Hey folks, I wanted to mention that I updated the original post of this for our new recruitment drive. The goal of this recruitment is to participate in Outfit Wars. For those of you who do not know, we play NC. We can currently pull 2 full squads for our weekly Ops. In order to participate in Outfit Wars, we would like to bring 4 squads. If you are brand new and like the idea of competitive play against other skilled outfits, we have the groundwork laid out to teach you everything you need to know about Planetside. This won't exactly be something to undertake for the faint of heart. Outfit Wars essentially requires us to play for 8 hours on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. At least, this currently running season does. Experience the highest degree of play in Planetside with RCN6! If this interests you, please send me(MisterTwister22) or icedude94 a message in-game(or me on reddit @ u/mistertwister22) for some play time and our discord information. Alternatively you can friend request me on Discord @MisterTwister22#3839
These guys are legit. High Speed, Low Drag. Imagine ECUS-Brand Harasser-Lubrication Tactics, with RCN6-Level CQB Strategies: Outfit Wars is a win for these homies!
We are still recruiting for this upcoming Outfit Wars! If you are brand new, we are offering an EXTENSIVE training this Friday to bring you up to veteran level very quickly. It is a 3-4 hour training period that will at least cover everything you need to know for infantry game play. If you should desire it, I also have EXTENSIVE vehicle training available to host. Like I mentioned before, this is not a feat for the faint of heart. I want to transform new players and veteran players alike into rough and tough killing machines. Join RCN6 today!
Tonight we had a large public platoon for our new Thursday Ops night. It was our most successful public platoon we have ever had in 6 years. We had 3 full squads of pubbies that were fully coordinated. We are looking to operate with those numbers on normal nights with RCN6 members. Join RCN6 today and help create the most powerful outfit on the server! PS: My mega tutorial video is progressing nicely. I can't wait to release it. Become a veteran with us!
Yo Twister, not sure if you remember me, JustCallMeEx. We ran some joint ops together (I think) in the long past. I founded NC SCUM some years ago now but I quit a few years ago and we are long dead. I think I will casually play from here to there and the outfit wars looks fun. I would be interested in running with you guys and having some fun ops. However, I do live in the EU now, so timing may be quite difficult. Let me know if this interests you! If I get sucked back in, I could try reaching out to some old friends to get them to join as well.
Hey. I don't like publicly distributing our discord invite, so you should add me on discord and I'll invite you to our server. I am @MisterTwister22#3839 on discord. I am going to be online(at least on discord) the rest of the night unless my power goes out I am unsure of our timezones matching up right also. In any case you will probably have a good time if you can make our ops nights on Thursdays and Sundays at 7PM EST. Also I do remember you. I especially remember SCUM, as Zxii who was a part of RCN6 knew one of your SCUM folks. I can't remember if it was you specifically.