[Suggestion] Remove C4 from LA or buff tank HP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Jan 17, 2016.

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  1. JohnGalt36

    It wasted my time as well.
  2. tanknub123

    proxy radar doesnt even work, it detects NO infantry. when i have a lot of allied vehicles around me out in the open (no mountain arround), im too busy shooting enemy tanks i shouldnt have to worry about a c4 fairy from a valk at ceiling height. libs show up on radar and make a huge noise so if u get TB'd thats bad situational awareness. LA lol u cant even see them with naked eye. at the very least make them show on radar when they drop from valks
  3. tanknub123

    yea a valk drop LA takes "teamwork and coordination".

    what do u expect tankers to do stare at the sky all day? even when u DO stare at the sky LA are so small they can drop c4 mid air before they even become visible. u obviously have no idea what ur talking about.

    when i have 10+ friendly vehicles around me and lots of infantry support on open flat ground, i dont die to ANYTHING other than LA from valks, and this doesn't even take any skills. dont u think this is pathetic?
  4. Reclaimer77

    More of the same double standard from you guys. We're expected to be aware of MBT's at all times or else we're scrubs and "peasants" who deserved to get one shot.

    Yet it's a travesty if heaven forbid you need to use a little situational awareness yourselves....
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  5. tanknub123

    how many times must i say u cant see a LA dropping right on top of u? in tank fights with mountains around i ALWAYS check my surroundings constantly, and im constantly moving as well. but in case u didnt know, tank turrets have a maximum elevation that wont allow u to look right on top of u. when im surrounded by friendlies i still have to worry about some loser dropping on top of me?

    and i always use ap. i never farm infantry always go for vehicles. only time i "farm" is when there are no enemy vehicles around (not even air) and we are waiting for a base to cap. if u get killed by an ap tank thats good aim/luck or u were out of cover for too long, and if ur out of cover for too long ur much likely to get killed by other infantry first. u cant hit infantry effectively with ap tanks. u can tell other infantry farmer tankers about the double standards.
  6. BakaRaymoo


    ******* daybreak fix your valkyrie PLEASE. We're forced to use drifters so they get the attention but, believe me, i'd be spamming tank mines if i didn't die every time i dropped as engi

    The thing you should be worried about is the jump pad + drifter trick. That's how we got your vanny's that first day; we never even used a valkyrie
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  7. tanknub123

    this is perhaps the dumbest point ive read on this forum (no offence)

    how many rockets does it take to kill a tank? i dont know the exact number but im pretty sure u need at least 3 heavies dropping at the same time, and even then its not guaranteed kill before the tank runs away. to 100% guarantee kill u probably need 5 heavies. now THAT takes teamwork and coordination, so much in fact that ive never seen anybody do it.

    on the other hand, 1 guy pulls a valk, his friends goes in with LA, they fly to ceiling with no other air support, LA guy drop into a massive tank convoy fighting another tank convoy, and c4's a tank for guaranteed kill since tanks turrets cant look up. respawn in valk, rinse repeat. 2 guys destroy a tank convoy. i do indeed think this takes a lot of coordination.
  8. Reclaimer77

    You make it seems so easy. Just grab a Valk and clear the entire field of all tanks...

    I wonder why so few people are doing this? You hardly see Valk's even being used.
  9. XanIves

    Ugh, where to start . . .

    #1: Proxy Radar works fine. I religiously run Proxy just to find stalkers and drifters who think they're being all sneaky-beaky, right before I AP them.

    #2: Sorry, did you say you are too busy to pay attention to your surroundings? That's like a sniper complaining someone sneaks next to them and knifes them, because "oh, there was too many planetmans to shoot at, I couldn't possibly glance at my minimap once in a while". Here's a fun tip, each time you reload your main cannon, which takes a good couple seconds, why don't you spend .5 of those seconds flicking your eyes over to your minimap? Snipers seem to be able to do it between chambering shots and reloading, so I'm pretty sure you're capable of that. If you're having trouble reading your minimap in that amount of time, hit the "H" key to expand your minimap.

    #3 All self-respecting tank-column destroying Liberators run Stealth, which prevents them from showing up on your map unless they are spotted, just like light assaults. The lib also closes the distance so quickly that you either hear it when it's on top of you, hosing you down with its tankbuster, or you hear it flying around somewhere in the hex or adjacent hexes, completely ignoring you. If you reacted devensively every time you heard a lib somewhere, you would be completely ineffective as a tank.

    #4 So you want a straight nerf to the Valkerie? If every single passenger that left a valk was automatically spotted, it would remove the valk from being sometimes situational to being utter cr4p. The only advantage the valk currently has over any other aircraft is being to quickly insert into hot zones, and drop troops in unexpected locations to flank enemy lines. Why don't you automatically permanently spot any infiltrator that fires a BASR, ignoring cloak as well? It's about as dumb and balance breaking an idea.
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  10. BakaRaymoo

    We ask ourselves this every day.

