Remove Hit Shake?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Jimmy DeSouza

    Oh, what do you know. I cant stay perfectly stable when my legs explode or I get shot in the face. Why would my character be able to?

    I like the mechanic, it never hampers my ability to aim in any way at all. It needs to be fixed (so distant explosions dont cause crazy amounts of shake), but otherwise is fine.
  2. Seryl

    i think shaking is ok if you were close to the explosion. however, it started to annoy me when i realized that im affected by explosions so far away that realistically there shouldnt be any shaking at all.

    the feature is totally exagerated. a fix would be nice.
  3. Chiss

    I was only talking about bullets, i like the explosion shakes, though it could be toned down a little.
  4. Duckforceone

    explosion shake is totally over the top.... in tight fights, the screens shakes almost constantly....
  5. SenEvason

    It should be dependent on distance from explosion, and force of the bullet.
  6. TatharNuar

    Yeah, the various forms of screen shake or aim jerking are quite annoying to me, and whether I die to it or I kill someone with it, it's not fun at all. I want my face to face combat to be about which one beats the other in a firefight, not about whether something exploded 30 meters away. I want my sniping to be about whether I got that perfect shot, not about whether someone drove a tank on the other side of my rock and blew up right before I took a shot. Heck, I want my surprise attacks on the enemy to be about how much damage I can do without them knowing what hit them, not whether I landed on a rock wrong and my aim is jerking everywhere.