Remove Raven from the Game or make it NS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roarboar, May 3, 2013.

  1. TeknoBug

    I have a real funny feeling that MAX will get AA weapons with the appropriate names soon (except Burster is already being used), I loved the PS1 Sparrow, the Starfire was a pain in the neck because you had to maintain lockon for the orbs to track.
  2. SolidSnake

    Our shields can't repel whining of that magnitude!

    I might as well wait for the inevitable nerf since we all know the best VS weapon in the game is the insane amount of whining they can produce. Not long ago it was the Phoenix, now they have their next target on their list of nerfs to request, the Raven.
    • Up x 1
  3. jdono67894

    I have been decorating the ground with exploded vanu corpses with my ravens.
    You can cry and cry and beg for a nerf but they will never be tamed.

    The sound they make alone is enough to force a VS player to soil their pants.
  4. MykeMichail

    I decided to try out the Raven in VR. Expecting a powerful guided anti-vehicle rocket, I laughed when I put the first to rounds into the front of a tank and watched its health barely more.

    I really don't know what people are complaining about.

    You have the TR's new AV weapon - rapid fire, fire and forget anti-armor rounds with a projectile speed approaching that of the slower carbines in the game, and the VS new AV weapon - basically 2 MAX mounted Lancers which can accurately hit anything bigger than a Flash at ridiculous ranges.

    Then you have the NC's Raven, which is a slow moving projectile which makes an annoying whilstling sound and requires the user to keep their aim on target for the entire flight to target.

    At least with the engineers AV turret you can shoot it, aim it for something, and jump out whilst it reloads so you don't get sniped.
  5. NaySayer

  6. Benton!

    Asymmetrical balance people. And it's not even that good anyway.
    Asymmetrical balance...

    The grass is always greener...
  7. Ghosty11

    How many adjustments after release did it take to make the Lancer decent? How many nerfs did the Phoenix get after release? I wouldn't say people were wrong about the Lancer or Phoenix upon release, the Lancer maybe fine now, but it was utter dog crap when it was released.

    I haven't tried the new MAX AV weapons yet myself, but from the sounds of it, looks like we may have the same issues. Will SOE ever learn from their mistakes?
  8. GamerOS

    The Magrider was OP for how long? And who were defending it? The vanu, what a coincidence!
    The Prowler was OP for how long? And who were defending it? The TR, what a coincidence!
    The TR Infantry weapons were OP for how long? And who were defending it? The TR, what a coincidence!
    The VS Infantry weapons were OP for how long? And who were defending it? The vanu, what a coincidence!
    The Annihilator was OP for how long? And who were defending it? Everyone who had one ever, what a coincidence!

    Don't pretend this bloody whining is an NC only trait.

    If I could fill an ocean with the tears this forum produced it would be overflowing by now.

    At this point I've stopped buying any new NC weapons, they all turn out to be 'op' and get nerfed.
  9. Roarboar

    Agreed, not much to discuss. I expect the damage of the ravens to be a quarter of what they are now the next hotfix.
  10. DashRendar

    The Raven isn't even that useful outside of novelty. I saw the Raven (Sparrow as it were) coming down the pipeline and bought a second Falcon instead.
  11. Roarboar

    Your opinion is noted, and im sure it will be a quarter useful compared to now in just a few days.
  12. Kireles

    No AV MAX weapon is that useful outside of novelty, lets be honest, if you're going against a tank and you aren't in a tank yourself, you need to be mobile, something AV MAXes are not... maybe ZOE MAXes could do it, but I doubt it. IMO I think TR's new AV weapon is the only good one, but I'm still happy with my ol' comets for those rare occasions that I need to pull AV weapons on my MAX ^^