Population imbalance ruins being on Waterson.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SmokeMcCloud, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Spartan 117

    I have nothing but the utmost respect for the VS on Waterson. Whenever I am on TR is leading by a good 10-15% pop & we are outnumbered at almost every engagement & we have a higher population than the Vanu. I cannot even imagine...

    I have a BR40 Vanu in PS1 & had every intention of rolling Vanu in PS2 but TRay really screwed the pooch when it comes to Vanu's aesthetics. Its the only reason I am not playing Vanu. How do you go from a Max that looks like Samus from Metroid to the "crab people" we have now. Seriously? Who thought that was a good idea. Also spandex vs armor? Who thought that was a good idea?

    Hang in there Waterson Vanu. Our outfit is doing our part by engaging TR at every opportunity.
  2. Kastrenzo

    Jaeger/Waterson merge was detrimental

    but now, Merging Waterson again with Mattherson is the only real viable solution left. But that will never happen unless SOE developers acknowledge that both those servers have population problems *Too many VS on Mat, Too many TR on Wat*, and furthermore will need at least 1 if not 2 more continents. Irony
  3. Kastrenzo

    That argument is easily reversable though.

    People say TR weapons are OP
    TR insist they are not.

    Works both ways, Grass is Greener Mentality.
    • Up x 1
  4. LibertyRevolution

    I play all 3 factions on waterson, I don't feel any faction has an advantage far as guns go, it is really about your play style.
    NC weapons are for people that like to play like it is CS.
    If you want to burst fire, stand still, ADS, then their guns will seem awesome.
    Take them same guns and spray and pray and they will seem like garbage.

    VS guns, you can just spray, they go where you point, but if you come from NC guns and burst fire them they feel really weak..
    TR guns you can shoot for longer before reload and you can counter recoil under full spray, pull down and spray people die.

    VS on waterson are better players... You would be a better player too if you were constantly outnumbered.. You have to be.
    Playing VS you don't have to give orders, everyone does what they should be doing..
    VS focus fire, VS rez each other, VS drop ammo, VS attack points as a group, it is like being in an outfit even if your running lone wolf.
    They play as a faction, they attack as a team, they know how to maximize their limited pop, they are better at PS2.
  5. Haterade

    Merging the two would be absolutely horrible. You'd have ques to get into the game every single day because the two servers are simply too populated to be merged.
  6. Posse

    Lol, TR and NC (excluding organized outfits of course) on Waterson don't drop ammo o ress each other? :eek:
  7. chrisbeebops

    Actually, once Hossin is released there will be enough capacity to merge the servers. Though I imagine there will be continent queues for all 3 factions for the most popular continents.

    Then it will be horrible... for the Waterson TR... who will no longer have massive overpop and can't win by outzerging everyone. :)
  8. LibertyRevolution

    They call anyone that is blue a pug and leave you for dead. "Don't rez that pug he will just steal our kills".
    Pug calling for ammo, they are just as likely to pistol you in the face then teabag you as they are to drop you an ammo pack.
    It is actually worse if your an outfit.. as then they won't help you because of the tag your wearing...
    Basically TR/NC on waterson = outfit first, yourself second, faction 3rd, screw the pugs.
  9. Haterade

    Until that point, though, it's a bad idea.

    Have you been paying attention lately? NC has about the same pop as TR does most days during primetime. I'm not worried about Waterson TR losing their mythical 30% pop advantage (or whatever people are claiming it is these days). Insofar as I'm worried about Waterson TR with a merge of Matherson, it's I don't want Matherson's horrible TR community messing things up here. We already have enough problems with egotistical outfit leaders and scrubs who think they're shotcallers on Waterson.
  10. chrisbeebops

    LOL too late! You didn't notice the new flood of low-BR TR over the last week or two? :p

    NC got a huge boost from Waterson's brief stint as recommended server, and the TR has now passed them again with the new flood of TR from Mattherson.

    A bit humorous that VS have been dealing with screwed pops on Waterson for 6 months, but all it took for Mattherson TR was 3 weeks before they all ragequit and rerolled on Waterson TR. :p
  11. Haterade

    It's a little different having people reroll rather than take entire outfits with all of the baggage that entails. Everyone's getting a new shot on Waterson, let's hope things don't get as bad as they got with he-who-will-not-be-mentioned and his merry band of misfits not coming over and coarsening the community.

    Y'all actually work together. Matherson's TR community hated each other more than they hated the enemy, and thus couldn't work together. Two different things completely.
  12. Akuzimo

    The OP is exagerrating? A month ago I saw the VS with a population of 17%. Literally 17%. It was THAT bad at one point. It almost made me quit lol

  13. Pikachu

    You're way too homogeneous there in your big Australia land. It's so good to be in Europe with lots of different countries. If Sweden had it's own server then most players would be NC because the colors match our flag. :rolleyes:
  14. Kastrenzo

    Did you read my whole post?

    Would need at least 1 if not 2 more continents for this to be feasible.
  15. UzumakiW

    This is true. I'm not saying TR and NC don't do it because I don't play either on Waterson, just VS, but I'm not currently in an outfit (mostly because a lot expect you to always follow orders and such, which I'm fine with, but sometimes just want to do my own thing), and I always feel like I'm part of the group of whoever I'm with because I almost never have a problem getting heals, rezes, repairs, ammo, etc. It doesn't even feel like I'm "lone-wolfing" it. Pretty awesome.
  16. Crowne

    The really silly thing is that mentality is often most prevalent in large outfits. The only difference between people in the outfit and a pug is, wait for it... the person in the outfit hit Y when they got the random outfit invite. That's about it, that's what makes them so very different from a pug.

  17. Theodwulf

    XP bonus was never and will never "fix" population imbalances, you would have to be delusional to think that it would...+500% of nothing ...is NOTHING. They really have to increase the combat effectiveness of the underdog. Increase damage output and health of the underdog faction.. The the underdog faction could still be competitive and thus staunch the bleeding from said faction..no that anyone would listen to me...