Players you have noticed (Ceres)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ulrikke, May 27, 2013.

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  1. gigastar

    Not asking you to.

    And if you did i would shed a single skinflake for all i care.

    Youre right about that, but i know about the tanks. And i dont get where youre coming from claiming that the Magrider, a vehicle thats longer, wider, taller, has a lower damage output on all ES weapons, lower effective range on the main gun, slower turn rate, an actually useless ES ability, and the same armour as the Prowler, is a superior vehicle to the Prowler.

    ...See? Going downhill already.

    And on a side note, why do you post 3 times in 3 mins? Do you not see the edit button?
  2. FocusLight

    Yeah, THIS. Damn it Frank.

    You know what, I'll leave it at this, F this post I'm typing. I'm off for bed.
  3. bodmans

    Ghostcapping is per definition to blame on the defending faction, squads/individuals are attacking YOUR facilities, YOU should defend
    numbers dont lie

    ... this thread... well at least im still having fun on Ceres
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  4. Torok

    I thought VS were more of a Tzeentch's magus style!
  5. Mxiter

    This thread had a nice beginning, but is became terrible those last pages.
    We still have a great server, even with pop imbalances and 4th factionners.
    It's fustrating for everybody, even the higher pop that see an huge part of them pop zeging without any kind of strategy and tactics for mindless farms.

    So please, stop trash talk, keep relax and enjoy fighting great opponents with respect and the fair play that this game involve.
    Thank you.

    PS: ghostcapping is pretty annoying on Amerish, but it's gonna be fixed with lattice and nothing avoid an outfit to send few guys/a squad to stop a ghostcap on a lattice continent.
    PS2: You can't blame people to using broken stuffs. It's SOE job to balance the game and the weapons. Players will always use things that are easier/most effective/fits better to them playstyle/give them more certs. It's fustrating too, but you can't blame people for that. It would mean every players that used pre-nerf shotguns (NC max included), Fracture, marauder, AV mana turret, pre-nerf strikers, pre-nerf magriders, pre-nerf rocketpods ect.... (the list is pretty long).
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  6. TerryTenMen

    Nice thread above, you sound like a great member to have on VS.

    I've played on VS when you have been insulting players through orders and region chat. Telling them how bad they were etc. This is the sort of thing you try and say I do on the forums, but let's be honest the thread above speaks volumes about what you are like.

    You are probably better than some of the below average players your faction, well done, some people are better than others, this is a simple fact of an fps.

    I'm a far better player than you, just because this is the case, doesn't mean you have cry about it and post silly pictures etc. Move on and accept it, maybe try improve a bit and help out your faction.
  7. gigastar

    Sorcery is cool and all, but its slow to happen and it doesnt you cant soak up many bullets.

    Thats where i come in, doubling as a blatantly obvious distraction backed up by a capability to seriously wreck **** if left unchecked, and a chance to wreck **** anyway.

    Hence, Khornate Berzerker.
  8. TheAntiFish

    Now, I suck in tanks hard. Lets make that clear right away.
    I had a go with my low level VS guy earlier on and pulled a magrider. While in theory it's probably the weakest tank of the lot, i would still suggest the magrider is the best damn MBT in the game. None of the others can strafe.

    I found it almost hilariously easy killing other battle tanks with it (The drivers of said tanks may suck even harder than i do but that's just speculation)

    It's just a lot easier to use, if you treat it as a sort of "Infil-Mode" tank it's incredible. If i had the time and the will to give up the hard work (And certs spent) on my main i could probably earn a ridiculous amount of points and rack up certs astonishingly quickly, exclusively using the magrider. (If earlier wasn't just a fluke anyway)
    Maybe the tank just suits my playstyle but i cannot deny its effectiveness compared to say... The land-manatee (Vanguard - Which i seem unable to rack up kills in) and the prowler (Which is so good at AI in its basic form i actually felt pity/pride towards the NC's tank specialists for just how accurate they need to be to compete.)

    Just my two cents. I think it's the best MBT in the game!

    Edit: Also yes, That damn failed78. He's my least favourite vanu to run into contact with in CQB. Failed78, Purrote(Unsure of spelling) and this one other SMG infil that runs around with Purotte(Maybe?) who's name i don't remember. They're all nightmares unless i can get them in my crosshairs 200m+ away.
    Honorable mention to Alyska the purple medic, who will hunt me down religiously with the Scythe if i fire at any of his squadmates.
  9. Serafine

    Lattice will not change anything. Esamir has lattice and there's a huge amount of ghostcapping going on anyway. Problem is the low overall population and that has nothing to do with lattice.
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  10. FatalityCrab

