[Suggestion] Remove Kill/Death Stats... COMPLETELY

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xc0n, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. xc0n

    This has been mentioned by other players on some articles that i've read on other websites, and i could not agree more.

    I am very pleased with PlanetSide2. I can truly & easily say that i love this game.
    I'm also very pleased with this new & major patch that will be released, i believe, at the end of January as you mentioned. I see a lot of good adjustments & modifications coming, and i am personally looking forward to them as a player.

    However, a modification/change that i would have loved to have seen in this upcoming patch, and i will emphasize on this as much as i can, is to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE KILL/DEATH RATIO STATS.
    SOE, i promise you... and 110% guarantee you... that if you can fulfill this, PlanetSide 2 will truly become more of the game that you ideally want it to be.
    And i mean COMPLETELY ELIMINATING the ability to view Kill/Death Stats everywhere such as: the in-game player hub, online profile stats, etc... just completely not available at all. non-existent to players.

    It's quite simple. When gamers have the ability to view their Kill/Death Stats, a few things happen:
    -Players enjoy the feeling of knowing that they have a POSITIVE K/D Ratio, which causes that to be
    their priority in the game.
    -Players always want to maintain a POSITIVE K/D Ratio to brag about & show-off to other players & friends.
    -Players become **** about their K/D ratio, so they avoid the front lines and try to pick up as many easy kills as
    possible to maintain POSITIVE.

    In the end, for the reasons that i just stated, it causes players to avoid the actual objetive, and doesn't allow players to play through the game in the ideal concept that it's supposed to be played as. It ruins the gaming experience for everyone. (and this goes for all games, not just PS2)

    Thank you for your time & your business.
    And i will repeat this line one more time... that if you can fulfill this, PlanetSide 2 will truly become more of the game that you ideally want it to be.

    -Victor "xc0n"
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  2. Protential

    /signed as quitting this game if they remove KDR to baby all the terrible players.

    KDR changes no ones attitude, good players still will not rush to their deaths, instead they will probably feel less attatchment to the game(which is bland enough) and their character, and quit a lot faster.

    Go ahead and tell me bye, make all the ******* post you want, pretend like you do not need people like me on this game. Cause once we all leave and its just the Ps1 playerbase rolled over, its going to be really fawking boring. Even after you pay to switch to a new empty server.

    Pretty sure people can vouch for me rushing frontlines with my infiltrator uncloaked, see'ing how long I can stand on enemies tanks. etc. etc.

    And my KDR is still around 2.

    I can single handedly turn the tides of a fight, without being cautious. And even when I die 10 times in a row my KDR stays positive.
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  3. CrunchSlamchest

    Just an FYI, many of PS2's "best" players (BR 100s) with absurd KDRs, advocate removing the KDR. Believe it or not, KDR really does have an impact on how people play. Perhaps it doesn't affect you at all, but then, why would you be threatening to quit on here if it didn't?

    Just sayin
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  4. Jac70

    I like the KDR.

    Want do people want people to do? Just rush endlessly onto enemy guns like lemmings. If there is no reason to stay alive then why play? If anything the penalty for death should be greater.

    Also, remove the death score for people who get revived. They haven't died and it would make the role of the CM more valuable.
  5. Protential

    Because KDR is the only thing besides mindless zerging in this game...Those BR 100's have killed close to probably 30,000 more players then you, so they deserve it. If KDR was driving them to destroy army upon army single handedly I would say thats a good thing.

    Liberators were the problem not KDR.

    Currently there are FEW ways to farm KDR without putting yourself in danger.

    Infiltrators can only shoot newbs down without being spotted out...

    Tanks are vunerable.

    Air is now vunerable.

    KDR is meant for you to judge your skill and success while going towards the objective.

    Anyone who is using it to corner camp 24/7 and brag online, is just as bad as you fools who ghost cap all the time and want to get rid of it.

    FPS games are about competition, not holding hands in a circle singing songs together.

    KDR will always up the level of competition between players, rivalries, bragging etc.

    I dont care if we are playing F'awking mario party. SOMEONE better keep track of my stats.

    KDR > Ghost caps going on score.

    KDR > Any support class that gains score.


    Seriously L2P KDR is not going anywhere, Planet side is not that stupid I am sure.


    KDR+Assist matters more IMO

    Increase spawn timers...30 seconds to 1 minute. Then you can remove KDR, and then the guy sitting back guarding your team, sniping prime targets like medics or Engi will actually be worth a ****, because they wont instantly respawn.
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  6. CrunchSlamchest

    Why so many people want it gone (again, including top players) is because the core design of the game is "capturing objectives" NOT "killing people." By focusing people's attention on an irrelevant score, you're driving a significant percentage of the player base to pursue a non-relevant courses of action that is detrimental to the actual point of the game.

    Goofy example, but if there were no KDR, but instead something like "Minutes In Air" or some such, then you would see far more people pulling aircraft and just hovering around, safely far from the front line, and just periodically creeping in to pop off some shots, then pulling back.
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  7. failbot


    I want them to remove score because I don't get any by just running around shooting at friendly tanks with my LMG bawwwwwwww unfair bawwwwww!
  8. CrunchSlamchest

    You have it backwards. Why BR100s are advocating removing KDR is because it encourages lone wolfing and mindless zerging. KDR does not encourage organized, objective-based play.
  9. Protential

    You have to kill people to cap points, smart guy. Not like you can just ask the other team to leave.

