Remove Raven from the Game or make it NS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roarboar, May 3, 2013.

  1. Badname82

    I apparently missed this edit.

    I am waiting for you to acknowledge you have not actually used the Vortex at all, and pulled the numbers you revealed before out of thin air.

    I'm not trying to deceive anyone. I actually test stuff in game before I make posts.

  2. Vixxing

    Let me explain as easy as i can: 1. Vanu gun long range! 2. hard to aim long range if best damage achieved by peppering both mousebuttons simoultanesly 3. damage dont matter if shot no hit 4. put a carbine on single shot and jump around and try to hit ppl 400m "no zoom" away and then think "wow this would be even harder with 1 in each hand" 4. use a carbine single shot mode and try to hit an infiltrator 8 times in close combat... (when you win such fights regularly you are ready to use new VS gun)
  3. BadLlama

    As a member of an opposing faction that got a good weapon I am appalled by the dev's decision to give said faction said weapon. I feel that said weapon should be a weapon for all factions because said weapon is so good. If not said weapon should be removed from the game and said faction should have to deal with it because my factions said weapons equivalent is not good in my objective opinion.
  4. Intruder313

    The NC MAX has a way to kill Infantry beyond 7m now? That would almost bring them up to the level of the VS/TR meatgrinders!!!

    Meh, I tested the Raven in the VR and thought "I've paid for a Falcon I'm not paying again for a replacement".
  5. siddar

    What actually happens if you enter your already preset turret and instantly get one shotetd by a Initrator. If you're fighting NC a Phoenix missile will explode your turret with you in it within about five seconds if infiltrator happens to miss.

    After that the HA will keep firing at tanks while constantly moving.
  6. Badname82

    Your points would be easier to understand if you hit the enter key once in a while.

    This comparison is flawed. The Vortex has, for close combat ranges, instant hit capability. You click, it hits. You are basically saying no one has ever killed anyone else in close combat with:

    Battle Rifles
    Semi-Auto sniper rifles

    I'm pretty sure the above stuff has happened in close combat. At close combat these weapons all pretty much instant hit too...the travel time is below human threshholds to notice.

    Also this point:

    "hard to aim long range if best damage achieved by peppering both mousebuttons simoultanesly"

    You apparently have never used NC Max shotguns like the Mattock with slugs. This is exactly how the Mattock behaves...and all semi-auto weapons behave.
  7. Hpool aka BigNutz

    Yeah because most NC quite happily tk themselves over and over again with said weapon to realise how op it is then cry nerf.. Because that's how this game rolls tk your own..
  8. Vixxing

    Well try doing the same at 400 meters...

    And try doing the same if it took 8 direct hits from a scatmax to kill ONE infiltrator...
  9. Odin

    Also just to add, the further you are away the slower the ravens take to kill because of travel time. I would like to see a dps and ttk video at 250 metres between the fracture, raven and vs av weapons.
    I would bet the fracture wins hands down, because of the slow *** raven travel times.
  10. Patrician

    Just pointing out how fallacious your argument was/is.
  11. Odin

    Ohh and the ravens cannot even hit anything outside 300 metres because our rounds blow up at that range.
    Sounds like vs and tr want the same advantages as ravens but not the drawbacks, i would take the exact same damage on all 3 at 250 metres if they all stopped working at 300 metres.
  12. SuBs

    Agreed. They are an absolute plague and they taint every game that they come into contact with.
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  13. SuBs

    Great Odin's Raven!
  14. Odin

    Sorry just love when people report damage with no travel time and forget to mention a raven max is just a free 400 xp in a battle over 300 metres.
  15. Kookamunga

    I read " charge up " in the description of the new VS max weapon. First thought as a VS player , was " figures" and did NOT EVEN THINK twice about not buying it.

    Still have not even thought about buying the " GLANCER" after trying that P OS in the VR.

    Phoenix , Striker , now this debacle. SOE is certainly not about fair gameplay , its pretty obvious. I really dont care of SOE ever fixes this debacle.

    Gonna switch to NC for awhile because , why not play with the OP cr ap. Gonna be fun ROFLSTOMPING with population advantages.
  16. Vixxing

    Let me put it this way: Well imagine that 8 suuuuuuuuuperskilled MAX held a height with new "Glancer gun"

    They might kill 2-3 tanks before a LA with c4 shows up... who would your money be on?

    One HA surprising 8 MAX with c4 or the fact that the 8 MAX players that will need to it him prolly 12-14 times to kill him? (if healthpack and mesh-armored considering that he flies and they got long range weapons)

    My money is on the LA! (i would frankly rather be the LA so i changed to NC myself because this is ridicolous beyond any reason)

    Would you be satisfied and spend 2k cr on a weapon that takes 8 direct hits to kill 1 infantery with for your MAX?

    Well if it 1 shot killed armor from 800m maybe... (one infiltrator would still knife you to ****)

    If it takes 18 s of 100% hits peppering both mousebuttons against a moving target at 400 m unzoomed? Probably not...
  17. Vixxing

    OOH! and plz test weapon before you respond because all my statements are accurate
  18. MrGurrenLemfox

    So your suggestion to buff the vortex without make it a instant win button for VS max is ?
  19. RHINO_Mk.II

    I'd hate to see what a guy with a spear could do to someone trying to fiddle with arming a nuclear weapon.
  20. MrHenderson

    NC trying to defend this as balanced or l2p are pathetic. The reason almost nobody has credibility around here is because of **** like this...never admitting to anything on "your" empire being excessive but the second something seems OP on the other two, look out.
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