PS2 Is In Danger of "Combat Medic" takeover

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. MichaelS

    i play mostly engineer but i think it is a good idea. it was ok in PS1 where we had a lot more to repair.
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  2. UberBonisseur

    Snipers bullets go through walls.

    Got it.
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  3. BilliBobBillsen

    Guys lets keep it simple. Dont let SOE play arround with the medictool theyll **** it up or simply overdo it like they did with all powerfull things in the game. Just switch Heavy Assault and Medics main weaponry = LMG <-> Assault Rilfe.
    - bad hip fire
    - bad aimed fire
    - bad reload
    - bad rate of fire
    - bad ttk
    - good velocity
    - good ammo cap

    I guess thats what the medic needs and it would make the heavy assault somekinda primary combat unit instead of only needed when there is armor to kill.

    On the other hand you medic haters should try accept that this is the way how the game works. And that all u supirior tactitians need to think of new ways to counter these reviveblobs. MG-Turrets? Maxes? Controlled usage of explosives? Or maybe skill?
  4. HerpTheDerp

    I almost never see people run as medics. They only switch to medics when they're in a meatgrinder to get some easy certs.
  5. Aegie

    The exact point being made here is that it takes no skill to run around reviving as a bunch of medics and doing so can severely diminish, erase, or completely overcome FPS skill.

    4 medics, I take out 3 of them in 1 mag and before I can reload the 4th has revived the 1st and 2nd so I after the reload I take out the 4th and 1st but then by the next reload the 2nd has revived the 3rd and 1st and so on until I am out of ammo. Does that sound like good gameplay to you? Does that sound like I got outplayed? Does that sound like skill has any bearing on the outcome? I think not but of course we can agree to disagree.

    This has happened to me personally on several occassions and many of those times this cycle continues until I am out of ammo with my primary and switch to my sidearm wherein I can no longer continue taking down targets fast enough for them to all be tied up reviving one another and one of them finally manages to take me down. Just for the record, I am an OK player but not super skilled by any means and I do not post this to say "look how awesome I am" but rather to show that the class of medic, especially if with other medics, does not even have to concern itself with playing the same game (i.e. a first person shooter) and, in many situations, has fairly little reason to fear anything. Interestingly, often times in these scenarios that last medic had plenty of time to locate my position and take me down but was unconcerned and rightfully so because by focusing on reviving the other players they are almost guaranteed to outlast whereas to engage meant a possibility that no medics would be left to revive the others. This, of course, is not even breaching the issue of the revive grenades.
  6. Vinakis

    It sounds like you need to play with at least one friend before expecting to take out a coordinated team of 4 inferior FPS skilled but superior teamwork skilled players?
  7. BilliBobBillsen

    Hmm reading all the stuff sounds like aww im better than other guy but officially claiming im average and not playing in an organized squad. Well guys than u deserve to get killed. Squad > Soloplay. I know that the revive ball is somthing that can be done without an organized squad but honestly guys give the rookies something to do thats easy and effective. Why b i t c h about it?
  8. Aegie

    The thing is that there is no real way of knowing how much FPS skills any of them actually have because they are not really playing the same game.
  9. Aegie

    Yeah, I play in an organized outfit and often in platoons- that does not mean that every single small engagement I have them all right next to me.

    Also, I'm not saying that I am better but "officially claiming" I'm average- what I am saying is that skill in this situation was irrelevant because we were playing different games. I was playing a first person shooter and the medics were essentially playing something else.

    I can rephrase this very easily- my 12 person squad comes across a platoon of medics who do nothing but revive and we all just sit there emptying magazines as they drop over and over and over again but since there are so many it is irrelevant that they are pretty much ignoring us and just circling with the revive guns.

    Or, as my outfit has done on more than one occasion during an alert, the hex is just about to flip and we are severely outnumbered but we all pull medics and rush the point with the intention to continually revive each other while placing shooting back at the enemy as a distant second priority. Result? Over time the enemy may be able to dislodge us from the point but it is going to take a long time and lots and lots of spam/luck that one of us does not remain able to revive (or "playing possum") or throw a rez grenade etc. Team work? Sure. Strategy? Sure. Good gameplay? Not in my opinion but that is where we disagree.

    Here, saying squad>solo is basically the same as saying loadout>skill because the exact same logic can applies to large scale engagements and oh by the way most of the times this has occured it has happened in the middle of large battles- just because the hex has 48+ people does not mean they are all sitting shoulder to shoulder.

    TLDR: I think your post is a bit of a cop out.
  10. Vinakis

    If you're shooting them, they're playing the same game. They're just going about it differently than you are.

    Personally, I almost never play a medic, so I can't really speak for how playing in a revive ball is. But I can at least respect the fact that if killed by a group of four medics, I wouldn't be any less dead if they had just aimed their rifles at me and shot me from the beginning instead of sitting around reviving one another until I ran out of ammo. Knowing that I was defeated by superior teamwork, I would then either seek a counter to their small scale teamwork (MAX / tank) or then bring friends of my own to kill them. That's how Planetside worked. That's how Planetside 2 works.
  11. UberBonisseur

    Weapons aren't the issue, it's the super easy, fast, safe, rewarding Resurrection spell that allow mages to generate more bodies than you can shoot, while maintaining every MAX alive.

