[R8TH] The Purple Wraiths

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Nyxpip, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. KiddParK

    no worries! no head = no head-SHOTS....

    if only!
  2. Sarmane

    Equality and justice on this day, nice. And any coverage is good coverage Rewnzor.

    Remember viewers that a Purple Wraith travels only in the finest of circuit camos.
    • Up x 1
  3. vaxx

    Speedos only look good on men that also wear white thigh high boots with them.
    • Up x 1
  4. Nyxpip

    KP confirmed for the toughest of Vanu soldiers. Underwent dangerous, complex surgery to remove his own head and prevent the enemy from scoring headshots on him. We salute you.

    and I agree with Vaxx. There needs to be speedos and platform thigh-high boots, or they will be doing Vanu a disservice.
  5. Nyxpip

    Bump. So I can claim my rightful title as Waterson's Best Sundy Driver.

  6. Nyxpip

    We made a "recruitment" video of a sort. And by recruitment video I mean we spent 4 hours shimmying around Auraxis for the hell of it.

    The TR that joined us is a beast. Made it 10x better than we could've ever planned. Thanks for not shooting us!:D

    And also bloopers:
  7. ZoolXen

    Might as well throw these up here too :D

    C4 suicide bombings (more like fails, but fun none the less)

    And this one: Le Sexy times with the outfit leaders ;)

  8. vaxx

    Best video I have seen a long time. Double thumbs up!
  9. Total_Overkill

    These boys just aint right...
  10. Nyxpip

    Thanks! It was a blast making it.

    If spazz-dancing uncontrollably in the middle of a battlefield is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
  11. Nyxpip

    Purple Wraiths teach you how to Ghostcap a biolab.

    Music from Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg. I love that game's soundtrack.

    In all seriousness, as fun as these derpy video are I need to remember to record during our ops/serious times. I'm just usually too distracted with leading to remember to click the button.

    We had some amazingly coordinated Biolab pushes last night during our Op. Was very close to banging our heads against the wall uselessly after the 4th try, but eventually we got the biolab. It was very good practice/example of proper entry way coverage by my guys. Wish I had remembered to record it. :/
  12. Rewnzor

    We've gotten really good at stacking our magriders, I wish the steam hotkey pictures saved properly ;_;
  13. KiddParK

    you guys are crazy.. the good kind true...

    but crazy...

  14. Nyxpip



    Coutesy of Moose. R8TH's matching magrider tower. It's amazing that we can still be an effective organized outfit and still have this much fun on our casual days.

    I'm also working on getting footage of us experimenting with an air wing. But my FPS drops a ton and it ends up crashing my scythe. Hopefully I'll have enough snippets to put up our ghetto airwing video and show how awesomely our outfit works together to create new strats :D
  15. Rewnzor

    Three is only the beginning!
  16. imb0r3d

    We totally have to drive our Sundy's together - I'll grab my full repair Sundy for ya :)
  17. DaMann22


    Well cant wait for the community night with R8TH. Great intimate group of players. Can't go wrong joining them. And looking forward to interoutfit ops with you guys in the future.
  18. Nyxpip

    Double the sundy rolling!

    NOTHING. He had no head for a good 2 weeks, but then it magically came back. Looking forward to Saturday with you guys and NCSO :D Should be tons of fun!
  19. Rewnzor

    Sleepy hollow KP was everywhere. It was a truly scary time to be NC/TR
  20. KiddParK

    yo wraiths... Dawn and Sents gonna have a Vanu Alliance get together within a few weeks, you up for some teamwork action and beers... and stuff...