PS 2 is dieing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mambakiller, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. weebeep

    I always laugh at these types of threads, does anyone remember late beta/early launch threads that people was 200 percent positive that ps2 would not last 6 months and look at us very dead.....and by dead I mean people are still playing...
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  2. PyroPaul

  3. malden

  4. Rivenshield

    Yeah. We 're still playing the open beta for the PS4. :D
  5. TekDragon84

    Hahahaha, OP trolled some people in here so hard.

    Y'all got so caught up in the Y axis (with CoD) you forgot to look at the X axis. That's a login chart over FIVE DAYS. It's not tracking people coming and going with patches, it's showing people coming and going with primetime and bedtime.

    If you want to see how PS2 is doing look at the login statistics for the last 6 months.

    And for God's sake, will people stop arguing about Steam. Unless you have proof that more or less Steam users are quitting than non-Steam users - Steam charts are a useful statistic. If Steam charts show a 50% (just pulling that out of a hat) drop over 6 months, then it's a safe bet that's a close translation to the full percentages for all users.
  6. Vanus Aran

    I think you could call it like this

    " You notice a game is dying if the players time spend in forum is higher as ingame.
    Or 90% of the forencontent resulting from users is about complains over a new game-mechanic that is introduced as planned for a long time but is tormenting the players. "

    Like lattice.
  7. HellionX

    Number of PS2 is dying treads that mean absolutely nothing.

    Only noobs use steam. We have had 1500 people roll through JENK and all of them have stopped using steam so.

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