Pump action shotguns need a buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blashyrk92, Aug 26, 2013.

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  1. blashyrk92

    Given how slowly they fire, and that their only effective range is 0-3m or so, PA shotguns are very underperforming.

    With everyone wearing nanoweave these days, there's hardly ever a situation where you can actually OHK somebody with it, even at point blank range. Its ONLY advantage to any other gun should its ability to OHK at point blank, and sure enough, heavy assault should be the ONLY class that should be excluded from this rule (due to their overshield).
    Even though the stats say that if all pellets hit, PA shotguns dish out 1300dmg or 1433dmgwhich should be just enough to kill someone someone with nanoweave 5 and no overshield, this never ever happens in reality because the only range at which you can land all pellets is the same range you can knife someone.

    To summarize:
    - The state PA shotties are currently in pretty much means that semi auto shotguns and second generation SMGs are direct upgrades over PA shotguns.

    - The only range at which OHK ever occurs is touching range, so the weapon is basically an upgraded quick knife (unless the target isn't a HA and/or doesn't have nanoweave equipped which is about 33% of the time)

    - The PA is a situational weapon which should award situational awareness and creeping up behind or near your enemy, as well as accuracy - but most of the time this isn't the case. Currently if your first shot doesn't kill the enemy you're at a serious disadvantage in the fight, and for a weapon that is completely limited to the range of 3 meters this is absurd.
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  2. KenDelta

    You forgot a point :
    -If you miss your 1st shot/OHK , you die.
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  3. blashyrk92

    Yeah, I stated that already though I tried to word it less extremely: "Currently if your first shot doesn't kill the enemy you're at a serious disadvantage in the fight, and for a weapon that is completely limited to the range of 3 meters this is absurd."

    The bad part about it is, it's not only if you miss but rather every time your opponent doesn't die from the first shot.
  4. BraSS


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  5. Hicksimus

    I frequently use my pump action shotgun and it works just right. Any more powerful and it would be OP.
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  6. Angry Scientist

    I really honestly don't know how you would. They got nerfed because everyone had one. It was a combination of their power and them being new that did it, so they were way too overused.

    I think giving them back their capacity might be a nice step. It's kinda crappy that you have to take a lot of downsides to probably kill someone instantly in the first shot. A heavy with his shield up, or nanoweave, or the slightest miss of any pellets, and they survive.
  7. KnightCole

    Smart *** answer?

    Boom headshot.....

    Double thatv1300 to 2600.
  8. ReformerTR

    I agree to a point. The pump actions are so hard to balance. They should reward good aim, take the mag size to 2 or 3 no extended mag, and revert there damage nerf.
  9. blashyrk92

    Well, it's not that you can exactly aim for the head, I mean there's 10 or 11 pellets which spread out seemingly at random, unless you're at knife distance. :)

    I still love playing with my Phobos VX86 simply because it's fun to use. It adds a whole new dimension of gameplay - positioning, whereas with other weapons you can just point and shoot.
    But if I were a stat padder, I'd never even consider using a PA shotgun due to their inefficiency.

    I like this suggestion a lot and I would be very happy if the devs felt the same way.
  10. tenzenator

    no, they are fine
  11. Hoki

    This game is full of crybabies that can't handle getting OHK, so you wont find any sympathy.

    The rest of you in this thread should go back to wow and play your paladins honestly.

    And really the problem, again, comes down to nanoweave. Its just an OP suit upgrade, simple as that.

    Dice announced a body armor for infantry and everybody flipped their ****. Why? Cause just like in this game and bad company, everybody uses it.
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  12. KnightCole

    But..but..i never played wow. .
  13. lilleAllan

    I'm with this guy,
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  14. Excretus Maximus

    So I'm imagining things when my Engineer with NW4 gets 1-shot?
  15. KnightCole

    Atleast on these threads people talk about buffs.

    Wot forums its always nerf everything non soviet.
  16. Spude


    Pump action shotguns are like they supposed to be. 1 hit if you aim. stop QQ
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  17. EViLMinD

    The pump nerfs were a little extreme. They are still good, but not quite as good as they ought to be. So, give 'em a slightly faster re-fire rate. Boosting their pellet damage will only cause the weenies to cry again. Can't have that now.
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  18. NinjaTurtle

    No, you trade the OHK potential for the likely hood that you will die due to the fire rate between shots

    High risk/High reward
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  19. blashyrk92

    Not like anyone can take your input seriously with that signature of yours...

    Well yes, even that would make them more viable to use. I'm all up for any sort of minor buff as long as it's not effective range as that would make them OP. But a small dmg buff or even fire rate buff as you've suggested would be golden.
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  20. HellasVagabond

    Suree.....I was shooting a TR the other day around the top of a tower....emptied almost an entire clip, didn't kill him....Turns around and BOOM, i am dead from the shotgun with 1 shot.....So yea they are UP.....(irony).
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