Please change Ammobox Button from 5+b to 6

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Crixus, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Crixus

    because simple is simple
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  2. Xebov

    Thats not possible. If you use a Weapon with ubgl the ACE is allready on 6.
  3. Shiaari

    My spawn beacon is on 6.
  4. [bwc] bhawk

    I agree that having to press 5+b is annoying maybe they could change the ammo pack to our "f" ability
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  5. Syylara

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  6. DeadlyNyo

    Great idea it's extremely annoying pressing 5 then b. But a see a problem if the engi does get an original F ability. Other than that though its a fantastic idea.
  7. CapSchoenin


    that is all
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  8. Den

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  9. Krazykid

    This. 10,000 times this.
    This should have been done at release. It baffles me they haven't even considered this yet.

    I also find Suggestion 2 extremely needed as well. It's unbearably annoying when I can't deploy an ammo pack on the ground because it is slightly uneven. Or when a teammate is slightly too close to me and canceling the ammo box deploy. Plus, you are often times under enemy fire and on the front-lines while trying to deploy an ammo box so you pretty much become sniper bait for a good 10-15 seconds while you try to find the perfect conditions.

    Combining both suggestion 1 and 2 would fix the 2 biggest issues when playing Engineer. This should be done ASAP.
  10. Tiedemann

    Works in BF3. Press a button and the job is done.
  11. Shiladie

    PLEASE implement Den's suggestion!
    This would also allow us to drop ammo on un-even terrain a lot easier.
  12. Crixus

    thanks buddys. i take all solutions.
    5+b is verry slow and confuse me a
  13. AssaultPig

    Really there just needs to be a more robust setup for binds, or at least let us re-arrange the order of abilities from the loadout screen. My engineer already uses 1-7 (squad beacon.) I thought about rebinding stuff like the pistol to non-numeric keys, but binds aren't loadout-dependent so whenever I swap to a different class everything's messed up.
  14. BadLizzard

    actually I would like the UBGL to be on 6 :/
    but I like the idea of the F to throw an ammo pack, hate having to repeatedly try and place a pack when people walk in my path.
  15. Den

    When it comes to the Grenade Launcher, I think it should functionally become a part of the primary weapon it is attached to instead of being in a separate inventory slot.

    There's a "Tertiary Fire" input in the infantry keybind settings (middle mouse by default, I think), but nothing uses it.
    Another really simple concept - while you have your carbine equipped, pressing Tertiary Fire launches the grenade.
    Pressing Tertiary Fire again reloads the launcher (so that it doesn't auto-reload after launching, denying you use of the gun, and separates it from pressing R to reload the carbine).

    Single button to operate the attachment. No muss. No fuss. Doesn't get in the way of the carbine. Doesn't clutter up the inventory. Something like that.
  16. MorganM

    It does seem like this one key combo is the odd duck. It should be more like how other classes / systems work.
  17. Dakkaface

    While I like Suggestion 1, I can see Suggestion 2 being abused. Toss a sticky pack onto a MAX, he can run around being his own ammo point and be pretty much free of ammo constraints for several minutes without being tied to returning to a specific area. ....actually, you know, that sounds fine.
  18. Den

    Sure, if worked like that. (As far as I've seen) C4 can't stick to soldiers or MAXes and they slip off of vehicles.
    It'd be easy to make the Pack only stick to world objects instead of actors, pass right through people and vehicles.

    Or how about this?

    Ammo Packs can stick on MAXes and vehicles, and the game takes note of it.
    The MAX or owner of that vehicle gets assist-support points for being a mobile supply point.
    Multi-tier teamwork.
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  19. Dakkaface

    Did they change that? I recall a while back I was in a MAX on a tower, an LA tossed a C4 at me and I still died even though I charged away. I thought the C4 stuck to me. Maybe he just had a second one planted.

    Multi-stage teamwork would be cool.
  20. siiix

    macro ?!