch to autorepair, and then just sit there for a minute before going back out again. Seriously, I'll spend maybe a half hour derping around with Raven (half of it in the spawn room regening) not even trying to kill anything, and still have 10 bricks lobbed at me in that short span of time. Just the sound of them attracts these gnats from every corner of the hex. I've been using it more often lately just to lure them in for some cheap PAAUNCH kills instead. It's just way more reliable at close range than a wire guided rocket that only does 300 dmg and has no real splash.
  4. NinjaTurtle

    But Bio Labs are 1% of the game

    F**K that k/d

    I take it you are a skill suit (ab)user?..... either that or you are amazing
  5. MAXArmar

    Yes, skillsuit abuser!
  6. AdmiralArcher

    MAX suits are SUPER easy to kill

    go get some dam C4 and use it....i actually feel bad about killing MAX units with C4 because its too easy......MAX units are not OP you just need to learn how to deal with them properly as an infantry player.

    the only MAX weapons that i think need some resistance adjustments are the Ravens....otherwise the MAX weapons are pretty good for now
  7. Inex

    You main LA and just finished getting your shotgun directives. Of all people, you should know that MAXs aren't as strong as Forumside makes out.
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  8. Jonesing25

    Are you saying that operating a max suit requires much thought process and provides a challenge?
  9. CipherNine

    Can your lobstersuit play them sad song with the world's smallest violin?
  10. Iridar51

    1. Uhm, no, I didn't finish my shotgun directives. I haven't even started, and don't really plan on it. What shotgun kills I had were for LA directives, to get that royal ugly armor.

    2. I really hate when people bring that "of all people" thing.
    Like it or not, I am that part of planetside that "makes out" MAXes as crutches for brainless players that are so ridiculously OP that it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. That kind of broken **** has no place in a fun game nor in competitive game.

    Yeah, they can be killed. Doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with them. They "only" take 10 to 16 times more hits than a "normal" infantryman, or explosive firepower enough to take out a tank. Jep, totally nothing wrong here. SNAFU.
  11. CipherNine

    Quite frankly, 48+ fights would suck without MAXs because TTK in those fights is so low that you get instagibbed as soon as you try to rush the enemy. I agree though that MAXs make smaller fights less fun but it is no reason to remove them completely out of the game.
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  12. Dethfield

    Man up and deal with it, or suck on my scattercannon barrels.
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  13. Inex

    That's kind of my point. They have more HP, but not that much more when compared to the damage per mag of the shotguns. Have you seriously never come up behind a MAX with an auto-shotty and just giggled to yourself?
  14. Popper100

    You know, since the last MAX whine thread I've paid more attention to the number of times MAXes piss me off. Aside from Scatmaxjohn periodically running face first into me to cap my face, it is extremely low. You know they are coming, you know whether you can deal with them or not, and you know you can overwhelm them with numbers. They don't regen unless they have a slot for that, which means they'll get chewed up by grenades and near miss rockets. They can't aim. And I think their head hitbox is bigger.

    So if you are complaining that they "shouldn't be in a fun game" I have to disagree. I think it is a very fun thing to fight against and a useful tool for when you need to break entrenched enemies.
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  15. Maphreal

    If you gave the NC some sort of Gauss gun that had similar range to VS and TR AI weapons, I could get behind this. But as it is, shotgun MAXes pretty much rely on meatgrinder rooms and surprise face ******.
  16. cruczi

    If the MAX is halfway competent, you're dead.
  17. Iridar51

    I've done it a couple of times, I even bring it up in one of my videos.
    This is still not an indication of anything. That's like saying "doh MAXes take just 1-2 C4". It's same/more explosives than a Harasser / Valk / ESF take to destroy, and these are multi-ton armored vehicles.

    Yeah, you can kill a MAX with ~14 full hits with a full auto shotguns. We're talking about the most cheesy weapon in the game here, and even that requires two full mags.
  18. Iridar51

    I'm rushing the enemy just fine without a MAX. It's within game's rules to use a MAX, but don't you dare trying to justify using it, like you somehow "need" a MAX to play. Be honest and admit you're only using it have an easy time getting free kills.
  19. Inex

    And if they've got backup, and if you're in bad terrain.

    But even with all that going against you, the MAX is still going to be halfway dead. I'm not one of the people who considers anything I can't 1v1 to be OP. If I can take a 450 Nanite super-suit down to 1/3rd health with nothing but a semi-auto shotty, I think that's a pretty good trade. That usually results in a "Hey, you might be dead, but here's 350XP for a MAX kill assist while you wait to respawn."
    Which is at worst 1/3rd the Nanite cost. A pretty good exchange rate.

    But I'm not trying to argue that MAXs aren't a good investment of Nanites. They just aren't these unstoppable doom machines that whip people into a frenzy.
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  20. Surmise

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