Press E to (MAYBE) Enter Vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Endlos, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Endlos

    Is there any official word on addressing this bug?

    With the patch that came in last week, a pretty major aspect of the game (vehicle combat) is pretty horribly broken.

    After entering and exiting vehicles, they will randomly glitch out and desync with the world. You can't get in them. You can stand next to them, see them, see the "Press E to Enter Vehicle" prompt taunting you, but nothing you do will let you in the vehicle. It could even be YOUR vehicle that you just got out to repair.

    It could be your AMS sunderer that phases out. You're in the bus, you can deploy and undeploy it, but teammates can no longer get into it -- hell, they can't even use the vehicle terminals when it's deployed.

    This is crippling to the gameplay experience, and it's happening way more frequently over the last couple of nights. In just a two-hour session tonight, my two friends and I lost access to no fewer than 3 AMS sunderers, 1 magrider, and 1 lightning.

    Very rarely, when the glitch happens, not only is your vehicle rendered useless as soon as you step out of it, but you are forced out of it because all enemy and friendly units and HUD information just stops displaying. Then you step out of the vehicle, all of your teammates and enemies pop into view, and your vehicle completely disappears, like it had taken you to some empty, alternate dimension.

    Please acknowledge and fix this issue. This might even be worse than the 15m render cap in big battles.
    • Up x 4
  2. NovaAustralis

    Hear, hear!

    I too have lost my AMS equipped Sunderer more times than I care to think about to this bug.
    Furthermore, your Sunderer disappears from the Re-spawn Menu, so your team can't use it and you miss out on the XP too.

    Another example of an aspect of this strange bug:
    I was riding in a 12/12 Sundy to Spec Ops Camp.
    We arrived, it was all clear, but we could hear small-arms rounds pinging off the Sundy.
    Strange we thought, oh well, maybe just pot-shots from afar.
    So we jumped out...
    into about 20+ VS grunts defending the place!
    They hadn't displayed in the world from our view within the vehicle, but they were sure there when we exited...

    The mini-map gets glitched too.
    Your location only updates when you exit the vehicle.

  3. NovaAustralis

  4. Sebastien

    Happened to me as well, although I didn't jump out, everybody disappeared, I could still see them on the mini-map though. The other thing that happened to me, is the Gal I was piloting despawning, and me getting thrown into a drop pod
  5. Eduard K.

    No they added a % chance to enter vehicles now, something about vehicles ruining the game or something.

    I've too lost several vehicles and lifes due to this bug

    immediate fixing pls
  7. Rokeugon

    dunno about this but i sometimes get a major bug were i cant see anyone on my map or on my screen its like a very small portion of a huge mutli-platoon amount of users and when i get out my vehicle they all magicly reappear and il notice this because my FPS increased when im over these places when im usually getting bellow 22FPS in huge multi-platoon battles
  8. forkyar

  9. Talizzar

    Known bug and the devs have responded to it I think in the tech support forum.
  10. Patchey

    This started happening to me really frequently today.
  11. Azarga

    Loving the title. That's how it should be ingame.
  12. aR2k

    "you can see it".
    I completely agree, but I have had phase outs where my vehicle simply vanishes, it shows up on the top right screen but its gone...
    I deployed my sundy, got out... turned around.... and it was gone
  13. Jaradcel

    As an addedum to this bug, I noticed one way to tell you've just been f**** with your vehicle is if you don't see the cap points/capture status in the zone you're in (when you should be)

    I also had an ammo tower suddenly "dephase" for me while I was in a vanguard, another indication (since I got out and, you guessed it, couldn't get back in)

    This is REALLY problematic when you have to dismount to cap points and then want to just get back in your vehicle, or you're a sunday driver with a full load of squadmates who now mysteriously can't get back in...