    Reviving is just too forgiving as it is.
  12. efil4mocx

    Medics are fine apart from the ability to revive MAX suits. Take that ability away and we'd be golden.
  13. Vinakis

    Could add an element of greater team play instead of removing it entirely. Make it so a Medic and an Engi must unite their nanite beams together in order to revive a fallen MAX.
    You know, like when Egon said don't cross the streams, only this time it would be beneficial. :eek:
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  14. Aegie

    Call it superior team work but it was the tools and the ability of those tools that allowed that to take place.

    If the weapon I was using was OHK the situation would not have played out that way and then what- could I claim that my skills had outdone their teamwork? This is why this is part of a balance discussion because none of these claims make sense without considering the relative power of the tools the classes are provided.

    In the early days of the game you could solo a squad with a liberator- did that make solo>team work or was that an instance where balance was an issue? No different here.

    This is not about solo vs. teamwork and I think you are latching on to a preconceived notion of what that means as a cop out to avoid the real issue. I could easily do the same thing with your teamwork > solo play and say, well not much of game because numbers > skill. It may be true and certainly we would not expect 1 skilled person to take on 100 average or even bad players but that does not mean that skill is completely negated (because if it was it would not be much of a game) and hence why this is part of a balance discussion. On the one hand, good gameplay is not likely to emerge when 1 person in 1 particular loadout can go around reliably owning entire platoons. On the other hand, good gameplay is not likely to emerge when no matter how skilled someone may be they will always be bested by a particular loadout. Between these two extremes is balance.

    If you think that medics are fine where they are then great- explain why you feel this way and perhaps I can walk away a little more enlightened and maybe even with a different point of view. Solo vs. Teamplay is a separate discussion.

    Perhaps my anecdote was not the best, since it seems everyone just jumped on the "you're a lone wolf and therefore bad" bandwagon but that was really not the situation.

    Personally, I do not think that it is much of a coincidence that one of the primary strategies is always "medic, max, engineer" nor do I think it is a coincidence that everytime I have heard this call and described on forums that it goes in that order.

    Healing, even without reviving, is a really powerful ability particularly in a FPS. Reviving even more so. That you can do so almost as fast as TTK and that you have options to do this en masse is not something that should be taken lightly from a balance perspective.

    I must admit, part of my grievance comes from the fact that when my outfit plays what it considers to be "seriously" they are always pigeonholing people into medics, always more medics. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand why they want a lot of medics because it is obvious but IMO that is just another indicator that something is off in terms of class balance.
  15. Sordid


    Make revives take longer, throw in a cooldown for good measure, and while you're at it take away the Medics' assault rifles and give them to the Light Assault class instead.
  16. Vinakis

    See, it really does help to better explain your point..

    I'll start off by saying that an important part of teamwork and skill alike is strategy. Bringing the right tools to the right situation is ALWAYS important. It -can- allow skill to outperform teamwork, and it -can- allow teamwork to outperform skill. More often than not it's about who brings the most tools.

    But, on the issue at hand with medics; No, I don't think they're fine as is. The fact that you have an outfit primarily rolling just medics makes it pretty obvious that there's something not right about the situation. My personal opinion is that the medic revive tool is fine, and the issue primarily is in the revive grenade. Mass resurrection of an entire room full of friendlies? Instant and you don't even have to go near the bullet spray? Who wouldn't want that!

    The question this brings up though is what to do about it? Would the simplest and most effective way be to remove the revive grenade entirely, and weather the storm of medic tears?
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  17. Poorform

    Revive is too fast. I agree.. When I can near instantly bring up 5 guys in under 10 seconds I'm practically denying any sort of progress the other team makes. This is why biolabs are such a cluster**** on defense. If you couldn't revive so quickly then it'd be much easier to push out from the teleporter rooms and actually make some progress outside of an entire platoon doing a max rush.
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  18. MrK

    Awww, this thread, again, that was foreseeing PS2 being overtaken by hordes of medics making the whole game dead....

    See where we are months after the ... the what, exactly?

    I see more MAX crashes than medic balls that were supposed to be soooooooo game breaking. In fact, nothing happened, the game hasn't been ruined, nothing. It just works as usual. Much ado about nothing.

    Personally, I won't have much of a problem seeing revive upped to something between 2 and 3 secs process, provided the corpse aiming mecanism is fixed (ie, my tool tries to revive the corpse I'm aiming at and not healing the nearby friendly instead).

    The supposed problem is blown way out of proportion, tbh. Now as much as 5 months ago.
  19. Posse

    The revive grenade should NEVER have been in this game, I don't know what they were thinking when they put it in.
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  20. SilentGuns

    How about we remove all current classes, vehicles and weapons and replace them with a bunch of naked people running around beating eachother with wooden sticks? I mean why cry on here all day when we can just skip right to the end result.