[Suggestion] Picking up Mines After Deployed

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by vesku, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. vesku

    you have as many mines you have, if you deploy one and want to pick it up, you should be able to do it.
  2. Tenzek

    The problem is that if you lay down a mine and resupply at a station/AMS or die and respawn, your mine count is full again. If you then pick up a mine, then you'd have to consider that question that you quoted.

    Sure, if you have space then it could go back into your inventory, but if you're full it causes a problem. You can't resupply and take less than the maximum amount.
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  3. FateJH

    I wouldn't mind letting excess mines stack in your slot, but that probably seems unfair from a Certification approach.

    So then: I propose we're allowed to disarm enemy mines for experience, but those simply vanish when we do. We can disarm our own faction's mines and those get added to our personal inventory up to our Certifed maximum, then tries to load into our stockpile when the inventory is full, into our infantry resources if the stockpile is full, then just vanishes if it can't go anywhere. We get no experience for disarming friendly mines. This makes it impossible to farm ourselves by placing mines and disarming them, restricts us from ever being in a position where we can hold more mines than we're allowed to, or arm a mine we should not be allowed to, and yet there is still a benefit to the player who goes around cleaning up a mine field.

    As for the mechanics, crouch and <E> near a mine for a second or two, during which we put our gun away, and our reward will be a fresh mine. You would have to disarm unfriendly AI mines outside of their cone of detection, of course.
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  4. LachDiggityDog

    BUMP! I would love for this to be added
  5. jsnipy

    +1 good suggestion. You can do this in BF3 ffs.
  6. vesku

  7. bishopau

    + 1

    Claymores as well.
  8. Armchair

    Here's a potential solution. You don't "pick up" the mines, you "deconstruct" them. The mines do not return to you inventory, they merely return to the stockpile you dip into when you respawn. If you want to reuse that mine, you need to first deconstruct it, and then resupply at an infantry terminal.

    "deconstructed" mines will be wasted if your stockpile is full. (you have 40/40 mines in your stockpile. You plant 1. You purchase a new mine, bringing you back up to 40/40. Deconstructing the deployed mine will be a waste. No cheating the system to get 41/40 mines in your stockpile).
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  9. Hordak

    How about being able to pick them up with a 50% chance of failing to pick it up and accidently setting it off? That way its more real and exciting.
  10. vesku

    we are supposed to be professional engineers :D
  11. Hordak

    Is that so? CAN you teach our engineers its best not to repair vehicles from behind? professionals or not mistakes are made regardless of mastery.
  12. Mark467

  13. vesku