[Suggestion] Remove Kill/Death Stats... COMPLETELY

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xc0n, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. failbot

    And trying to stay alive and cap a point isn't good for team play? Trying to take out as many targets as you can before dying is essential in taking a base unless you are part of the huge zerg that always gathers around.

    Or I guess you can just mindlessly zerg rush too...
  2. LuNaTIcFrEAk

    I disagree with you:

    The way I see it is the design of the game is not "capturing objectives". The design of the game is a wide open world where people can play many different roles as they see fit. Lone wolfs, squads, outfits can all create their own objectives. You cannot force someone to play the game "your way"

    K/D removal will be very bad for this game. I grew up playing Rouge Spear and Ghost Recon, way back them there was no "respawn". You died and you sat until the next round, people played with tactics, teamwork was a must to stay alive.If you remove the K/D there will be no incentive to stay alive, everyone will just join the zerg rush, throwing bodies into the meat grinder till the next objective is overwhelmed.

    The #1 fix to this whole problem is not limiting peoples ability to see stats or to do this or do that.
    The way to fix the problem is to make all ways of playing rewarding, some sort of metagame. Possibly a reward for capping a continent, like a faction wide vote on what warp gate you get on the next rotation (if they ever implement the brilliant warp gate rotation idea"
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  3. failbot

    You can literally buy score in this game. So yea, it's way more accurate in showing the persons skill level than KDR. Obviously people with 6month premium and 50% boosters are way WAY more skilled than everyone else.

    /End sarcasm
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  4. ArrowRL201

    "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
    -Sun Tzu

    KDR is irrelevant.
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  5. CrunchSlamchest

    Overall, yes, it is a far more accurate representation of skill. Just because Jimmy rolls a sniper, engi, or medic, doesn't mean he sucks. He's contributing in a completely different way. Just because Joe is platoon lead and organizing forces most of the time doesn't mean he sucks. Just because Jane never rolls a vehicle, doesn't mean she sucks.

    Vehicle farmer (typically engi class) dominates KDR. That is a fact, given public statistics. I'm cool with that. Lib gunners and MBT drivers *should* always have the highest KDR. That said, KDR should not be the "end all be all" stat for everyone that it is right now. I just don't understand the rationale arguing against this (unless you're a vehicle farmer, of course).
  6. Protential

  7. SinerAthin

    What's the difference between mindlessly zerg rushing and taking out as many people as you can before you die in an attack?

    Do you think people won't return fire if KDR was turned off?
  8. Protential

    The point is, you people argue about KDR like its plaguing this game.

    It will just make the mindles zerg BIGGER if you remove KDR...

    And copy and paste

    Its the fact that death is pointless, means nothing, and you can often be right back in the spot you died in in 10 seconds or less...This promotes bad players to beat their face on the wall until it cracks a little bit. Makes absolutely no sense, and is far less productive then finding another avenue of attack. These are the players they get flustrated and start zerging around because rushing in A over and over through the same door made no progress. We need to find a way to make death matter. Such as INCREASE SPAWN TIMERS. I would gladly trade KDR stats, or ALL Stats for a longer death timer, so newbs will stop rushing around carelessly.

    Again I say, increase spawn timers...So you idiots stop thinking the best way to win a fight is to run in and die until your opponent is out of ammo...Its just stupid, people like you are the ones who are going to ruin this game, not the KDR advocates.
    On the contray, its rather amusing to sit out of your spawn with my Shotgun max watching you beat your face off the barrel of my gun over and over praying to get a luck rocket kill, not realizing I am wearing flak armor and have 2 engineers on me.
  9. Uben Qui

    When they rob the populace of information and the people still play the game the same. What will they try next? :(
  10. Protential

    Oh, and in b4 some retarted *** MOD Lock this thread because it has a real discussion going on.

    I suspect they are going to remove KDR, and allow you to respawn where you died with a 0 second cool down they way they lock any threads that touch on these issues.

    Seriously. Forum mod's are ******* *******.
  11. failbot

    Yes what is the difference between beating multiple enemies with a small squad and taking a point and HURR DURR LETS ALL JUST RUN IN AND ZERG THE **** OUT OF THEM AHAHAA DURRRRR.

