[Suggestion] Please balance your stupid game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zamos, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. smokemaker

    oh my brain... ok you bet. And then put tanks, sundries, and maxes on the same timer.
  2. NullPointer

    Well, it's not really the timer aspect I liked, it is the spirit of the change I liked, but not for the reason the OP suggested it of course. Maybe make them more expensive instead. The point being kamakazi tactics are lame IMO
    • Up x 1
  3. Zamos

    1.Why air should be overpowered ?
    2.You know the plane can just fly away and repair ?
  4. FateJH

    You'll not see God on the battlefield; you'll see Michael.

    And you can and do see humans on the battlefield knocking out jets. And helicopters. And transport ships. And unmanned drones.
  5. Axe11154

    yes with rockets and what not, showing that they arnt all god like
    ether way you put it the op's argument is more void then a toilet
  6. Weylin

    But these aircraft can't just sit still and rain down hell non-stop.
    They fly in, hit a priority target, then fly out.

    In PS2, aircraft are literally given a shooting gallery, and enough ammo to linger for several minutes. :rolleyes:
  7. smokemaker

    Because it flies. Period. An aircarft by this very nature is faster, harder to hit, and more mobile then anything else on the battlefield. How do you suggest a way to change this? Make them NOT fly?

    "In PS2, aircraft are literally given a shooting gallery, and enough ammo to linger for several minutes."
    Only if you let them. Stop hoping for a game mechanic to save you. Grab some AA or learn to fly. Another option.... join a squad, use teamwork... I know... its hard.
  8. Axe11154

    1.Air craft are above the mountains giving perfect vantage point
    most aircraft have anti armor weapons.
    pluss the bomber is a bomber

    as I said this is meant to be close to actual war, which it sorta is.
    aircraft are naturally strong
  9. BengalTiger

    They fly because they are light.

    They are light because they are unarmored.

    Since they are unarmored, 40 mm Flak shells fired by the Skyguard should tear them apart in mid flight.
    No disarming or stopping from flying needed.
    Just some pilots that will need to figure out how to team up to do SEAD before the lucky few survivors manage to do a bombing run.

    Planes are flying glass cannons, not flying tanks.
    Every single conflict since WW I where AA was technologically on par with planes resulted in either very heavy losses for planes until the AA was knocked out or out right no fly zones- be it Germany vs Allies, US vs Japan, Israel vs Egypt or even Afghanistan vs USSR.

    The only situation where planes roamed the skies was when they had some technological advantage. These planes however came at a cost.
    Since ESFs don't cost 700 RUs, they should get pwned by AA fire just like tanks die to AP rounds or missiles fired in their @$$es.
  10. Nature

    I would like them infantry to render from any real distance. Also its the bad pilots that are doing the stupid stuff. I wouldnt mind Sony increasing the ESF timer a bit, but the problem is that A dual burster max can make sure you will never get any accurate shots off because of the damn rendering range.
  11. Endlos

    Yeah, it takes a whole team of burster maxes (and then the accompanying engineers and AH to keep the maxes alive) to irritate a single liberator into maybe flying away.

  12. Nature

    Burster maxes already tear ESFs apart, people just dont use them enough. But i do agree that the Skyguard needs moar love.
  13. SolLeks

    a longer cool down is not going to stop this... it will make it scarcer (in this case by a double the time). It will have no noticeable effect though other than less air period.

    wrong, It takes a team to block an entire area, not just a single aircraft.... ALL THE AIRCRAFT IN THE AREA!

    why do the scrubs always say this and think its valid...
  14. Weylin

    I'm just curious... but why should you need to use teamwork against something that takes no team work at all?

    Is it team work when you got 5 random unorganized fighters terrorizing 10 times as many infantry?
  15. smokemaker

    lol wrong but I will keep my focus to one key issue sense you like history.

    In WW2 Germany learned a very important lesson but it was to late for them.
    German's main defense against Air was to have over whelming AA. ( Hundreds of emplacements per bomber ratio ). Towns where surrounded by thousands of 88's.This would free up Air assets so they could be used in offensive manners, more so then in defensive rolls. This can be see when obsolete aircraft where designated to Air defense while newer more effective aircraft where produced and used to favor offensive usage as in ground attacks ( Blitzing ). Fighter production was commonly delayed for bomber versions of these same aircraft. See the M-262 (germans 1st jet) It was originally produced as a fighter but was delayed over 1 year!! to make it a bomber... meanwhile germany was being suffocated by opposing air. And its over whelming numbers in AA became clearly inadequate. By the time this was realized. It was to late. No matter how many planes the german's could but up... we had more by this time.

    "Since ESFs don't cost 700 RUs, they should get pwned by AA fire just like tanks die to AP rounds or missiles fired in their @$$es."
    Not in the real world. And not in this game. Per the developer's mouths. AA is to be a deterrent, not a hard counter. You words are wasted effort.
  16. smokemaker

    1.) Because Air is OP by its very nature. It flies.
    2.) The esf only has 1 seat. How do you change this?
    3.) The dynamics of the modern battlefield have changes sense the invention of the aircraft. Its like gravity. It just is. Adapt.
    4.) The game makers themselves have stated Air is to be the counter to Air. AA is the deterrent. Knowing this, and then rallying against it doesn't change it or save you. Only your playing style AND willingness to change can do this.

    with respect of course
  17. BengalTiger

    I only use a single Burster- yep, with double the damage it should give fun results for a unit at half the cost of an ESF.

    I also agree with the SG.
    It's effectiveness is somewhere between the Burster and dual Burster; with a much smaller damage decrease at longer ranges.
    It should have the raw firepower of 2.25 Bursters, not the 1.75 or so it has now, which would make it barely strong enough to kill a fighter reliably in 2 magazines.
    If the pilot doesn't leave or blow the SG up in the 10+ seconds it takes to fire off 100 rounds, he/she will have to walk home.

    In fact this single buff, plus bringing the base turrets to the current Skyguard level of damage distribution would probably fix everything.

    Well, it took carpet bombing to hit a target the size of a factory to some degree of success though. :p
    America and GB also learned that strategic bombing using anything short of a nuke will not end a war.

    This makes me wonder why we can't send Liberators to blow up the bio lab instead of capturing it to deny the enemy health regen for a few minutes, or blowing up watchtowers so enemy planes have to go further back to rearm...
    PS 2 really lacks in strategic bombing...

    As for AA, tanks and planes on the tactical scale:

    Short version: Pilots sometimes claimed to destroy more tanks daily than the enemy actually used in a whole battle or even campaign.
    In reality dozens of tanks were destroyed by planes per campaign/huge battle, and it was the ammo and fuel trucks and trains that got hit the hardest and were the greatest effects of air raids.

    This came at the cost of planes being lost in the thousands.

    As for AA being a deterrent and what the developers think- they did change their minds and kept the dumbfire modes for guided missiles due to popular demand. :p
  18. Zamos

    1.Its a game and should be balanced
    3.If adapt equals to log out..im adapting
    4.Looking at current meta game , devs failed and infantry are just sheep for slaughter
  19. smokemaker

    You fail to remember they did this already in beta. It cleared the skies. People rioted, they changed it back.... Now you want to go there again? And more importantly do you think SOE wants to go there again. Having Already stated their position. Air is the counter to Air. AA is the deterrent. What can they now do?
  20. Stadulator

    lulz just got done ready a post about how the game is ruined due to the flood of dual arm AA MAX units now.

    pooor nubs.. poor poor nubs