PTS update 1/3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LodeTria, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. Mojo_man

    As a player who spends a lot of time in a tank, I can tell you I'm already really paranoid about getting anywhere near a building thanks to C-4. And since my tanks are ALWAYS set up for AV work, I don't usually use thermals, instead preferring zooms for those occasions I need to land accurate shots from long range. Given that I was already scared to get close to buildings, Never used Thermals on the only vehicles I spend an appreciable amount of time in anyway, and the new C-4 resistance still not stopping you from getting blasted by two bricks, means that not much for me has changed.
  2. OgreMarkX

    Thermal Nerf:

    As a frequent abuser...err user...of the Mossie + Banshee + Thermals + Lolpods...ouch...ya....too easy to get kills that my targets surely despise. I despise it on the receiving end.

    This is a nerf that I think may be for the best.
  3. LaughingDead

    Just looked at thermals and I gotta ask: Why?

    Should we just put up a sign at the warpgate "Devs hate vehicles over infantry"? We get it devs, people hate it, people hate the absolute **** out of it but tons of players also hate not being able to counter infantry with vehicles effectively.

    It doesn't even seem like a straight nerf, it feels more like a petty remark about how tanks look fat or something. The whole point of thermals was to outline threats incuding infantry, are we simply too blind to see tanks at 300 meters now? If so I'd like a refund, completely taking an ability I bought for that exact reason and turned it around into something no one needed or wanted. How bout I go over and change coffee machines into chamber pots or maybe refrigerators into dog sleds?
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  4. LaughingDead

    Look at LMGs on pts, this change was made a long time ago.
  5. BartasRS

    Personally I am very disappointed by ES sundy weapons, especially VS weapon. It needs THREE double hits on Flash to kill it, killing an MBT or Sundy takes ages and on top of that it looses a lot of accuracy over range (has totally random firing/projectile pattern). The best you can hope is to land one of the two projectiles on the target. From what I see this weapon is only good for "sniping" infantry at very close range. TBH with such poor AV damage it should be more like Vortex not like some weird Saron/PPA mix.
  6. Liewec123

    totally agree, an optic that lets you see big hulking vehicles at close range, so worth 200 certs!
    lets be honest did ANYONE buy thermals to help them spot vehicles in close range fights?!
    who the hell has trouble seeing vehicles?! :D

    i have thermals on almost all of my vehicles to help me spot infantry, that is its only purpose, if this change goes live it will be absolutely useless and i'll accept that if i can get my 4800 certs back. (and that is just for the 24 weapons i have thermal for on my main.)
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  7. JobiWan

    I spent a hefty amounts of certs and some actual money to make a fully upgraded battle bus with dual Furys and thermal optics. If this goes live I should get a refund as it seems both are being nerfed heavily.
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  8. Liewec123

    ditto, maxed out ammo, reload and thermals on a pair of furys, though i'd already switched back to basilisks a good while ago,
    it seems the devs really really want you to just stick with basilisks!
    i notice they've even nerfed bulldogs, the unwanted bastard child of NS weaponry.
    i think they're trying to encourage more people to start using ES weapons (which i guess is a good motive)
  9. AlexR

    Ahahah, oh wow. This game with every patch is closer to uninstall. Why the hell would they do that? What is the point? AI weapons will become complete crap with that. At least they could split optics on 2 different roles: one for vehicle highlights, one for infantry. Guess what would everyone use. Exactly, Infantry, because we CAN SEE THE FREAKING TANKS EVEN WITHOUT THERMAL. Stupidest change i've seen here so far. What next? AP shells deal 0 damage to infantry?
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  10. Pikachu

    Nice idea. Anti-nanite bullets.
  11. Pikachu

    Because people have been saying that thermal sights is no-skill crutch stuff. And yes a few people in the history of ps2 has been suggesting increasing STK for AP cannons. People want more nerfs.
  12. Eternaloptimist

    That's pretty close to what you have to do now against a Deploy Shield Sundy.

    Not really, you will just have to place them a bit further back from your expected target (like I do with prox and betty now) If someone is running towards it that gives more time for it to go off and if they are runnung across it, the trigger arc is wider.
  13. stalkish

    Thermals helped AI vehicles far too much, glad its on the chopping block, hope it makes live.

    Now that its harder to spot infantry, can we get some actual AI weapons that are at least equal to grenades please? Might make using AI slightly, remotely worth it.
  14. The Shady Engineer

    An interesting use for the new thermals may be to use them on Sundy or any ground vehicle based Walkers.

    Who needs engagement radar when scythes light up like christmas trees up to 350m. :D
  15. Hajakizol

    Aspis Anti-Air turrets (lattice base version)
    Projectile lifespan from 3sec. to 1.2sec.
    Projectiles now detonate at the end of their lifespan.
    This change brings the maximum effective range of base turrets to 450 meters to focus their role on the defense of the base, instead of influencing far-off fights.

    Looks ok mostly but 2 things:
    1. Would not now be an excellent time to make it a skill based weapon? No flack walker maybe? On roids?
    2 How can we shoot down high flying libs and gals that hoverspam the base? (please dont say planes please dont say planes for the love of nananits dont say grab a plane!)

    I agree shooting down a plane from another base is cheese. But being able to outrun AA projectiles is also cheese. Please buff AA projectile speed and just remove flack everyone seams to hate it. That way when AA shoots down a plane they have to say man that guy had good aim instead of some Higby infused slew of insults that blanket your screen like 3 locked-down prowlers.
  16. entity009

    I am constanly on the recieving end of 30m plus chain headshots and ttks under 1s from the butcher. Either those guys know something you don't or they are cheating.

    I made a thread about it a while back. There were several butcher users who were regularly landing multiple headshots per burst at 50+ m and were out dpsing my long range lmg. I was left wondering because though i dont have the butcher ive used the T9 enough to know that that should be damn near impossible.
  17. Beerbeerbeer

    I thought they dropped that change.

    Regardless, why would they indicate this change in this roll out if it was already done??? Wouldn't it be redundant?

    In any case, the LMG changes, assuming they drop two tiers, is not good, at all. This just means more damn infiltrators if that's the class they want everyone to use for longer ranges. Think DB you idiots.

  18. LaughingDead

    Infiltrators should counter heavies, it makes sense that they want to bring LMG damage ranges in so they don't out snipe snipers.