PPA is UnderPowered and UnderPerforming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vanu123, Nov 1, 2014.

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  1. TriumphantJelly

    It's a Banshee!?!??!?!

  2. TriumphantJelly

    5 shots to kill, low accuracy and low velocity. Secondary.
    2 shots to kill, high accuracy, high velocity, armour damage. Primary
    I'd take the Prowler main-guns if you take my PPA. Honestly, deal.
  3. Anonymous Qwop

    The new PPA is not that bad. You should only hold down the trigger if targets are within piss distance. If the target is further, try to fire it like a semi-automatic weapon matching the fire rate to its previous one before nerf.

    Clicking to shoot rather than holding the trigger down makes the weapon perform similar to the old PPA.
    (I wouldn't mind a bigger mag size tho.)
  4. Schizomatic

    Tell ya what. Since I seem to be playing the role of a horrible, naive, extremely gullible merchant trading primary guns for secondaries, I'll give you guys the Banshee for the PPA. Honestly, I wouldn't miss the Banshee, at all. I don't think I'm alone in thinking that the PPA would be a really nice secondary to accompany a Prowler's AV main guns, and the PPA would mount nicely on Harassers, too.

    We're TR. We're used to having to burst control; it's the nature of our weapons. I'm sure we'll master the new PPA's rate-of-fire very easily. I'd say we're going to get a better deal in the long run on VS getting the Banshee, just because the nature of the VS player is to oversaturate the field with whatever OP weapon is available at the time until it too gets nerfed into the ground.
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  5. TriumphantJelly

    What, by pure coincidence every VS player loves OP weapons but every TR is a genius who can adapt to any situation?

    This.... I.... Okay. Credibilometer.... Going.... AAAAARGHDOWN.
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  6. Schizomatic

    Because if you're not making broad assumptions, generalizations, absolutes and stereotypes on Forumside, you ain't trying hard enough?
  7. TriumphantJelly

    Seems true enough. Anyway, the TR would be shafted to get such a weapon: I'd like to see multiple gameplay videos of random battles where people go on streaks with the Marauder (It's not great, but it is better at close range that the PPA is) and go on streaks with the PPA (Which is likely to be rarer).
    I'll test the PPA on my Magrider, to see if I'm doing anything wrong.
  8. Xasapis

    I'm glad you agree that it is inferior to the what the other two empires have.
  9. Alox

    Inner damage radius is 0.1m, the splash is all but gone, you need direct hits to make a kill. Bloom is crazy so the 300 rpm is useless, it is more like 100 rpm, i.e. effectively the fire rate is slower than before and you can not use the first round as tracer round. So you tap fire away with slow moving bullets (velocity has been halfed) that each does not do a lot of damage.

    We tested it out, and while it is still good at getting kills when spawn room camping, halberd is just more effective now - no contest even.
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  10. Flag

    Saron > Halberd!
    You filthy NS monkey!
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  11. Xasapis

    Too bad it isn't so.

    VS does turn into an NS faction.
  12. Flag

    Actually, both I and Rayden vastly prefer the Saron over the Halberd.
  13. Xasapis

    Pff, his Magriders are Halberd when I gun ;)
  14. Flag

    He used it for a while because of the hit-reg bug.
    Every time I play with him we go with a saron. Also, when we played with Lallerpan today, Lall was denied the use of Halberd. ;D
  15. AdmiralArcher

    that would be better for a gen 2 ability, the gen 1 abilities are combat based so ZOE needs to remain combat based
  16. BarxBaron

    Real prowlers go AP or go home.

    No one uses HE anymore.

    I LOVE how you folks keep spouting that HE prowlers are all up in your grills eating your children when no one pulls them....ever ;p
  17. vanu123

    As long as you're situationally aware it is a nonissue unlike the magrider the prowler can look up and turn 360 degrees. AV prowler>AV mag regardless of lockdown or not especially in close.
  18. vanu123

    You had none to begin with, move along.
  19. vanu123

    You mean make the mag as fast as a prowler but still take 30% more damage with no increase in DPS? No thanks.
  20. Villanuk

    Really, compared to prowler?

    Heres a Tip for. Press boost and rotate at the same time, something no other tank can do.
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