Releasing a [completely] Broken Patch on a Saturday?? Followed by next to no communication???

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Sh0xy, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Sh0xy

    Then releasing a hotfix that made things worse?

    Add to that, i'm now hearing its 'superbowl sunday' in America, so.. are we to assume that the Dev's won't get anything sorted today? My mind is boggling - who said 'hey let's release this patch at midnight [In Australia] on a Saturday, and then bugger off to watch the Superbowl on Sunday? We'll just sort out any bug's on monday, I doubt they're game breaking or anything'..

    I've been watching the Twitter's/forums/facebook and while last night at this time of night the PS2 Facebook was responding to comments about when the server's would be going back up - Same time the next day and we cant even get a word about when this will be fixed?

    As a new customer poached from an MMO I was paying a subscription for, I'm beginning to regret spending the measly $5 I've spent on this game.

    I thought Bioware had perfected the art of terrible community management layered with terrible quality assurance testing, but it looks like SOE has taken the title. I'd rather have the patch delayed another week to be able to play now on my weekend like most of your customer base would, then have this terribly defunct 'update' that i couldn't call an update an all, but instead a regression. A guy in my Outfit couldn't even move a Galaxy he spawned moments earlier, due to.. LANDING IT.. of all things.

    A quick list:

    - Turrets that don't shoot

    - Projectiles that don't explode

    - Revival's that can break our loadout

    - Galaxy's can get stuck to the ground

    - Mosq's/Scythes/Reaver's all handle terrible now

    - Rotary Machine gun velocity nerf has made my favourite dogfighting weapon useless

    - Graphical distortions [Stuttering, Character Position Displacement, Visual Displacement of other objects/animations]

    - Vanu appear to be the least affected by this because their tanks still shoot

    - Infiltrator is more visible on lowest graphic settings then highest, not sure if this was introduced in new graphic update, but it is a stupid imbalance

    - Upon exiting a vehicle last night, I got stuck in it, however had entered infantry mode, so I was actually physically stuck inside the 3D model of the galaxy i'd jumped out of.

    - Most projectile based munitions do not work, including Anti-Aircraft, standard projectiles

    - Missile Lock is now vanishing at incorrect [premature] times, where you can still in fact be being chased by a missile even though the 'lock' vanished 1 second after appearing.

    Where are you developer's? Why aren't you responding to these issues. I'm reasonably sure you guy's are based in Denver, isn't it 9am there? Shouldn't you all be back to work fixing one of your 'major updates' and not kickin back with a cold one to watch the super bowl.

    Sadly you don't get to enjoy things like the Super Bowl when you decide to release a major patch 1 day before it. Get your act together.
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  2. LordMondando

  3. Shadestrike

    Tell me when they fix the game, Imma go read a book.
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  4. Rayden78

    As long as your not on Esamir, it is still a challenge to spot a cloaked sniper on low settings
    Adjusting the color of the black shape of a cloaker to the continent should do the trick.
  5. Sh0xy

    Not from what I've heard/seen in screenshots. But Esamir does seem to be particularly bad.
  6. WarOtter

    Hey hey, this is just the Dev's way of showing us what war would be like if everything was manufactured by the Chinese...
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  7. Aerensiniac

    Please add these to the already existing list:
  8. dielikekane

    ive been playing since the beta, after patch updates its still been playable, but patch-update2, now im losing count and all the wierd s h-it going on, total fail, cant believe im going to boot up bf3 again god -da- mn- it,

    and if your wondering why i have not spent anymore money, SOE
    its cuz i wont to spend it on a game that works, when i got time off work to play it

    weekend is here, time off from -s h-ity work,
    time to play ps2
    s-h -it - f-u- ck -ing - patch - mo u-th er - fu - ck
    rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage - rage -

    i cant deal with that, when i is meant to be chilling, time off from work, damn NO

    oo snap
    Crysis 3 MP Open Beta just finished down-loading, whoooot
    peace out
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  9. Sh0xy

    We feel your pain.

    We certainly wouldn't articulate it that way.

