Placing ammo box forces swap to main weapon

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Gittun, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. DrSNAFU

    I've killed a max this way. :(
  2. Noollab

    I've pissed off a few MAXs I think, when my repair tool suddenly becomes a Pandora automatic shotgun, and blows them to smithereens. :/
  3. ByroniusMonk

  4. Ryekir

    Agreed, this is really annoying.
  5. BobJoeXXI

    This is sometimes infuriating. I have shot a MAX before and have him/her turn around and give me "the" look. It's embarrassing and needs to be fixed.
  6. Hermes

    A max has killed me this way :(
  7. BLKThumb

    all you have to do is go in settings and turn off auto switch
  8. Athanasius

    I'm obviously blind as I can see no such option in General Options (nor Keybindings, but I don't see how it would be in there).

    Care to describe exactly where this option is ?
  9. Bubblewrap2

    Just yesterday I almost killed a MAX.

    In heat of biolab SCU overload defense, dropped ammo, switched to repair gun and start repairing a MAX (yes, I got plenty of ticks off), X seconds later game unilaterally decides to switch me back to main weapon, I keep "repairing" for a split second and MAX loses almost all of his little health (more than I had just healed him)!
  10. Klagmire

    OH you wanted a repair and some ammo MAX? How about some bullets to the back instead? OH my bad. Tango mike.