    90% of players who try it become addicted instantly. Especially the jump pads at bio labs, its like a drug. You just hide a sundy or beacon near one of the pads and you become gods, more or less.

    Anyone on Connery who wants to do this just add BakaRaymooTR (vs alt). We run drifter squads daily

    To the haters, go play World of Tanks, it fits your autism perfectly

    What about dropping phoenix/lancer heavies a bit away from the battle? Costs us no nanites, and is guaranteed kills on sundy convoys. Believe me, we're buying our lancers do this; we gonna need a nerf on that, too?
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  11. LodeTria

    The Lancer is in a funny situation, because if every VS heavy used it, it would be so brokenly OP that you could never use vehicles of any kind against them. Luckily most VS heavies can't be bothered to use this amazing weapon for some reasons, mostly because of MAXes. You only really need 3 or 4 of them and you can 1 clip (2 charges) most vehicles in the game with it.

    Phoenix's are rubbish though, because they are too range limited and generally poor against somewhat fast vehicles. They can be extremely scary if you have a full squad on the back of wraith flashes though.
  12. BakaRaymoo

    Lol, Lode, i can't tell if this is a joke. We used to do the wraith thing so often I feel like you're someone who knows me
  13. LodeTria

    I don't know you, but I can recognize (and have seen) when weapon systems gel really well together. I do try to do this with my mates, but since we're a super small outfit, it's very rare we can get all 4 of us online to do stuff like this, and a single phoenix flash isn't very scary at all.

    My character are LayZboy, Lodertria & QuizicalExpresion.
  14. Savadrin

    I'm pretty sure I've gunned a walker on a prowler before and shot both planes and C4 fairies out of the sky.
  15. Vaphell

    Usual BS is usual. Everybody thought it was some prediction algo that puts your ghost in front of the mine around the corner before you got there, but it is actually proven they are able to gib through walls and corners, as if their damage dealing invisible projectile was spawned far enough to possibly ignore adjacent geometry. Think "nades through shields" kind of problem.

    No it couldn't. Watch the video above. They go through the wall separating the tower vehicle pad and the tower drivethrough.

    If you are trying to convince me that LA+C4 is an OP combination you are doing a great job. If hefty resource investments get blown up consistently and it affects everybody but the coffeinated leetzors, then maybe, just maybe there is in fact a problem with the threat not with players. How long does it take to learn how to hold space, press LMB/RMB a few times in a competent manner when you are lazor focused on a single target? Whole 10 minutes?

    There are griefing moves against the enemy in a war game? That's a new one.
    If the so called griefing moves have a probability of 80% of occuring, are they actually griefing moves, or is that a case of being a clueless **** unable to learn from painfully repeatable scenarios with zero unknowns?
    "Gee, I have this thing that requires luck to have the enemy trigger it with his skillcharriot.... how to maximize the chances? Is there a place where the vehicle is guaranteed to be.... no, I have no idea >_<" - said noone ever.
    You can always redeploy to a tower. You can see the pad and the relevant driveway from the terminal spot. So easy a caveman could do it.

    Camping terminals as a stalker of sniper is griefing too, do you mind it?
    Again funny how everybody spews combined arms and what not, but applying real life guerilla tactics of boobytrapping and sabotage while falling back are apparently haram.

    Indar Ex, Crossroads... ie bases that are contested all day, every day.

    I feel plenty threatened by the infantry thank you very much. Not everybody drives a prowler that can afford spamming **** left and right and laughs all the way to the bank. Titan for example has 3+ s reload which means I won't be able to manage getting swarmed by rocket spamming peasantry and if I miss things get even sadder. The effects are clearly visible in the MBT charts, where vanguard is dead last in pretty much any stat that matters, including IKPH. RoF absolutely screws it over.
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  16. BakaRaymoo

    So, it happened again.

    I was minding my own business, drifting on tanks, when JOHNGALT23 used his CHEAP REAVER to kill me in the air. Why doesn't daybreak remove Reaver??? I can't even enjoy my drifting with my friends.

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  17. Demigan

    If you pay a hefty resource investment, shouldn't you be protecting yourself then?
    You can see it everywhere! Vehicle gets killed somewhere, the next time he keeps that in mind and will take measures to defend himself against it. Against C4 fairies not so much. I've had people repeatedly spawn a tank and drive to the same location and get blown up again and again by me, and they didn't change tactics. They didn't do anything different to prevent the attack. Why oh why is the C4 fairy at fault if the tanker does not try to defend himself?

