
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frenk, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Keyski

  2. Spartan3123

    wrong this is a placebo

    someone done the maths, the trigger lag means its effective muzzle velocity is less than the longshot.
    The only reason you are getting shot by snipers more is because they are more snipers....
  3. That Guy Over There

    Best thing I can see the Railjack being used for is taking out engineers on turrets. or killing other infiltrators
  4. Goretzu

    To be fair no bullet drop is only apparently overpowered when the NC have it, if they VS have it, then it is fine/underpowered (this conclusion was reached after extensive research and collection of data :D ).

    It even apparently holds true if the NC do have bullet drop on a weapon, but enough people think it doesn't. o_O
  5. IrishPride

    They weren't UP players just super sucked XD , NC was always good just misunderstood like the famed "Gauss SAW" sucks comments when people should have aimed
    • Up x 2
  6. MurderBunneh

    Ya it's getting nerfed to 4 rounds per mag TODAY. Should have known bro NC stuff gets insta nerfed.
  7. Planetdoge

    :( :( :(
  8. Nephi1im

    They rushed its nerf in so quick they forgot to make the mag the right size. Either that or they wanted it to have one upside to the longshot so people would buy it day one..... SNEAKY.
  9. Vikingo

    Correction: they should have stood still and then aimed.

    Acctually in the provided link Higby confirms that NC was put in a bad place competitively purpously.

    I dont know how valid this is now after PU2 but it doesnt change the fact that it used to be the case.
  10. Bindlestiff

    We all know where your new RailJack will eventually end up. You will have up to 6 glorious months where you realise it is amazing as is, then SOE will decide it needs to be turned into a 6 shot burst dump weapon.

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