Remove Hit Shake?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Chiss

    Can't stand it myself.

    How about ya'll?
    • Up x 2
  2. Anubis132

    Do you mean the aiming shake that happens when you get shot by small arms, or the camera shake caused by nearby explosions?
  3. evilduck

    i like both
  4. anaverageguy

    Some explosion shaking is downright ridiculous-- the shaking occurs when the shell didn't even land close, and it's of the same intensity as when it's close. It should at least decrease with distance.

    If it's about getting hit by bullets, no. I'm fairly confident that that's the only reason I win my infantry fights as NC.
  5. Sukha1337

    WHAT?! You surely must be playing a CombatMedic, bulletshake is the main reason NC gets owned in CQC.... not only have NC weapons low ROF they also have ******** Accuracy and Recoil, the bulletshake is just the nail on the Coffin.

    Even if you count bulletshake as a good thing, well then guess what... NC are at least 50% less effective at it than other races.
  6. anaverageguy

    I find your assumptions amusing, but reasonable to some extent. What ever made you want to make such a presumptious post your first?

    I play HA most of the time with the SAW. NC only gets owned if they try to maintain sustained fire on target past medium range- the guns' blooms don't allow for it. However, firing a few on-target shots and evading for a moment, then resuming on-target fire to finish the target off is fairly easy precisely because most people attempt sustained fire for kills in one go.
    The first on-target burst throws their aim off and the added evasion only makes it harder for the people that hold down the mouse button to compensate before the second accurate burst lands. On the off chance that you did take any number of hits, the noted procedure allows more than enough time for the shaking to come under control.
  7. TatharNuar

    Or the shake that happens because you happen to be standing on a rock just wrong so that you're basically short-hopping on the rock while your sights never line up like they're supposed to?
  8. Ixal

    Yes please.

    Being unable to aim when a shell lands within 50 meters is stupid.
    And as I currently play with a slow firing weapon this shaking on hit puts me at an additional disadvantage even at range as every stray hit puts off my aim.
  9. lilbabygiraffelegs

    I think it can be a bit crazy at times but I like it.
  10. ChipMHazard

    I ususally refer to that as aim jerking. They claimed that they fixed that towards the end of beta... Oh, how wrong they were.

    I have always detested anything that takes a players ability to aim away from him/her. I most certainly think that some of the explosions cause far too much screen shaking.
  11. Neodrauka

    Ditto. Adds to the realism.

    Especially love the detonations of a nearby exploding Liberator that screw up my aim. Makes me curse and smile at the same time at the quirky little feature.
  12. Sukha1337

    Dude, I was referring to CQC solely... I countersnipe witth my fully upgraded Default SAW.
    But CQC if I meet anyone with high ROF ~2k dps gun they will obliterate me if we start shooting each other simultaneously...
    All while they will just hold down the trigger and I still have to compensate and actually aim down sights.
    They should still win no doubt if they have CQC weapon, but not to this extent. Its all because of the damn bulletshake.

    If you want to play heavy as NC, pretend Medic is the Heavy... Medic gun is so OP and the Healing ability can be used almost like the shield you just need a bit of timing. (some ammo problems though, need the belt)
  13. gunshooter

    Only a completely unskilled player would think the hit shake adds anything at all to the game.
  14. Sukha1337

    It should be there for immersion, but it should be so minor that its barely felt.
  15. Xandax

    LOL - no of course it should not be removed.
  16. gunshooter

    There's no need for it to exist at all and no one would be less "immersed" if it wasn't there.

    Your ability to kill people when ADSing should be based on your ability to aim, control your recoil/bloom, etc. You should NOT randomly have your screen shake because you got hit once or there was an explosion within 100m, not even a little.

    Sacrificing gameplay for "immersion" is such a total joke. No one likes this mechanic period. It's not in the game for immersion, it's there to make sure that players who can actually aim are kept down as much as possible. Johnny ****** wouldn't like it if the guy he was shooting in the back was able to actually turn around and headshot him, so that guys aim has to be unusable so Johnny ****** gets his kill.
  17. Littleman

    I've never once noticed my aim being thrown off while being hit. Explosions, yes, bullets, no. I can fire back perfectly fine. It's too late, because they got the first round in, but still.
  18. rayvon

    What is a mechanic period ?
    Sounds nasty.
  19. Mansen

    Did someone forget to read the clear rules on poll threads or are they just blatantly ignoring them?
  20. ChipMHazard

    Heh I've had numerous occations where I would try to fire back at someone shooting at me and not being able to land more than a few, if any, hits. And vise versa. Of course this doesn't necessarily have to be because of the shaking, but it sure feels that way.