    I dunno.
  12. AmazingBob

    Terrible choice in quoting.
  13. SinerAthin

    And how exactly does KDR make Outfits more encouraged to win?

    How would it make the zerg bigger, exactly?
  14. CrunchSlamchest

    /begin threadjack

    That post addresses a separate topic: penalizing players for dying.
    While it seems to make sense on the surface, it's been tried since EQ1. Result: never works. Long story short, in video games (as in real life...but especially in video games since folks are doing this for fun) if you want to change behavior, then you want to avoid "punishments so you won't do X" and focus instead on "perks so that you will do Y."

    /end threadjack
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  15. failbot

    You could make an argument for that, if you couldn't buy it via real money!

    Bob is a F2P member. He repairs a tank and gets 100 xp.

    John is a member with 50% booster. He repairs a tank and gets 200 xp.

    Well, John has a better score so he is more skilled!
  16. Alkasirn

    KDR being removed entirely would probably cause more people to quit than it would cause people to stay/join, really. But as it stands right now, our KDR is thrown all over the interface and it does affect how most people play (read: causes most people to avoid playing the objective). I'd like to be able to put in a command like "/kdr" in the chat or something so the game stops bugging me about it, that's all.

    Here's a situation I was in that showed just that: The VS/NC front on Indar was in a dead lock where every single NC just camped Zurvan and Tawrich. Happens a lot on my server, don't know about everywhere though. Anyway, my outfit pushed through and captured all the smaller areas up to... Rust Mesa I believe? We then defended Rust Mesa for a good half hour against a force that was probably 2-3x our size. After we lost Rust Mesa we looked to the map and saw VS pushed NC real far back and ended up taking many areas (such as Zurvan and Rashnu) My outfit helped provide the influence and distraction to remove major facilities from NC's grasp, we had really done our part!

    ...Then I hit tab to look at how many certs I collected. My eyes wandered over a little and I noticed the whole expedition got me about a 2.1 k/d as pure infantry. Pfft. My average as infantry is 2.3. So: despite doing a good job and indirectly causing NC to almost get gated on Indar, I thought I did bad. Of course shortly after thinking that I was overtaken by reason and it didn't bother me. Here's the thing, though: most people don't have basic reasoning skills. They'll be discouraged from making pushes like that because it's not as easy to get a high K/D as, say, hiding as a MBT in the middle of a zerg and farming kills.
  17. failbot

    It encourages them to kill more people, thus beating the opposite side. I'm a officer and a 2nd squad leader in a small outfit, KDR isn't an obstacle for team play.

    Because people wouldn't care about dying, so they would just zerg more. Thus making the zerg bigger.
  18. Protential

    Because the zerg is full of noobs not working together not caring about dying, they just want to hit you with a rocket or two and pray for some certs before they get killed. The only people not doing this are organized squads, or players who don't want a **** KDR

    "And how exactly does KDR make Outfits more encouraged to win?"

    It doesn't, but it damn sure doesn't do the opposite, you fail to realize we are not saying "ADD KDR IT WILL MAKE PLAYERS PLAY BETTER"

    We are defending the idea, that removing it will make players play differently.

    Stop trying to switch roles with us, it was you guys bright *** idea that removing KDR would effect over all gameplay
  19. Protential

    I am not even high yet, and I can not decipher the code in the message.

    It goes hand in hand with KDR.

    The reason your KDR is terrible and you want it gone, is because you do not get penalized for dying and you make ignorant choices over and over and over and over...

    If you were being penalized for dying, you would not be making such stupid choices, your KDR would be somewhat realistic, instead of extremely deflated. And thus you would have no problem with the statistic being there, because you would not be in fear of being judged by it.

    Also anyone who stops trying to take objectives, will just lose the entire continient to the team that just continues to play normally if a spawn timer is introduced.
  20. ArrowRL201

    Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a LITTLE more about fighting than YOU DO, PAL, because he INVENTED IT!

    And then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honour!