[Suggestion] Please don't buff TR infantry weapons SOE.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheChippewa, Feb 24, 2014.

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  1. Pat22


    You do realize that the Sirius SX12 has absolutely dreadful horizontal recoil and damage dropoff, making it useless beyond 20m, right?
    You're shooting your own argument in the foot. VS Infils prefer high horizontal recoil weapons.
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  2. Matixzun

    To those saying fast RoF carbines would be inbalanced because of the magazines, low damage per bullet and reload times balance that. I personally don't want the Serpent or 7F with bigger magazines, I want a different weapon with even faster RoF and lower damage per bullet.
  3. Iridar51

    I don't know who tells you this, but they don't know a thing about how recoil works in this game.
    Horizontal recoil makes your sights shift left or right, randomly, with each shot.This kind of recoil is "uncompensatable" by definition.
    What is often called "horizontal recoil bias" has actually nothing to do with horizontal recoil, and is cause by recoil angle, applied to vertical recoil plane. For in-depth explanation with pictures consult my weapon and recoil mechanics guide, link is in my sig.
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  4. iPlague

    You really should attempt to point out some "lies" then instead of having your post interpenetrated like some 10 year old attempting to troll. Cause so far, at least I can say for sure I haven't lied and only stated facts with few biased opinions about balance.

    Are you really having me tell you this?

    Blitz GD-10 > Sirius > Hailstorm. Now that's the 2nd gen SMGs.
    And how am I shooting myself in the foot when all SMGs with the exception of the Cyclone, are useless across 20meters. With the score sheet provided by Higby it's clear whats better and whats worse.

    These SMGs have around the same recoil, same magazine size, same COF, but the BLITZ infact as LESS horizontal recoil than the Sirius and Hailstorm. Sirius has no bullet drop so it's accuracy over range is higher than the other SMGs are range... and the Hailstorm.... has nothing special.

    Armistice has the highest ROF in the game, which also means it's COF expands like ******* crazy, even more than the Sirius, and with it's smaller mag, and spray'n pray kind of life, it's honestly a weapon I would not hipfire outside of 10m if you desire to kill someone, else the bullets will fly around him. But that's how the Armistice was designed, a tad better at elbow range.
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  5. Hiding in VR

  6. sindz

    Maybe you should take a look at the actual game stats on google docs instead of making up your own **** which is completely biased and dead wrong.

    Are you really having me tell you this?
  7. Metallic123

    If it makes you feel any better the long reload on most VS/NC weapons is shorter than the short reload of most TR weapons. We need those extra 10 rounds to hit targets with our horrid accuracy.
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  8. Pat22

    You're shooting yourself in the foot because you're arguing that TR weapons' horizontal recoil makes them worse, and then you link a chart where the weapon with the highest horizontal recoil is clearly outperforming its two counterparts.

    Sirius' no bullet drop is completely irrelevant but so is the bullet drop on other SMGs because the ranges they operate at are simply too short for bullet drop to be a factor.
    What factors in at SMG range is recoil, and the Sirius has the worst of it.
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  9. Aegie

    Still no evidence. Anywhere.

    The only pre- post- PU2 performance metrics I have seen do not show the a rank change in any of the weapon classes. NC still with a slight edge in SMGs, VS with the edge in LMGs, and TR leading everywhere else (just not by as much as they used to).

    Now, granted, this information was all based on KPU but I still have yet to one of these threads since have anything close to what resembles objective evidence of some kind of systematic imbalance among factions or weapon stats. In fact, the only systematic bias that still appears in some of the data is that high ROF weapons > low ROF weapons (i.e. GD-7F may lose out to the Lynx in KPU but it is not really a surprise to see it is the best the NC have, despite being opposite to NC strengths). Mind you, even the post-PU2 ACX is still edged out by the AMC.

