Thanks Verviedi. Here it is if you want to take a look. Now its time to take a break from the game except during Dawn Ops.
LA directive is fun but much more work than the medic. Join us for some special operations going down this Wednesday and every following Wednesday.
I plan on doing the vehicles (namely Sundy and magrider) after I finish the carbine and LA. I would already have he HA auraxium while working the LMG one but it kept glitching on me with the Max kills. I'll eventually go back and do it but I need 300 max kills and auraxium vehicle grenades.
Half way to Zenith auraxium now, and with 2 other guns that I need to auraxium I'm now half way to getting the Eclipse.
Zenith is DONE!!! On with the Serpent. Oh and I did the c4 Auraxium during this time. I think I have a problem?
Lots of new startup outfits going down. But when you join Dawn you know we are in it for the long haul. JOIN TODAY!!!
your interri. only have two and a half more weapons to auraxium and im back to teamwork oriented gameplay.
So close to the Eridani auraxium that I can taste it. Come watch me Auraxium it and the rest of the Dawn guys on