Reload speed updates on vehicle weapons.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Govedo13, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. NoctD

    I hate the Harasser with a passion cause of their OP days, and I just refuse to play with them right now. Plus that thing is just silly still, its a lawnmower, just run over any infantry you encounter. All our tanks are good for is run over friendlies mostly, though I've had some success running over if I can get up to full speed, but you'd think a tank running over someone even at slower speeds should do more damage.
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  2. Flag

    You should try the current harasser before you continue your hate train. It's fairly fragile.
  3. teks

    Pre-nerf harasser.
    We will never forget.

    -league of lightning drivers
  4. Flag

    Well that's not the harasser we have at the moment. So if you're afraid of one these days, that's just an old wound that's not fully healed. :D No new stabs required.
  5. teks

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  6. Calisai

    I actually kinda miss them. The last few months I had gotten good at actually actively hunting them. Racer/Saron/Magburn with a good accurate shot and they'd go down quick. It also felt so satisfying to destroy them because of the challenge. At least with a little skill you could counter those... No amount of skill will save me against a Lib overhead.

    I've actually broken out my old Ranger Harasser. So sick of the lib/esf overpopulation lately that i'm trying every way ground can take out air. Hadn't used it since Harasser release when I realized that SOE were deadset against giving us the PS1 version of the skyguard. :(
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  7. Flag

    In the same way us magrider drivers will never forget the dark days? :p

    Hey, at least you didn't get nerfed into the ground and then some in your nightmare. So you've got that going for you.
    I personally convince people to use skyguards or the like so I don't have to. :D
    Or I abduct some outfit mates and go up there with my own liberator.
  8. teks

    never forgot that either. Thats why I use a lightning mostly :cool:.

    Its comparable. I remember when the mags got nerfed so hard that any divit in the ground would bring them to a complete stop requiring up to 30 seconds of serious effort just to move again, and how every incline would kill all a mags momentum. How our strafe would go 12km/s with rival 3 at most, and how our speed was even worse then it is now.
    I remember how everyone was satisfied to see it too. How the devs said they weren't going to nerf the mag, yet the next day they broke it, and how after a month higby said himself that the mag is a 'little' funky. 4 buffs later and its still not a great tank.

    The lightning once could kill MBTs in 3 rear shots. The seconday buffs ended their 1 on 1 with MBT days, but the harasser. 3 months of pain. Faster, better weaponry, heals during combat, pulls from anywhere, and they just ate us like popcorn. Those were the dark days when lightnings had to spend every moment in fear of being hunted down by a freaking buggy. Shot for Shot, they would beat us. Tank mines didn't even stop them.

    I will never forget when we had 2 stealth AP racer 3 lightnings on esimir. We killed several MBTs and lightnings. No prob. One 2/3 harasser comes. My friend is dead before I can turn. I exchange shots. HE hits me three times, I hit him twice. My friend drops tank mines, and a lure the harrasser in, covering the trap with smoke. He drives OVER them, shoots me in the rear, takes ANOTHER shot, and kills me. Not even smoking.
    Oh its balanced, 2 vs. 1. Blah blah. No tank should be ritually hunted by a freakin buggy with absolutely no chance of survival.

    So I don't know. They were both pretty bad.
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  9. Flag

    The difference is that the mag was nerfed, the lighting wasn't. :p
  10. teks

    lol, well, the mag was op too. :p We were blindsided, but seriously, they were both really bad experiences for me, and I don't want to downplay that gu03.
  11. Flag

    Mag inherently OP?
    Now that is a topic I could debate at great length, but let's not.
    And the mag was neutered in GU2, not GU3, no?
  12. teks

    was it 2? my bad.
    I think back in the day the mag was OP because the other tanks had poor velocity, and physics were even worse then they are now. With old tank combat being over in a couple shots back then mags could easily dominate their significantly less maneuverable breathern. also, we had the old saron.
  13. Flag

    What's funny though is that if you take -that- magrider, adjust the resist values to what we have today, and it wouldn't be the same. :p

    I'm of the opinion that even if something, say, the mag, is performing better than the other MBTs, it doesn't automatically mean the Mag was OP. Inherently OP.
    Were the Prowler/Vanguard UP? Maybe. It's a lot more likely than the mag being OP, although there's so much about GU2 and everything since then, to the point where we don't even know for sure what was the core of the problem back then.
    Did the mag out-score the other two? Yes it did, but then again, score without context is meaningless.
  14. Calisai

    It's also not like the MBTs were in a vacuum back then. When the Mag was OP, was before ESRLs, AV Mana Turrets, AV Phalanx turret buffs, etc. Same with old-school libs... if you took the old-school libs and put them into the game now... would they still be OP? Remember at the time, the only ground AA were Maxes and annihilators, ESFs didn't have coyotes, etc, and Skyguards were 1000 certs so out of the question for free players at release.

    As well as the inherent flaw in comparing vehicles by score alone. Prowlers were farming it up back then due to the poor base design and their HE splash fun with the Mag coming in a good second on that one. Vannie was always poor at that so their score was bad... this was also prior to the increase in base XP from vehicle kills. I actually felt bad (not REAL bad, but bad) for AV vannies back then knowing they weren't getting the certs the others were.
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  15. AMARDA

    Lightning with AP is a beast in Open Terrain. You just gotta learn to Aim in Third Person view and keep moving. Stop and you run the risk of dying to MBT's.
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