PS4 players seem to like VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. MikeyGeeMan

    Funny. They went for ez mode. What else did you expect?
  2. uhlan

    I play NC quite a bit.

    Some of what I've read in this forum is certainly true; many people start the game as NC then gravitate toward the VS once they see how NC gun-play works. At least on the PC.

    The VS are very spammy, but are in no way better where gun-play is concerned than the other factions. What spammy gun-play DOES breed is confidence though, and that can skew statistics.

    This is why the NC seem to be an army of noobs interspersed with some very deadly, jaded, bored players... you never know who you're fighting against with the NC.

    How the faction gun-play will will be in the PS4 version is hard to say considering the aim-assist.

    I think aesthetics will rule in the PS4 rather than gun mechanics.
  3. Prudentia

    one thing i'll never understand is the claim that VS is the "spammy faction" when our highest DPM weapons barely reach the lowest DPM ones of the other factions :confused:
  4. uhlan

    I refer to things being spammy as more of a perception than a rule. I think the factions are nearly equal in all respects.

    However, using NC weapons in a spammy manner will get you killed more often than not. They simply aren't as easy to use for the vast majority of new players. Once you get over the learning curve, the weapons are very deadly.

    The VS weapons have morphed over the years, but they are still the easiest to use. You can jump right into the faction and hit targets... might not kill what you're aiming at, but at least you're hitting something. Same is true for the TR.
  5. Syphers

    Playing with a controller its no wonder the HA is the easy go class 0.75 will be even more advantaging on ps4
  6. Devrailis

    Your recoil could wave that stick better than you can, Hee hee! ;)
  7. patoman

    The root reason to play a faction is how its different, and how they look.

    I don't like the way NC look so I can never play them. Though they got heavy hitting weapons, if you like them play them.

    Relay if your a traditional tanker who like a tank with a turret, the choice is TR or NC, TR if you like moderate speed with a rapid fire gun with good dps, or NC if you like heavy armor, slow and the biggest alpha.

    The vany got lasers and weapons that have no drop, so I can see the interest in them, realy don't have a equivalent of a lasher
  8. KnightCole

    Prolly cuz the VS have very low recoil and controlling recoil on a console is a pita...having to pull down for recoil and track left and right and correct left and right for side to side jitter is prolly a real pain in the *** on a console. And with high *** First shot multipliers, bursting is out, so yeah, I can see it.

    Using a CARV on the console? LOL.....its bouncing left, right, up, down, and flying off the handle if you stop to correct the bloom.....dear god.
  9. Opapanax

    All these things that are so difficult for you PC guys is like 2nd nature to a console player. We know how to compensate for recoil with controllers with or without an aim assist. Your PC handicap doesn't apply to every console player I doubt most cored console players really find it that difficult Planetside isn't the first FPS ever on consoles people and in my opinion is actually one of the easier shooters out there. With the TTK almost being nil on some weapons (Looking at you Trac 5). Wake up from the stone age its 2015.