Planetside 2 is a great game! :D

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bolticus, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Bolticus

    1. We whine and complain about the game, yet we still play.
    2. Even with low FPS, something many of us cannot tolerate, we still play the game.
    3. We have stuck with Planetside 2 for an entire year. For me that's outstanding. I forget about most games after 1-2 months. :p
    4. Many of you have dumped hundreds into a F2P game. I think that speaks for itself.

    You guys have to admit it. SOE has created a great game. Although it still has plenty of potiential to become even greater! :D
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  2. Netsurfer733

    Thumbs up'd. And I still think what Luperza said still rings true - it's the great stuff Planetside 2 will do that is unique to Planetside 2 (i.e. not just copied over from Planetside 1) that will rock by far the most. Still looking forward to that, hopefully in 2014.
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  3. dBMachine

    It is a fun game.

    I always laugh at those "BR100 spent $600 on the game leaving forever!" OK, you can leave. But with that time and money invested I think BOTH you and SOE got theirs. Bye!
  4. IamDH

    You really had to ruin the moment didnt you

    SOE created a great game. Now they're doing their damndest to run it straight into the ground.
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  6. Tobax

    Most of us posting suggestions and things to fix only do so because we want to see the game keep on getting better, not because we think its a bad game.
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  7. Bolticus

    IMO, the game has improved A TON since beta.
    To each their own.
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  8. 1Jammie1

    There's a ton of stuff that needs improving, but yes it's still great fun.
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  9. lolitank

    being happy on forums is bad i will beat you with a rock
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  10. Vortok

    MMO development is never done, but all things considered they're doing a bang up job. My computer is fairly ancient and has crashed when running the game pretty much since launch. I often just load the game back up immediately anyway since the game is so fun. Kinda rage inducing when it happens right after I spawned a vehicle/MAX, but it's not the game's fault that my computer needs an upgrade.

    Also, 2 major patches a month is crazy ambitious in any game, let alone a MMO, and they've keeping up on it for quite awhile. That's rather impressive.
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  11. NinjaTurtle

    Now wait right there a minute, erm... you see... the thing is... you know.... the game is pretty....

    God damn it I can't argue with your logic
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  12. NoctD

    You left out this part...

    SOE created a great game. They're doing everything they possibly can to ruin it now.

    I don't play anymore. I deleted the game and all my characters, including a BR 69, 59 and 51. That tells you how much I *USED* to play this game though.

    Its totally ruined by...

    1. Infantryside/COD types that can't deal with combined arms.
    2. Forumside causing crazy balance shifts because the Devs end up listening to those who whine the loudest till balance is all but whacked and beyond.
    3. Griefers/hackers/TKers/etc that SOE is totally ineffectual in dealing with.
    4. Population imbalance, which makes it no fun to play on many many servers these days.
    5. Devs that have no idea how to interpret statistics (really, the TR MAX is the weakest now and thus needing a buff?).
    6. Fanboys... such as topics like these attract, who think SOE can do nothing wrong.
    7. Performance and bugs... so poorly optimized and we just watch them screw up GU after GU with yet more bugs.

    I could go on and on and on and on... but Buzz was right, and he's hardly the only one that got fed-up with the round and round cycle of nonsense that goes on, issues that go unaddressed, balance that goes by flavor of the month, etc.

    Do I miss playing the game? Yeah I do - its a great game... but my mind is in total zen now, and I don't have to care for all the nonsense and silliness that is constantly ruining what could have been really really great.

    Its just sad... but it ain't changing, SOE does not care about the game, only in the monetization and appeasing the masses ie. attracting the MLG/COD types vs. quality and mature adult players wanting a deeper and more engaging gaming experience.
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  13. Netsurfer733

    I've always been an optimist realist :)
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  14. Camycamera

    i love this game, it is my favorite multiplayer FPS ever. it feels familiar, yet it feels unique. there is nothing quite like it when you know that battles dont end between time limits, small map restrictions, and loading screens. it really is great.

    yet, this game still has a long way to go. they kinda did release it a bit early, but they are improving little by little with updates, slowly making it become the PS1 that the vets wanted it to be, and yet still serving the people who aren't vets.

    i can't wait when they fully flesh this game out.
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  15. Bolticus

    Come September the game will be 10x better! :D
    With Hossin, optimizations, battle islands and continental conquest, this game should receive a noticeable population boost. Along with some more advertising of course.
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  16. HerpTheDerp

    So which changes made since release made the game worse?
  17. HadesR

    Any answer would purely be opinionated .. I still enjoy the game and think overall it's better than in Beta, BUT there are things I think that they added that has made the game not as good as it could be.

    Those things are not major and could be fixed with tweak's here and there rather than removing them IE: AV turret range / Lattice
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  18. SuBs

    If this works and they give you 2000 free station cash please let me know so I can create my own brown-nose thread!
  19. soeguud

    And once more for gravitas:

    SOE does not care about the game, only in the monetization and appeasing the masses
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  20. IamDH

    A pessimist says the wind is never going to get better
    An optimist says the wind will get better
    A realist adjusts the sails
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