Post Your Loadouts!

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by WacKo, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. WacKo

    Haven't seen a post on this yet so.. Here goes :) Title says it all post your loadouts to help people out :)


    Empire: Terran Rebulic

    Heavy Loadout:
    Primary: MSW-R
    Attachments: RTA Reflex & Forward Grip

    Secondary: TX1 Repeater
    Attachments: Lasersight

    Tool: NS Descimator

    Ability: Nanite Mesh Generator 6

    Suit: Nanoweave Armor 4

    Utility: C4 x2
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  2. Kyutaru

    Ooo, careful about boasting that, there's a number of trolls on these boards that are ready to call you a noob for using a forward grip on the MSW-R. They're CARV fanatics.

    Heavy 1:
    Primary: MSW-R
    Attachment: Advanced Laser Sight + NV Scope + Soft Point Ammo
    Secondary: TX1 Repeater
    Tool: Decimator
    Suit: Advanced Shield Capacitor
    Ability: Adrenaline Shield
    Utility: C4 x2

    Heavy 2:
    Primary: T32 Bull
    Attachment: Forward Grip + Compensator + High Velocity Ammo + 2x Reflex
    Secondary: TX1 Repeater
    Tool: Grounder
    Suit: Advanced Shield Capacitor
    Ability: Adrenaline Shield
    Utility: C4 x2

    Heavy 3:
    Primary: T16
    Attachment: Advanced Forward Grip + Suppressor + High Velocity Ammo + 4x scope
    Secondary: TX1 Repeater
    Tool: SKEP Launcher
    Suit: Advanced Shield Capacitor
    Ability: Adrenaline Shield
    Utility: C4 x2
  3. WacKo

    If someone calls me a noob i'll tell them to look at my br xD
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  4. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Not a bad idea, I suppose.

    Empire: Vanu Souverenity

    Primary: Lasher
    Attachments: Laser Sight

    Secondary: Beamer VS3
    Attachments: /

    Tool: Nemesis (G2A)

    Ability: Nanite Mesh Generator 2

    Suit: Nanoweave Armor 3

    Utility: Regen Kit x1

    Meant for Area Denial. Would be a lot better if the Lasher was reasonably useful, even 10% more dps would go a long way.

    Primary: SVA-88
    Attachments: Forward Grip, IRNV, Compensator

    Secondary: Beamer VS3
    Attachments: /

    Tool: Nemesis (G2A)

    Ability: Adrenaline Shield 3

    Suit: Nanoweave Armor 3

    Utility: Regen Kit x1

    My Long-Mid Range Fighting Loadout. The LMG is silly accurate at long range, I can shoot accurate 20 round bursts at 75m.
    I'm thinking about replacing the Grip with a Laser to have better close range dps.

    Primary: Pandora
    Attachments: Extended Magazine

    Secondary: Beamer VS3
    Attachments: /

    Tool: Nemesis (G2A)

    Ability: Adrenaline Shield 3

    Suit: Nanoweave Armor 3

    Utility: Regen Kit x1

    The "In your Face" Loadout. The Automatic Shotgun is about the most DPS a Heavy can carry, though an effective range of under 10m has it''s disadvantages, and I have only two reloads. I'm actually thinking about getting an Ammo Belt.
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  5. WacKo

    Thanks for the post mate!
  6. Pandawaffle

    BR 21 TR

    Wep: MSW-R
    Attachments: Soft Point Ammo, NV optics, Adv. Laser Sight
    Certs: Adr 1, NWA 2
    Grenade/Utility: Default/C4

    I love this one for AMP station wall defense. Also I'm pretty Cert-poor if you couldn't tell :(

    Wep: CARV-S
    Attachments: Compensator, Reflex 2, Forward Grip
    Certs: Adr 1, NWA 2
    Grenade/Utility: Default/Reso 2

    Same as "Grinder" but with C4, I hope there are some RA2 fans out there.

    As a new player I'm really interested to see more builds and posts, thanks for starting this thread Wacko!
  7. WacKo

    Thats for the post mate :)
  8. Tehknorabble

    BR 18 VS

    Loadout 1:
    LMG: Orion
    Attachments - Laser Sight, 1x Reflex Sight
    Certs - NWA 2, NMG 2, Restoration Kit 1x

    Only 130 certs spent on this gun and it is a beast. I play at strange times so I rarely get to partake in the large scale battles where you have support, mostly I'm solo or possibly have a few others and almost always up against vastly larger numbers and I still do amazing with this, typically I run out of ammo before I die. The only problem with this setup is the 250 total ammo you get base. Just recently I was solo defending a bio lab from a group of about 10 NC solo, as I sprinted around the base was able to kill 7 before I was forced to duck into the spawn area and resupply, man my heart was pounding.