    If you want to have a meaningful discussion about balance you have to bring meaningful information. Feelings are not really a meaningful point of information to serve as a fulcrum of the conversation because everyone has them and they are known to be extraordinarily fallible. Responding "just play them" or "have you tried them, they are so good" are not meaningful either in this context.
  10. iPlague

    All stats that I have shown are from DasAnfallStats, and the PU02 changelog about weapons. The stats are correct, however my opinions might be biased.
    If you're talking about my fancy picture of how each weapon is scoring, calling that fake, I call upon the holy Higby hair https://twitter.com/mhigby/status/410900825737687040/photo/1
  11. iPlague

    If you are this blind about stats, take a look at DA's sheets then if you don't believe me, sure advanced laser sight and hipfire stuff to death, and that no bullet drop is a small factor, but a factor indeed in the 20m zone. People don't even ADS those guns anyway.
    Hailstorm: http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/item/28001
    Sirius: http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/item/29001
    Blitz: http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/item/27001

    We're talking about a hipfiring weapon in this case, but stat wise it's almost like comparing the Lynx to the Serpent.
    Guess what has the highest score in both cases? :eek: Sirius and Serpent both beat Hailstorm and Lynx :eek:

    And all both cases NC wins as they have the least recoil. You're right, but with the cases of DPS>Recoil the Sirius' a prime example of a strong weapon, but yes if you want to shoot more accurately the hailstorm is better, but you might as well slap a god damn foregrip on the gun instead.
  12. TheChippewa

    All the nay sayers saying that the difference is tiny between weapons don't you realize even the smallest move of any of the stats in this particular game have a huge impact because the stats are not sky high as it is. Then there is the people who want proof and evidence well to you I say SOE has all the proof and evidence, otherwise; they wouldn't even bother responding to posts like these.

    I'm sure they've gotten an immense amount of data from the weekend Amerish update and the none stop Amerish Alerts which Connery TR never even came close to winning or even got more than 3 bases off of the warp gate till sunday, but by then the back to back Amerish alerts were over.

    Mostly I can't stress enough that TR as a faction just isn't that attractive to the new player base, and it's due to the below avrg weaponry. TR is the only faction of the three that is a professional military NC is just a bunch of miners, and VS are alien lovers. It's about time the faction reflects this, but ofcoarse if the game gets any harder for VS and NC QQ.
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  13. Akeita

    Funny how none of these "QQ NC" even bother to come in here and reply to your thread.
    TR don't need a buff, they need an interesting weapon, a revamp, new mechanics, fun weapon to use and fit with their faction trait. Keep buffing them would just make them identical to VS/NC weapon. That's just your infantryside, the weapon that need buffs is vulcans, striker or MCGs. ( Or even design of the MBT )
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  14. TheChippewa

    So what's your excuse? With your 1 day of play time on TR?
  15. PlatoonLeaderG

    I m TR only and i agree with you,we dont need buffs make interesting mechanics-if you buff our infantry weapons we will be killing left and right because we learned with hard mode.
  16. Pie Chasm

    Funny how the tables turn when the populations do as well....

    What happened to the 'zomg mai NC wepuns r UP' threads?

    Nothing is wrong with the TR infantry weapons, nothing is wrong with the NC infantry weapons (although they were recently made easier to use for bads), or even VS weapons for that matter.

    Things have never looked this good from a balance perspective in a while.

    Sure the striker is ****e, but the annihilator reigns supreme once again and everybody has access to it.
  17. iPlague

    I disagree about left and right, but at least it'd be more fair! Even if the T9 and Lynx's horizontal recoil was taken down a notch they'd still have a lot, but it'd be on par with the other factions' recoil, so it'd be fair game! Instead of this "LOL U NEED TO SHAKE MORE BCUZ RED :p" Higby treatment we suffer.

    They've got 5 things to fix for TR and everything is fine.
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  18. Akeita

    I don't need an excuse to post something in this forum, this is not your house kiddo
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  19. Hiding in VR

    That will be that danged Horizontal Recoil ;)
  20. deggy

    All sniper rifles are completely and totally identical, with the exception of VS Semi-Automatics. They don't have bullet drop. However, they have lower velocity to compensate for that if I'm remembering right.

    But all BASRs are the same. Exactly the same.
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