    But we feel it nonetheless!
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  10. WeEdNL

    I was pessimistic when they announced an early release of the game back in 2012, but now they went overboard and ****** up the game entirely, what a fail game, fail development, It's almost like theyre doing this on purpose so they can go all-in on the console development, they want pc games to fail.
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  11. Stormlight666

    Lock-on missiles that do an instant 90 degree turn once fired, usually heading into the nearest wall.

    Not to mention the crappy changes to the HUD/Mini-Map coloring system.

    Sigh - This is why you have a TEST SERVER to release this on FIRST.
  12. DaWannabe

    this has been interesting times, haha
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  13. Wund3rwaffen

    I agree with some of the points op is making.
    I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed with the way soa chose to handle this.
    First time I have taken it to the forums, but this is just..... I'm speechless
    Anyways.. I'm really impressed with the speed of implementing new stuff/tweaking. But clearly something needed abit more testing.
    Clearly something went bad while implementing new patch - I'm guessing network. But u guys need to communicate with us and tell us what's going on.
    Planetside is ATM unplayable for me.
    And please no more patching/reconfiguring on weekends.

    - a paying customer
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  14. SgtRolling

    Just to clear any misconceptions, the patch did not cause the projectile issue. That was the hotfix. But the fact that the fu-ck-ing projectile disapearing bug EVEN GOT PAST TESTING (assuming they fu-ck-in-g have any) is COMPLETE bull-*****.
    EVEN WORSE is the fact that they haven't even fixed it yet, they should have just reverted the hotfix if they couldn't take 5 minutes to fix it at least.

    I was thinking of buying some more SOE cash to help the devs of one of my favorite games, but after this **** it. Unless they shape up their act I'm not investing another dime.
  15. ThommiX

    Yeah,have to agree with the OP. SoE obviously left testing this patch out completely,since there are gamebreaking fatal bugs that any tester would have noticed in a minute or two...

    Gotta wonder who's the noobie at SoE making this kind of stupid calls...Apparently someone with ZERO experience about handling mmo's and their customers.

    There's plenty of games to take examples of how a bad patch or bad launch will make the company lose more money than delaying and fixing.

    Should be basic PR-lesson too which they seem to lack...Communication to customers is number one. With a cellphone any of the rep's could post message on the forums which majority watch for the said info...And it takes a min only...
  16. Laze

    Just to quickly add to the list of things that are broken - personal medkits also don't heal you 50% of the time.

    The TMG-50 also has been nerfed to the point where it is unusable. Certs well spent.
  17. DustyMonolith

    I actually just opened a Twitter account this morning since it's pretty obvious they don't intend to keep us updated here.
  18. flea8th

    Sony doesn't give a ****, they know probably 99% of the people here ******** will be right back on the game soon as it's playable and 80% will probably spend money that same day; I for one will probably do the same. I really think it takes a huge lack of respect for the community Mr. Smedley has pounded in that, "he", RESPECTS so well and is so in tune with. Well, where is his twitter aid, or media announcement or, well dayum, his freak'n website. I will say that this game has possibilities, and has impressed me, and this has been the first performance issue, for me anyway. I have dealt with Sony before and the lack of control of the cheats hitting this game recently has worried me, it still shows the same old Sony, we know it's there, we are working on it, then nothing being done til they make a few bucks and let the game slide into obscurity with it's cult following that doesn't care about new content, but will keep paying to kill themselves over and over.

    I'll let this hickup slide, but not without emphasizing that this was no ordinary screw up or bugged early release. No company that gives a **** about the customers will kill 3/4 of a weekend to put in a patch that could have waited. Hell I was surprised when I tried to log in, I thought my internet was screwed up, didn't realize it was a patch because even EA doesn't pull that crap. The was working as fine as was the week before, this patch could have waited til monday.
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  19. Gary

    They have acknowledged the problems via twitter and are working on solutions. No idea why they hide from the forums :p
  20. SirBlemmingtonSmythe

    Just to mention that when I logged in earlier and spawned a Magrider it too didn't fire any projectiles. I laughed like a drain and logged out.