    Loadout 2:
    Attachments - Compensator, HV Ammo, Laser Sight or Forward Grip, 2x Reflex Sight or 3.4x Red Dot.
    Certs - NWA 2, NMG 2, Restoration Kit 1x

    Honestly I do regret this purchase a bit and the fact that I sunk 460 certs into it, I had some SC left over from when I played EQ2 and we got a slew of it during some server troubles, or something like that can't exactly remember. It has range over the Orion but other than that it's just a weaker gun, even with a laser sight the hipfire is pretty awful. I would suggest that most new players avoid this gun if they are looking for an LMG, stick with the Orion it's a monster if you want range snag the Parallax or Nyx for your infiltrator

    BR 15 NC

    Loadout 1:
    LMG: Gauss SAW
    Attachments: Adv. Forward Grip, Compensator, HV Ammo, 2x Reflex Sight
    Certs - NWA 2, NMG 2, Restoration Kit 1x

    A lot of people swear by this gun, but after taking the time to sink 430 certs into it's still a turd that cannot be polished, it shoots slow, you can't hipfire at all, you cannot move while firing it, while in ADS the flinching is AWFUL making it unbearable to use, it has a reload time slower than even rocket launchers, the 100 ammo drum is great and if you get the drop on a group of players you can kill them all, but if the become aware of you it's game over.

    I haven't tried any other guns for the NC but I really hope there are far better options, I hear that NC has the most kick, and the highest flinch reaction during ADS, but their bullet damage is supposed to compensate that and honestly I don't see it, you can't hit your target for it to make a difference, especially with the CARV and Orion having such high ROF.

    BR 10 TR

    Loadout 1:
    Heavy Special: T7 Mini-Chain Gun
    Attachments: Laser Sight or Extended Ammo
    Certs - NWA 2, NMG 2, Restoration Kit 1x

    I watched Terminator 1 and just really wanted to use a chaingun, I had that stock piled SC so I figured why the heck not. Pretty fun gun in small fights, I especially love it when we, the TR, are at a doorway and the opposition is on the other side and we're jousting back and forth, just sit with your view diagonal to the door and keep click to keep it revved up, once you see a target kick it up and mow em down. I had one occasion where we were being spawn camped in a tower and I used the elevator to go up and quickly dodged into a teleporter brought me right in front of about 8 guys at their sunderer used my MCG to eat them all! Nice thing about this gun is that it has almost no bloom regardless of how long you hold it down, I like the laser sight because it tightens up the pattern a bit, but the extended ammo is nice also for 200 round clips. Down side is that it has zero range capability, sometimes when we have a bit of range i'll pop in the extended ammo and lay suppression fire, usually get a lot of hits, no kills, but tons of assist exp.
  9. WacKo

  10. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I can't edit my post again; But for not leaving a false impression:
    I switched back from Nemesis to the S1 stock launcher.
    I originally bought it for versatility and projectile speed, but now that I actually compared them again, the Projectile speed is plain awful.
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  11. Cypherius

    BR21 NC


    LMG: EM6 w/ Compensator, HV Ammo, 2x Reflex and Forward Grip

    Sidearm: Rebel w/ Laser Sight

    Launcher: NS Decimator (IMHO, the only choice. Hawk and Crow take too long to use and either miss or prematurely detonate 70% of the time)

    Nanite Mesh Generator 3

    Advanced Shield Capacitor 3

    C4 1

    Medkit 1

    Saving up for them purty A/V Grenades so I can take out a Sundy without having to reload my Decimator.
  12. MintiFresh

    Loadout1: Carv-S; Reflex 1x, Suppressor (cause it sounds fancy), Laser Sight, Soft Point, Giraffe Camo**
    Loadout2: Carv-S; Reflex 2x, Compensator, Handle, High-V, Giraffe Camo**
    Both loadouts use the default pistol with giraffe camo** and the grounder, which is **** now after they nerfed the drop on the dumbfire to be equal to the default. I've been hearing I can get a refund, is that right?

    Symbol Key:
    ** = Extremely important to loadout effectiveness.
  13. WacKo

    Keep them coming guys xD
  14. LabRatTy

    Oh this one's fun, I've spent a lot of time thinking about my loadouts.
    All the loadouts use beamer, resto kits & frag grenades. I'll probably use concussion grenades for some of them once I unlock it.

    VS br 47

    SVA-88 with Laser Sight, High-V rounds, Suppressor, and Reflex Scope 1x
    Uses NMG & Advanced Shield Capacitor
    Hades missile launcher (ground-to-ground lock-on)
    --- This setup is fantastic for short-range, with no allies near to give your position away. So perfect for flanking, or light skirmishes, the suppressor is key to avoid drawing attention. It's still capable of mid-range & long-range combat - the suppressor does slow down projectile speed, and I've decided having to lead shots really makes you very inefficient, but the SVA-88 has extremely high projectile speed as it is, offsetting the suppressor's downside very well. It really beats suppressing other guns. Combine that with the gun's ridiculously awesome TTK at all ranges and you've got a super versatile setup. The NMG is chosen here because unlike the Resist Shield, I can use it late or never in a firefight which keeps me from glowing, less noticeable. This is my favorite standard loadout.

