Rage Tells - Your Response?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Spartan 117

    I'm not sure how common this is, but on just about a daily basis I receive 1-2 tells from people I don't know that are verbally abusive. My first reaction is always:

    Who are these people & why are they so angry?

    Like the things they say just reflect so poorly upon themselves. Do they do this to everyone? I generally just ignore them, or reply politely even when they get under my skin. I've learned its best to eliminate communication from people like this as they often can not be reasoned with & have a toxic mindset.

    How do you resolve situations like this?
  2. NC_agent00kevin

  3. Kid Gloves

    I reply once with a terse, polite and - depending on the situation - firm response that makes my own position clear on the matter. Then I don't bother replying any further.

    Most of mine come from friendly pilots who crash into my Galaxy. This pretty much only happens when my Galaxy is not moving, because when it is moving I'm pretty good at predicting ESF movement and avoiding them - including catering for their evasive behaviour.

    Part of me wonders whether these people also try to send rage-tells to trees. :D
  4. Kid Gloves

    I was just posting this in your thread but it got locked/mod'd, probably for the very reason I highlighted in the first line:

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  5. Shuguard

    I just got one today using a saron harasser where i killed a lightning from the rear and sent me this "You shouldn't do that, you could get reported." my response was first laughter followed by "what?"

    I usually just laugh at rage tells. Getting mad in a game is dumb and pointless.
  6. IamDH

    Sometimes i PM people for a clarification. Like once i had logged in and spawned a vanguard and then i noticed it wasnt doing any damage.
  7. Astraka

  8. f0d

    i just say "thank you :) "
    or "i appreciate that :) "

    or even "thank you for your kind words sir"
  9. Campagne

    Each one of my responses are unique. :p
  10. Devrailis

    Don't hate.

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  11. NoctD

    Ignore them at first. If they continue ranting, report them for harassment and /ignore.
  12. NC_agent00kevin

    Yep. Im going to blot out the names and repost it. The Mods are starting to get annoying.
  13. Hatesphere

    Most of the time its weapon related, them calling me a noob or some such. I usually just respond "sucks to be dead eh?"
  14. Kid Gloves

    They're just doing their job. :)

    Do double-check for any other potential violations before posting, just to be sure. And be aware that if you did bait / reply to the person, you may find you get hoisted by your own petard. Just a friendly FYI.
  15. LectraWyraph

    I... Don't know... I've gotten a rage tell for my very cheap SMG infiltrator+anti-infantry ESF with ejection seat tactics. Someone managed to shoot my ESF with a rocket, I guess cause... Cause well, I'm bad. And the ejection seat which I invested 500 certs into saved my life. This person was furious I took no health damage, and rather than just insult my badness, this person got so mad they told me to kill myself.

    Think I got called a "cheater" by this person too lol. Another person sent a tell that wasn't nearly as mean, but still quite hostile, accusing me of being in middle school or something, I think cause they were mad they died to an ESF.

    I also bizarrely had someone on my own faction accuse me of cheating before, claiming I was gonna get banned for it. I don't know what happened, I was in my magmower, and by a total random fluke guess I accidentally got a friendly kill. Whoever this was must have been right around a corner, or must've like flew right in front of me right as I was shooting at nearby VS/TR.

    And I usually ignore the rage tellers or lol at them.
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  16. Lolroflcake

    The only rage tell I've ever gotten I received when me and my buddies were roaming around esamir in prowlers looking for stuff to kill. The NC zerg attacking a tower got the bright idea to park their sunderers in a nice open field behind some buildings, needless to say the NC were deprived of all soft spawns in a manner of a couple of minutes seeing as they were totally focused on taking the nearby tower from the VS. I got a rage tell from one of the owners who was killed with his sundie about a TR/VS alliance, I laughed at him and thanked him for the points.
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  17. NC_agent00kevin

    Posting screens is no different than a killboard. I dont agree with their policing. Naming someone is one thing, screens are another. Any killboard screen should be banned by that logic. But its whatever. I'm blacking out the names right now, the thread will be back momentarily. Ill post a warning at the top for other forum warriors too.

    I doubt anything will come of what I reply. I rarely curse people, and confirmed cheaters are still in the game. /Report is utterly useless, and opening a ticket seems to be near useless as well.
  18. Tommyp2006

  19. Riku

    I mostly add some fuel to the fire to make them really mad. Such as when they call me noob, I say they got owned by a noob. Then they usually call me a child. Speak after me: "~Owned by a childish noob~".

    I never get defensive though, enjoying the rages - so if I don't find a suiting response, I just say "^__^" or something along the lines.
    I know you probably do know already, but don't let them get you and don't get defensive. Rages can be really fun and entertaining. Just have fun!
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  20. vilehydra

    I play on Connory TR and get very few rage tells. Sometimes I get a few rage shouts, like when I was in the middle of **** all no where and a reaver lands right next to me to repair, I toss c4 on it and let the pilot get back in and blow it 5 feet of the ground. He yelled at me in general chat and I just laughed and ran away.

    I don't get rage tells that often, usually it's actually a compliment or a striking conversation. Maybe more people rage yell at me and I'm just in outfit chat and never read it.