[Suggestion] Please balance your stupid game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zamos, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Zamos

    Air completely ***** on infantry and tanks ...

    ESF has the best speed , best mobility , great escape mechanism , extreme damage for ONE PERSON
    And max altitude Libs give no chance for ground armor .

    Increase the cool-down time for Air to at least 30 minutes.
    Or make a ground only continent and everyone will forget about indar,esamir,amerish(lol)

    Double EXP is complete garbage .
    It should be 3x Exp for Infantry , 2x Tanks , 1x Flying super heroes
  2. Phyr

    Cool story.
  3. Eduard K.

    What did you expect? the double XP weekend was the worm, the fishes ate it and now the sharks feed.

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  4. Weylin

    In most other games, aircraft are hampered by very very limited ammo, having a lack of armor, being easily disabled, and having a limited effective flight range due to fuel.
  5. BigMacDeez

    Go play something else if it's so horrible.
  6. Phyr

    Where? ARMA? Nobody plays that.
  7. smokemaker

    "Air completely ***** on infantry and tanks ..."
    By the very nature of Aircraft they are indeed OP to infantry and tanks. This is in the fact they fly. By defualt, they are faster, harder to hit, and way more mobile then anything on the battlefield. This can not be balance out unless you stop them from flying or disarm them. Neither of which are going to happen. Adapt.

    "ESF has the best speed , best mobility , great escape mechanism , extreme damage for ONE PERSON"
    They fly, as stated above, And they only have 1 seat which is normal. How would you change this?

    "Increase the cool-down time for Air to at least 30 minutes."
    Oh you hurt my brain... does ANYONE else think this a good idea?

    "Or make a ground only continent and everyone will forget about indar,esamir,amerish(lol)"
    Bad idea. It would further split the population. And you willingly joined a game with combined arms. Adapt. Do not COD this game or make it an arena style PS2. Fast TTK's and 1 hit kills are essential to punish the lazy.

    "Double EXP is complete garbage ...It should be 3x Exp for Infantry , 2x Tanks , 1x Flying super heroes"
    You know, I wouldnt mind seeing an increase reward for infantry. The job is hard. But not a removal of XP for others. Thats about as close as I can go to your idea.

    Ultimately, this is a combined arms game. Aircraft by there very nature is OP to infantry and vehicles. As in the real world battlefield, Adapt or die. I love the game.
  8. smokemaker

    Arma's issues is too many servers, no official servers... population is spread so thin is a ghost town. If PS2 makes too many maps, it will feel the same here. Make new maps you bet but then remove old maps.... or limit in some way to keep population focused.
  9. Tayrtahn

    You make some good points here. But I'm curious: how do you suggest players "adapt"?
  10. EvilPhd

    Have you heard of these things called AA Maxes? You should try them sometime.
  11. Morpholine


    They're almost as big a secret as "teamwork".

    Oh noes, what has I doens?
  12. RedDominion

    [Suggestion] You instantly lose all credibility when you call it a "stupid" game.
  13. Phyr

    The launch day zerg has subsided, so they need to figure out just how many servers are needed. When they release more continents they'll have to either force people to other continents (lockouts) or give incentives.
  14. Zamos

    Yes .. AA MAXes are those things highly immobile and engineer dependent , weak to any infantry that do no damage to high altitude Libs and pod ESFs ????????????????? Hm ?
  15. Zamos

    Currently its extremely stupid for people who dont fly
  16. Vamperial

    I have great footage of a bunch of TR holding off an NC Air invasion force on Esamir last night. There were 6 or 7 AA Maxes and 5 or 6 engies healing us. We spend maybe 20 minutes killing as much as we could before the NC got the right idea and used combined Arms (Tanks, Air, Infantry) to push us back into the base we were defending. I'm guessing good team work is what he means by "adapt". Its a team based game after all.
  17. breezy808

    Eh don't worry I give this game 2 years. If they don't do something about this extreme imbalance and finally optimize this to a released game standards they'll lose a huge bunch of the community
  18. smokemaker

    Adapt as in infantry realizing the open ground is dangerous. Travel in vehicles. Stay and fight mainly indoors or under cover. Realize after the invention of the plane. Open ground is no longer your play ground. I big bully has taken this away from you.

    Adapt as in solo vehicles are going to die. Realize that your power comes from numbers. Know that a tank column with no AA and / or air suport is also doomed to be farmed.

    Adapt as in fast TTK times make the skill aspect of the game not in how you circle strafe or bunny hope but in how you position yourself and your level of situational knowledge you can process. All of which is key to be doing before one gets shot at to start "displaying" their skills.

    Adapt as in try to understand the counters and then willingly use them. Air is the counter to Air. This is strait from the game makers mouths. Know this. Useless threads in regards to changing this are less likely to save you. Verses you learning to fly or learning to use AA ( AA needs love... XP per hit ).

    Adapt as in there are mines in this game and zones around generators, teleporters, jump pads, spawn rooms are dangerous for those that run blindly into them. Then come here hoping for a game mechanic change vs. A mentality change. You cant code foolishness out of the player.

    I have mor but thats the main few.
    with love and respect for my fellow players
  19. NullPointer

    I like this idea only because it might cause people to think twice before kamikazing their aircraft into a handful of infantry (which I think is ******** and only happens because they don't perma-die and aircraft are too cheap).
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  20. Axe11154

    ok heres the thing
    Air craft is meant to be over powered
    your talking about bombers, and and fighter jets
    they sould in no way be anything but. just focus fire on them and blow them out the sky
    this games meant to be as close to war as you can get and guess what