[RCN6] Recon Team Six

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by MisterTwister22, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. MisterTwister22

    Recon Team Six

    Hello Emerald New Conglomerate and others! I am the leader of Recon Team Six and I am here to say that we are looking for a few new players who want to learn the hardcore ways of Planetside 2! It is time for us to commit to bringing up another generation of veteran players. We are a different kind of outfit. We specialize in tightly knit squads of infantry most of the time. The reasoning behind us opening recruitment is that we have seen the Escalation update bringing in a lot of new players and we want to teach you the little things that will give you the edge. If you are new, our veterans are focusing on sharing our knowledge and experience with you, all are welcome. RCN6 also loves to coordinate with other NC outfits. If any outfits read this and want to do joint ops,
    please let us know here or anywhere else! Here is a nifty poem that describes us.

    "There's strong, and then there's Recon strong,

    It is not about the strength to win, but the strength to overcome challenges;

    Not about the strength in numbers, but the strengths in each other;

    Not just the strength to live, but the strength to liberate Auraxis of the plague of The Terran Republic and The Vanu Sovereignty;

    Not just the strength to fight, but the strength to fight as one;

    We are more than just an outfit, we are Recon;

    There is nothing on Auraxis more capable than Recon Team Six, because there is nothing on Auraxis stronger than an RCN6 soldier;

    There's strong, and then there's Recon strong.

    Think you've got what it takes?"

    And a video:

    Our key officers are here for you to contact them to get into that specific thing within our outfit, they are as follows:

    MisterTwister22- Infantry leader

    Icedude94- Vehicle leader

    Coolgolfer1- VLG Leader

    For all of your stats and info:

    Please post in the thread for a discord invite



    As we’ve coined the term,

    Teamwork OP!

    Apply today!
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  2. totalBimbo

    Try running with our squads to see if your interested in small squad tactical game play.
    at the 1 min mark you can see how effective pulling air at the right times can help your squad advance towards cap point.

  3. SkillSet

    BAMFMF - RCN6 has my endorsement for good people, backing up the NC in times of need and knowing where and when to drop the hammer. +1
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  4. EGuardian1

    If you guys need numbers, let SET know and we can move in to support you guys. I've seen you in action, very badass :D
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  5. totalBimbo

    same goes for you guys at SET, when your under heavy attack and your holding the cap just shine the bat light into the sky and we will drop on the next base to relive enough pressure for your advance. or for some super sneaky special operations jump on our mumble...i may or may not be recording...depends on how many munchkins are on.
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  6. totalBimbo

    after main event NC held a race featuring "POOnanners" and our very own "MrTwister" took 1st place!!!! LMFAO enjoy!

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  7. toxs

    RCN6 is a solid group of dudes. Always happy to have you guys close by!
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  8. MisterTwister22

    Thanks toks! Always good to see tiw at our backs as well. :D
  9. totalBimbo

    always a blast crushing faces with TIW and others securing each others flanks and droppin those OP zoe's with each brick of friendship.

    something special from Spincycle ENJOY!!!

  10. ArchadorNC

    RCN6 is an awesome group of guys, great tactics and leadership. Btw, Spin - love FFDP's Bad Company cover :)
  11. Chestbeak

    I respect these guys. They are one of the few NC outfits that put my group (TWO4) into serious mode. If you're on the fence about what outfit to join, do yourself a favor and join them. They obviously get **** done while having a good time. Isn't that what this game is all about?
  12. Orphen223

    if i see you guys in game ill run with you i am still looking for an outfit to join have been for a while havent found one that I have exactly liked so far.
  13. MisterTwister22

    Hey Orphen we would love to have you in our family of butt kickingness! Hop on our mumble that's listed above and run with us man!

    We run serious ops pretty much every night and improve by the day. Sometimes the gameplay is also very casual, but when its prime time we usually make it serious.

    Looking forward to having another addition to our team!
  14. MisterTwister22

    Hey just wanted say that I couldn't have asked for a better community of players!
  15. MisterTwister22

    So today was a great event for Recon Team Six. We got our first BR100!!!!!!!!!!
    Blueshirt3 hit it today after suicide max rushing.
    Congrats to Blue
  16. treebeard_38

    you guys still recruiting? new player but eager to learn and would prefer the small squad based tactics style IG is treebeard38
  17. MisterTwister22

    Hey treebeard!
    We are absolutely still recruiting, We would also be happy to teach you into becoming a knowledgeable player.
    I will send you a friend request in-game asap and hopefully have you run with us Friday night!
  18. treebeard_38

    alas i work night shift at weekends so i will not be on the that
  19. MisterTwister22

    Ok that's alright, we'll do our best to get you in ASAP!
  20. totalBimbo

    Our members have worked together in squad and platoon based fights for a long time now, They practically know what each other is thinking...like hey Twister I think your thinking about "grabbing a snack from the kitchen"...or Karma I think your thinking "where the heck is that bacon" 2 seconds before its placed. There is so many examples i could go on and on but the point i want to make is our guys get **** done! So what i am interested in is personally taking new/newer recruits even if they are running with another outfit and are interested in running in this new experimental squad/squads eventually reaching the point where we have yet another group of members who work as well as our original members. This means hopefully during prime time events you all will be running with the same group of people in your squad as you always do, kind of like a mini outfit within an outfit where your squad of 12 well trained killas can outperform an unorganized 48+ zerg head on and actually win.

    If your interested in this concept and are willing to work through the highs and lows of EPIC COMBAT please send either Karma3six, MrTwister, BlueShirt, Spincycle, or myself TotalBimbo a friend request in game with a Tell asking to join anything thats running squad wise in game. also give a shout to us hear on the forum since we all notice it from time to time.