    Or perhaps that's how you leet outfits work.
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  10. failbot

    KDR isn't an obstacle for team play. It can be, but so can score/cert farming too. So we should delete score and certs as well?
  11. Protential

    They want to remove KDR so they can pretend to have earned all their upgrades in a legit manner and not just lib bombing.

    I will pay you every dollar I have if you show me one player who did not abuse the vehicle system to get such a high BR...Then tell me KDR effects how we play as infantry. Those people would still, and are still even at BR 100, farming in liberators.

    Its just ********, you suck so you want to remove it from the game.

    Again I say, increase spawn timers...So you idiots stop thinking the best way to win a fight is to run in and die until your opponent is out of ammo...Its just stupid, people like you are the ones who are going to ruin this game, not the KDR advocates.

    On the contray, its rather amusing to sit out of your spawn with my Shotgun max watching you beat your face off the barrel of my gun over and over praying to get a luck rocket kill, not realizing I am wearing flak armor and have 2 engineers on me.
  12. Uben Qui

    How do you figure?

    According to these other guys KDR stops people from zerging an objective because they care about dying too much. So which is it? KDR promotes people zerging to their death or KDR stops people from zerging to their death because of the hit to the death ratio?

    It cannot be both.
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  13. siiix


    STATS SHOULD BE PERSONAL/PRIVATE ... its no one else business what my stats are UNLESS I CHOSE SO

    of course admins still could see it... but mandatory public stats i find a privacy violation

    now i dont care if i let people know that my KDR is 0.32... but it should be MY CHOICE to do so
  14. failbot

    Oooookay there, time to take your medicine.
  15. Protential

    Somebodies been getting made fun of in voice chat for dying a bunch...

    Being completely useless...

    Probably grenading your team during gal drops, amongst other ignorance.

    KDR or no KDR we will still notice you are bad, the only use you for kamakaze missons.
  16. SinerAthin

    I wholly support removing the KDR statistic.

    If this was COD, I'd be fine with having a KDR, but this is a 1000vs1000 sized battlefield with numerous different roles performing different objectives, and not to mention vehicles, whom completely skewer any notion of having a KDR. (How could a Liberator gunner and an Engineer ever share the same KDR tracker?)

    This game is about large scale logistics, getting as many men & guns on the field as fast and efficiently as possible, while denying the enemy's reinforcments/defenses.
    If you die 10 times and kill only 1 guy, it doesn't matter as long as you manage to blow up the enemy sunderer/pull enough fire away from your comrades so they can take out the enemy/hold the line and prevent the enemy advancing.

    No, becuse Certs can be used to encourage teamplay as well.

    The reason Certs can sometimes be an obstacle is because the current EXP system is poorly designed around 1-man ramboing.(funnily, that was the game's trailer even :p)
  17. AmazingBob

    "It ruins the gaming experience for everyone." Nice, I like your way of reasoning, it almost feels as if you believe what you're saying.
    As to the original suggestion: No.
  18. siiix

    actually not in this game , staying alive means exactly nothing... this isn't battlefield where every time someone dies you lose a ticket... you can die 5000 times it does not make a difference...its not about how often you die here its about the damage you caused with your death

    hiding behind something and shooting out, might gives you good KDR but if every one does that your team NEVER gona progress

    i'm the guy who is running up front in middle of the enemy and just before i get mowed down i can drop several grenades and maybe even a mine... that gives my pussey hiding team a chance to advance

    if there is a spawn point like a surrender near by .. .who the hell cares how many times i die... at least i get new ammo !

    KDR mean absolutely nothing in this game ... as winning is gaining territory... suicide runs are part of the strategy of winning
  19. CrunchSlamchest

    No, you don't. But that's another discussion.

    People doing the cap'ing are NOT the people with high KDR's.

    Ya know what, let me just sum this up real easy: what does KDR add to the game? Nothing. Removing it doesn't "hurt" anyone. The only thing it can possibly do (besides dictate player behavior, as it does now) is possibly give vehicle farmers (apparently quite a few here) a reason to stroke their epeen and act like they've actually accomplished something. It's a meaningless score of a meaningless game element. The upcoming Points Per Minute sounds like it will resolve this, so this is probably a moot discussion at any rate.
  20. NateDawg

    I would like to see the K/D go away as well, I have seen on many occasions, a small force sitting outside an amp stations door and no one is rushing in because they are afraid to die and tarnish their prestigious KD.

    Also when it comes to taking orders (suicide run or not) the folks worried about KD do not work with the squad to save their KD.

    Some leaders also end up with the worst KD because they are constantly looking at maps, setting waypoints and whatnot that they get caught with their pants down, so to speak.

    I understand why SoE put it in game, they were wanting all the "twitch" shooters to find their way to PS2 and have their bragging rights.

    My KD is not good (as you can see below) but I am the one leading, pushing through that door, jumping the shield and rushing the shield gen and trying my best to give my faction the opportunity to push forward, but I think players like me are in the minority, for now anyways.

    These are just my opinions, not trying to flame on anyone...
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