    "Outdoor Anti-air"
    SVA-88 with Forward Grip, High-V rounds, and Reflex Scope 2x (no barrel attachment used)
    Uses NMG & Munitions Pouch for extra missiles
    Nemesis missile launcher (ground-to-air lock-on)
    --- This is what I take when I ride a flash to support friends while they drive around in tanks and sunderers, because it's always aircraft & infantry that hurt them the most. My flash provides a huge 100m radar of the area for everybody near, ensuring nothing gets close enough to C4 us, and enables me to hunt down distant infantry in no time. And the flash's Mine Guard enables me to safely scout the road ahead for mines. Finally, the SVA-88 with no suppressor is able to drop moving targets at long ranges unbelievably fast, you barely have to lead your shots at all - and at medium range you can aim for heads without having your shots go over their shoulders. Fun stuff.

    "Spawn Pusher"
    Flare with Extended Magazine, High-V Round, Flash Suppressor, and Reflex Scope 1x
    Uses Resist Shield & Advanced Shield Capacitor
    S1 rocket launcher (starter weapon)
    --- Instead of flanking, if I want to fight alongside allies and dive head on against hoards of infantry (like in a biolab, or toward a sunderer) then this is what I take. The Flare has a poor TTK, so it's risky to use close range. And with slow projectile speed (yes, even with High-V rounds) & no Forward Grip, it sucks long range. But it's great mid-range, and you can hold down the trigger endlessly with it thanks to 150 shots per magazine, low fire rate & high damage per hit. So it suppresses doorways and areas incredibly well, they never get a chance to move without getting shot at. It also means I can unload hard into Max suits or hovering ESFs and still be ready for other threats.
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  15. KnightCole

    Empire: Terran Republic(why idk)
    BR: 26

    Heavy Assault
    CARV+VGrip+3.4x reddot+Flash Suppressor(its the best of all the garbage)

    Pistol? idk even know its name

    Tool: ML7 Rocket Launcher

    Suit: NWA Lv4
    Ability: NMG Lv3

    Utility: Restore Kits Lv2
  16. WacKo

  17. Llaf

    TR BR 37(sig won't update)

    1. Mid-range
    Primary - TMG - 50
    - 3.4x Red Dot optic
    - Foregrip
    - Compensator
    - HV Ammo

    2. Long-range
    Primary - T16 Rhino
    - 3.4x Red Dot optic
    - Advanced Foregrip
    (no HV ammo or barrel attachment, going for highest accuracy possible here, and it is damn accurate)

    3. Close-range
    Primary - T7 Mini Chaingun OR AS16-Nighthawk, depending.
    T7 - no attachment, largely unnecessary
    AS16 - Extended Magazine
    - 1x Red Dot optic

    4. Universal
    Secondary - TX2 Emperor
    Tool - ML7 / ASP-30 / M9 SKEP (depending)
    Ability - NMG 2
    Suit - Nanoweave 4
    Grenade - Frag
    Utility - Restoration Kit
  18. Shhock

    I am a NC HA and I only use 2 loadouts:

    General Loadout:

    Gauss Saw S
    Front Grip
    1x Scope
    Soft Point Ammo

    Secondary Loadout:

    Extended Magazine


    I have the 50% Flak Reduction

    Pretty much sums up my setup
  19. VKhaun

    I have been playing close range Engineer lately.
    NC: GD-7F w/advanced laser sight and IRNV or no sight.
    VS: VX6-7 w/advanced laser sight and IRNV or 1x reflex.
    2x Proximity Mines
    Low level Flakk armour.
    Rebel on NC, but default VS pistol.

    On VS though I usually play a heavy and like to burn through Lasher batteries with a Lasher, Decimator, Flakk, heal kits, and standard shield.

    On NC I love the NC special guns. I use the AC-X11 sometimes (advanced grip, high velocity ammo, 3.4x red dot sight.) the Reaper DMR and NC6 Gauss Saw are ongoing projects. I still haven't gotten all their attachments yet and they're difficult to use naked.

    I play TR least and don't have any definitive setups. I tend to play medic there most, but change my weapon a lot.
  20. Obscura

    Empire: Vanu Sovereignty
    Heavy Loadout:
    Primary: Ursa
    Attachments: Reflex x1/IRNV Foregrip, compensator, high velocity.
    Secondary: Beamer
    Attachments: Lasersight
    Tool: NS Decimator
    Ability: Resist Shield 5
    Suit: Nanoweave Armor 5
    Utility: Medical kit x2