Reaver Nerfed/Mossie & Scythe Buffed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, May 2, 2013.

  1. r1stormrider

    That fix was reverted. One day it was fixed, and shortly after a patch was released, removing the fix and bringing the gun back to normal, broken order. No official word as to why, everyone is in the dark in that regard.
  2. Excellentz

  3. r1stormrider

    See my post above, the Reaver gun is NOT fixed. The changed was reverted. Whether it was a bug or not, it was causing the weapon to fire PROPERLY, so get vocal about it. Not only did it help the Reaver, but Prowlers also noticed their offset was gone. Not only that, but Magriders were able to shoot above low rocks, and could use them for cover like the other MBTs.
  4. MilitiaMan

    I picked this up yesterday for the first time for ***** and gigs, it is very nice but you have to be so close to the target. I like it better then the rotary that is for sure.
  5. Spookydodger

    The PPA is almost never used and when it is used, it's against slow moving targets / infantry. Don't let a 50 mps buff fool you, it's still not really good, especially since all splash ranges got nerfed a couple updates back.

    I have no idea how it truly affects the Reaver or Mosquito.
  6. Spookydodger

    That looks like a lot of ground pounder suck and a really good pilot.

    If anyone had a dual-burster max out, he wouldn't have been able to loiter. If anyone had bothered firing their machine guns at the aircraft, he would have died. There were just too many of them for him to take them out before they shredded his fighter to haggis with even pistols.
  7. SolLeks

    I will not rejoice until the change i live.
  8. SpcFarlen

    You are aware that the AH, Banshee, and PPA are all meant for soft ground targets? The only reason why AH became viable in air was because its spread was tightened in a previous patch months ago. It was never meant to be an A2A weapon, just like the banshee and PPA are not.

    Here are the descriptions:

    The M30 Mustang “Air-Hammer” fires a canister round that will fling shrapnel that is devastating to soft targets at close range.

    The M14 Banshee is a high speed gatling gun that fires 14mm explosive rounds.

    The Light PPA is a slow-firing plasma cannon that inflicts massive damage at close range. It has a medium splash damage radius. While listed as all-purpose, the weapon is best suited for anti-infantry work, as the damage to vehicles is very low and the slow projectile speed makes it difficult to land air-to-air hits.

    Seems to me that changes to the AH were to, yet again, bring it down to other factions weapon platforms and actually address an issue where a weapon was being used outside its intended role. The Vortek Rotary is more than capible of taking out air targets.

    Its still not that hard to compensate for. The bug has been around since early Beta (why never adressed? You got me). Though if it effected Prowlers it may have effected all weapon in general to where the projectile was coming out of the crosshair and not the actual weapon. So if they indeed reverted to before that, it may be because it effected too many weapons in a way they did not want.
  9. SolLeks

    did this go live? and the offset sometimes made it 100% impossible to hit targets due to auto convergence + what was behind your target + your angle to the target. sure I compensated for it often but the times that I had 100% no chance to hit where very annoying.
  10. MrHenderson

    If you think the reaver is the worst performing ESF,'re a baddie.

    Oh and crying because one of the most overpowered things in the game was toned down? Definitely a baddie.
  11. SpcFarlen

    I had to edit that out, apparently its conflicting evidence some saying yes some saying no. I cant actually log in right now to verify so until someone can definitively say yes or no.. forget i said that.
  12. Phazaar

    It's a pretty simple inference to take. You said, and I quote, "The problem I had with the airhammer was that it was effective against all targets. Maybe not so great against infantry (although still sufficient), but good against vehicles and incredible against ESFs."

    The Vortek (etc) is effective against all targets. One clip takes 50% health from the new, buffed MBT. It takes 2-4 shots to kill infantry. It takes 2 seconds to kill an ESF from any range.

    The AH is equally as effective against all targets. It's got slightly lower TTK on an ESF, however requires a distance of less than 20m and perfect accuracy on a stationary target, as well as a 2000 cert investment in the weapon to stand and chance of achieving this TTK in combat situations. This can be seen very clearly as a situational advantage that has a huge drawback that the Rotary does not have; if you honestly feel the AH is BETTER than the Rotary, you need your head tested, but either way...

    I've clearly stated (in agreement with your original point), that the AH does not fit its intended purpose; it's about as good against enemy infantry as the rotary, and vastly less good than the Banshee is. It's good against vehicles/air whilst the Banshee isn't.

