
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frenk, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Frenk

    What's with it? Why am I getting killed from the other side of the map while moving? I got killed like 4 times by 4 different snipers, always while moving, all of them using this gun. Does it have infinite bullet velocity? No drop?

    I'm NOT saying it is OP. I am asking you HOW DOES IT WORK, because I would like to counter it somehow.
  2. NCDaniel

    Velocity speed.
  3. Hatesphere

    its got insane speed and almost no drop to boot (this is a product of its insane speed) so it makes it easier for snipers to hit moving targets as less leading is required. its a bush wookies dream,
  4. FieldMarshall

    Also less/faster reloading = more time shooting at people across the map
  5. Hatesphere

    you cant really counter it other then figure out were the sniper is shooting from and block his line of sight. we will have to wait a few days with it on live, but i have a feeling that its going to turn mediocre long range snipers into good ones, and good snipers into extremely annoying ones.
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  6. Planetdoge

    Sigh... so tempted to buy this gun at full price right now; I just love the look and feel of it. But, I'm already too used to compensating for the Bolt Driver's low bullet velocity.
  7. p10k56

    So it outclasses all other bolt action:confused:
    How typical, all goodies to NC:(
    Rejoice mighty TR you shall have crossbreed between sniper and scout...

    Yes Mule is better than donkey but it is not a Warhorse:cool:
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  8. Odin

    rofl so much bs in this thread. It has the exact same drop as a longshot..fact.
    It now has a firing delay that makes leading targets basically the exact same as a longshot.
    If you own a longshot there is zero reason to buy it.
    I wish I could give this thing to tr and vs whiners and take the trap.
    The trap is simply awesome, being able to go from medium longrange shooting then switch to 3 round burst mode is amazing.
    Using a railjack is just..longshot and that's it, nothing special at all. I wont be buying it and I would be surprised if anyone that has a longshot does either.
    If you want it nerfed any further whiners then suggest another mode or buff for it cause it has nothing but the 200ms velocity going for it over a longshot.
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  9. FieldMarshall

    ... and so it begins

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  10. Frenk

    Well, I tried the VS faction sniper and it totally sucks. It's extremely hard to kill even standing still people because of the "charging" thing, and normally people don't stand still for more than a couple of seconds.
    The railjack as you all described to me seems to be a perfect upgrade of a bolt action sniper, outclassing everything else. It sure must have downsides right? What are them?
  11. KnightCole

    Bush wookie...havent heard that since BFBC2. Lolz.
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  12. johnway

    Indeed. Bush wookies of BFBC2. Ah the memories. I was a rubbish sniper so usually opted to be an assualt wookie.

    Ahem, the Railjack is probably imo the best of the new sniper rifles of the bunch. It hits bloody hard and it has literally no bullet drop from ranges where other rifles you have to compensate for it slightly. Admittedly, i haven't taken it out onto the field, but from what i've seen, this is a pretty deadly weapon. The others are a bit lackluster and if i had to get one i would go for the nc one. But who knows i haven't really spent much time being on the receiving end of these weapons so who knows what will happen. The railjack is still the one i fear most though.
  13. Akeita

    Before they shoot, they have about 0.5 - 1s charge up time and then extremely long chamber time..
  14. KenDelta

    They're either good or ladyluck blessed em for today , shooting targets from longrages is a challenge because of the tiny charge and leading lol
    It has a slight drop.
  15. starlinvf

    Would it help if the TRAP was a lock-on weapon that can 1 clip infantry and follow them around terrain?
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  16. Emeere

    It's almost like everyone forgot the NC was super UP for the last sixth months, lmao...
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  17. Odin

    lol go ahead buy the railjack...its ****** worthless with the delay on firing. The only advantage the railjack had was faster velocity, with the firing delay it negates that completely. Just used it for a hour then picked up the long shot and the longshot was infinitely easier to use. GG soe release the 850ms velocity then make a mechanic that makes it worthless rofl...soe soe
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  18. Epic High Five

    Same drop as a Longshot. This is tested and is literally true. @150m with 7x, 1.75 mildots silenced, right on the crosshair unsilenced, for both guns.

    You have to lead more than with the Longshot because of the firing delay, unless you keep following your target, in which case you don't and the Railjack's round will arrive at the target 0.033 seconds faster for each hundred yards between you and the target.


    What a pointless damn gun.

    Meanwhile the Phaseshift is LITERALLY a no-drop OHK sniper rifle and nobody seems to be whining about that.
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  19. starlinvf

    You need to test it around 300 to see how big a difference it is. At 40m you won't notice much drop difference between an SMG and a carbine, but they both have significant difference in velocity.
  20. Epic High Five

    If they're exactly the same at 150m, how much different could they be at 300m? 1.75:1.75 is the same at all ranges. People here posting how the gun has zero drop at 300m are seriously deluded and not quite with the times, because the damn gun is a Longshot reskin. Why the hell would you design a gun around having all the benefits of a really high velocity and then take away those benefits? Gotta lead a lot because of the delay, and the bullet drop is magically way worse than what the velocity would indicate.
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