    If defending against C4 fairies was difficult or required highly specific loadouts, sure! However by simply paying attention you can already prevent a ton of C4 fairy attacks. By moving rather than sitting like a brick and lobbing shells you can prevent even more attacks! By predicting approaches from spawnpoints you can reduce the chance you become a target and increase the chances you can spot someone, in fact decreasing the amount of SA you need to spot and avoid/kill the LA! Then there's some loadouts that can help protect you, but those aren't necessary. With some teamwork you can easily scour the air for possible threats, such as a cheapo Sunderer with a walker/Kobalt on top, and instantly make your vehicle group almost immune to C4 fairies, barring a gunner without SA or vehicles that park right up against places where infantry can safely go.

    It's an old, oooooold one. Because this isn't about the war game, this is about game balance and the amount of fun people can get.

    Well the last part you describe is exactly how C4 fairies work. However you try to paint it on AT mines, which legitimally cause more harm with some of the placement options you have than how they improve the game. The "counters" are more often than not time consuming.

    Also, what the hell is wrong with allowing players to take control? This removes the whole "let's run up to the pad first in case someone placed AT mines near it" and allows players to make their own decisions regardless of what happens. Such as two Sunderers parked in front and preventing you from getting off the pad. Even if you can't save your tank, you can try to attract attention by shooting them, still have options to try and go around or you can jump out and at least be saved from a suicide, however small a solace that is.

    Are you just plain stupid or what?

    No you can't always deploy to a tower, and you should not have to pay attention to what base you are at to spawn a vehicle when there's no enemies around.
    The fix is easy and simple: Allow players to take control of their vehicle instantly. Aside from your moaning about how it's all okay do you have anything against it?

    Infiltrators camping a terminal isn't a big problem. The only problem there is loss of nanites after buying one but not spawning one, or if you get killed because the enemy has a slow connection and could shoot you while you were still in the tank.
    Also there are ways to make it better. Currently someone accessing a terminal has no way to know if there's an infiltrator around. Now one death is not a problem as they are then well-informed and can act on the threat, but forcing a player to remain motionless while getting a vehicle, especially when the vehicle screen is sometimes slow to load and your character vanishing into the vehicle can also take a while, that's a problem. Infantry should have the option to move around while on a terminal and try to dodge in case of infiltrator attacks, or just an enemy attacking them while they are busy.
    Because what you are doing is saying "It's OK" while I'm saying "It can be improved without removing the option to camp terminals/place AT mines in front of a pad". And it will improve the game since players will have options to defend themselves without it being time-consuming or base-bound.

  18. JohnGalt36

    It seems like I might have to be a full-time pilot until you guys get bored cheesing C4 kills, I sure can't tank when y'all are around. Oh well, at least I need to grind for my Reaver aurax anyway.
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  19. Vaphell

    You pay a hefty resource investment and can't be bothered to do a trivial ONETIME check of the vehicle pad driveway? And you dare to compare it to an eternal vigilance against threats coming from the direction that cannot be reliably scanned and requires bending over backwards?

    Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

    So all the suggestions of AI/AA guns having the angle on the air column directly above or having radar are not a highly specific loadout now? The things you learn on the internet....

    But can they? In the clips presented in this thread I see vertical drops with c4 released from the altitude of 30m easily, that have like 95% of succeeding. How do you reliably prevent that again?

    Amount of fun? Ok then. LA+C4 are not fun, case closed. Oh wait, it's not what you had in mind?

    Why would that be exactly? And what makes it so much different from assuming there are no enemies around and being proven wrong by a c4 carrying "vessel" falling all the way down from the sky ceiling?

    The fix will lead to the loss of countless vehicles so it's not an improvement in any meaningful way. Don't drive away, lose **** instantly. Ever seen the roadblocks forming at the base of the crown? Your way would be istagib galore. So now people need to be cognisant of the number of vehicles in the pipeline in order to not lose them?

    Right, because the devs are in no way enamored with narrow canyons and vertical cliffs that offer the AV infantry the upper hand.
    And who claimed he just rushes AV peasants from pixel to nearly point blank? How is that possible that you don't overplay your hand every other time having such a playstyle? Rushing peasants is a nearly certain way to make them come out of the woodwork in great numbers because you tend to get spotted - "fat certs incoming, pull out your tubes, gentlemen".
  20. Haquim

    I can't speak for other people, but for me it is 2 reasons.
    1. If I don't want to bother with tanks - I just don't. What are they going to do? Disrupt my fight by spamming the indestructible walls with angry explosions?
    2. It is far more fun, challenging and sometimes even effective and efficient to use an ESF. Of course I'm not hovering around spamming Hornets for 20 seconds. I fly low at around 4m and hit the hornets in the rear armor. That means I can kill an MBT with the exception of a shielded Vanguard in 2 salvos, thats about 4 seconds. Since hornets force me to fly for my target in a straight line it is not uncommon that I get shot down by a tank, but I guess thats fair :D.

    And a small story: Yesterday I fought at a base that is actually accessible for tanks. A viper Lightning shelled into it and actually annoyed me. He blew up less than 2 minutes later.
    He even had proximity radar. Too bad I had a stealth implant.
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