    I've tried prowlers and I've tried magriders, and each has a huge advantage. Deploy mode is astonishingly strong if someone good is aiming, I don't think there is any better AA in the game currently than someone who has a lot of practice hitting air with it. However, obvious downside is that it's stationary, easy to kilil with rocket pods, lancers, any max av weapon, any strafing magrider, drop pods, etc.
    Magriders are great because they can strafe, the Saron is very powerful and very easy to use because it has no drop, easily out-dps's a vulcan at more than 30 metres (yes, the vulcan is powerful, no, it doesn't work at long range).
    Each tank has their advantages, and disadvantages. As for which one is best, in a 1v1 tank fight, the Magrider should never lose. If both or all four players are very good at the game, the magrider should win every time, because of mobility and strafing and cover beating the increased dps that deploy mode gives. However, with low skill, the prowler should win, because mitigation via dodging is not easy. Unless it's a totally plain flat ground with no cover, the magrider should win.
    Assuming the magrider starts the fight at some distance, the saron does more damage than the vulcan, cannot really miss a shot if the prowler is deployed, and the vulcan doesn't do enough damage at range to make up for it. Even if both drivers hit all shots, the mag should win. If the prowler is deployed, the main gun makes up for the damage, but the magrider can just go into cover. The magrider and the prowler can repair. If the prowler undeploys, chases, the mag should be fully repaired, and if the prowler is close and deploys, the mag can turbo behind it and get rear damage for the win.
    The halberd is actually a much stronger prowler weapon to use against tanks, at range.

    However, with a large number of players, this likely doesn't work anymore, because deploy mode with lots of tanks can completely destroy enemy tank lines, or air, or infantry, so the whole 1v1 balance thing doesn't really apply in planetside. I do, however, think that most very good mag drivers would agree with this, because they have no difficulty killing prowlers 1v1 because they get to decide if they take damage or not, assuming there is any cover at all.

    This is also true for striker vs lancer, I've used both weapons a lot and the striker is much more powerful if used by bad aimer than the lancer, but the lancer is much more powerful if used by a good aimer, because it doesn't have the range limit or the fact that flares counter it entirely, or the fact that it can't kill maxes.

    However, as most players are not great at aiming, the lancer is considered to be underpowered, and the striker is considered overpowered. And this is technically true, because the average skill dictates it. The weapons, however, have vastly different skill ceilings and that is what should be judged!
  11. failed77

    i like forumtrolls and some of your post made me smile

    but even if i dont like AlwaysMadworthyA
    at least he has the balls to apologize while u dont even use your real nick :rolleyes:

    l2flame trollkennedy

    didnt noticed u until u sniped me twice today :eek:
    tell me if u see me again and ill pull out my pharallax :)

    fixed that for u
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  12. Chipay

    Not completely true.
    -The Vulcan out DPSes the Saron up until 293m and both have the same velocity (300m/s), on perfectly flat terrain the Vulcan should win, of course there is compensation for bullet drop, magrider strafing doesn't apply yet at 293m, and the fact that there will most likely be cover giving the Saron an edge. (Also a quick tip for the Vulcan users, never burstfire, burstfire will result in a TTK loss of 50-60% at all ranges, you'll get more hitmarkers in a shorter time by going full auto, unless your trying to kill infantry :p ) (my own testing, i should be able to do a comparison of them at different ranges pretty soon).

    -A Prowler (if actually aiming at the Magrider) will not miss the Magrider up until 317.5m (508m if deployed), that's suggesting that you have perfect aim (and don't lead, why are all you guys with tanks leading your shots at Magriders?!), in a perfectly open terrain the Prowler should always win. (math done by this guy)

    In a pure 1v1 on perfectly flat terrain, the Magrider should always lose, but Magriders have the joy of dodging infantry rockets, exploiting cover, not having to be connected to the ground, being able to turn quickly, getting a height advantage because of their navigation and jumping and most importantly, it's able to disengage easily. Making the Magrider a viable tank for different reasons than being able to kill **** quickly.

    Also, the Vulcan out damages the Halberd up until 250-260m (Halberd has a flat TTK of 22s), that is of course as long as you're fighting in fairly open terrain (with the Magrider exploiting cover as it's primary tactic, Halberd is indeed better, even a more valid weapon than the Saron for that same reason).

    This is of course just math.

    However, as most players are not great at aiming, the Prowler is considered to be underpowered, and the Magrider is considered overpowered. And this is technically true, because the average skill dictates it. The weapons, however, have vastly different skill ceilings and that is what should be judged!
  13. HappyT

    I just get my lasher and I pretend I'm a noise marine, I guess you're right.
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  14. FrankMite

    One word, Saron
  15. gigastar

    Look, the strafing isnt what its made out to be anymore. I actually had someone help me test this, at point blank range all turreted vehicles can rotate to keep up with a Rival 3 Mag circlestrafing them.

    And because the thing is so damn wide the only people who are going to miss it at range are those who are unused to a game with no hitscan weapons. I see Chipay has posted the actual theoretical values.

    And speaking in terms of combined arms, the Magrider has no actual benefits for mass deployment. If deployed in large numbers, the Mag loses its superior mobility due to the number of vehicles competing for space, and it has no ground traction so if it knocks into anything (obstacles, other Mags) then your aim is distrupted because of it.

    And this was true even before GU02, only it wasnt much of an issue then because there was nowhere a determined Mag pilot couldnt get his tank if he wanted.
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  16. gigastar

    What about it?

    Youre not going to win a debate with a one-word argument. Not even Terry thinks like that.
  17. bodmans

    did you or did you not read the words Chipay wrote above?
  18. gigastar

    Given the inanity of some of his responses id say he at least has trouble with english.
  19. TerryTenMen

    You said you liked my posts, why should I be apologising? Nice to see his own outfit recognise what an angry guy he is, pretty obvious though

    As for nicknames, failed seems very appropriate for you given that guess you just made? Didn't you know he is wackoo
  20. TerryTenMen

    My post was so good I put it twice!! Ignore this
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