    However, I stated that a better fix than trying to play with damage values of the AH etc is to give the VS+TR their own empire-specific nose guns that perform on a par with the AH/Rotaries and are equally situational, and to give the NC an ACTUAL anti-infantry nosegun that has the same effectiveness as the Banshee (and the PPA be brought into line with this also).

    Variety is the spice of life. The Harrasser has launched with what, 10 weapons? An ESF has 3. 5 if you include secondaries. Hardly great variety, and only one weapon that's actually empire-specific.

    This suggestion would mean we would have 4 nose guns on each ESF:

    Default Nose-Gun:

    Same as current; faster projectiles and larger ammo pools are I believe its specialty (I don't use it because it handles like **** on anything but the Mossie in my experience).

    Rotary Cannon:
    Vortek/M18/Hailstorm. Jack of all trades, with a real penchant for close dogfighting.

    Empire-Specific Nose Gun:
    NC have the AH, TR and VS will have a new weapon each here. These weapons will be balanced against the rotaries, to provide the same jack-of-all-trades approach, but with situational application. Essentially personal choice would decide whether to use this or not.

    Empire-Specific Anti-Infantry:
    TR have the Banshee, VS the PPA, and NC a new weapon. These weapons provide a non-situational nose gun that is better than the other 3 types of weapon versus infantry, but worse versus vehicles.

    The current balance debate comes down to 'Yeah but the Banshee can't rip through vehicles like the AH can', without ever thinking 'Yeah, but the AH is nowhere near as good versus infantry'. Rather than nerf the AH into obscurity, we recognise that if it were only effective versus infantry, its situational usefulness would make it worthless as one can rarely get close to infantry (which the PPA/Banshee do not require). Instead, we give the TR new weapons to rival the AH in situational usefulness, and the NC a new weapon to rival the Banshee in AI power (and buff the PPA a bit ;) ).

    ^Constructive feedback.


    ^Non-constructive feedback.
  13. SolLeks

    aww, you had my hopes up =x

    im in the same boat though... damn having to work... but yay having a job... catch 22.
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  14. Khyrin

    Actually ESF's are soft targets, hence the Walker using soft point ammo to shred air and the ESF's being susceptible to small arms fire.

    So technically it was used against an intended target, what left the AH going overboard an becoming "OP" was it's ability to damage all targets, even hard ones like tanks and Sunderers. That's pure fail from the design team here, if they had it designed like a shrapnell grenade launcher, it would have never been a problem, and the AH would have the same rarity on the battlefield as the Banshee and the LPPA.
  15. Mrasap

    Please tell me more how you went from my quote to "So why can't the community [...] ask for extra weapons, not nerfs to existing ones.." Straw man fallacy.

    Hard evidence suggests the AH was way better than the Rotary.

    I am in favor for more variety in ESF guns if they fit a specific niche with advantages and disadvantages. The AH did not have a disastrous disadvantage. Can't farm infantry? Whoop big deal, go find yourself a dogfight to dominate in. Meanwhile, the PPA is dead the moment an enemy ESF targets them. In my opinion, the AH could control whether he is in a situation with an advantage or disadvantage, this is not the case for the other ES noseguns. That's why the difference in score/hr gets more pronounced at higher BRs.

    The point I want to make - in case you flew right over it: these changes did not address the imbalance described above. The Banshee and (especially) the PPA still have a disastrous disadvantage they have no control over, while the AH got nerfed in every asset, instead of getting pushed to a specific niche.
  16. anaverageguy

    ...So why wouldn't NC players just use vortek rotaries now. Those were better than the AH against both air and ground in all but close range anyway since it has no damage drop off.
  17. iller

    I use Vortek for everything anyway. pull a LIB /w C30 if you want to make ground targets cry.

    Isn't Our REAL problems the oversized hitbox & cannon divergence? I don't see that in the bug-fix notes today...
  18. MilitiaMan

    Rotary has that terrible offset making it harder to hit with.
  19. anaverageguy

    I have and use both. Rather, I used to (before I changed to TR). Its not difficult to compensate for, at most only at the level of adjusting for bullet drop while sniping.
  20. MilitiaMan

    If you target is standing still maybe, but the angle changes depending on the orientation of the vehicle and how close you are to the target.
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