Phoenix fire through spawn room shields.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Celeris, May 27, 2014.

  1. \m/SLAYER\m/

    HA who fires PHOENIX outside of spawn room is better target to everyone.
  2. Fenrisk

    This thread is about firing phoenix's from INSIDE the spawn room. No one has a issue with the phoenix being used from outside the spawn.

    One of the ways the phoenix was balanced is that it puts that heavy at extreme risk when he's using it. That risk is completed gone when behind spawn shields.
  3. blackboemmel

    oh man... - i'm still waiting for just one video where someone does anything with that phoenix from a spawnroom that comes somehow even close to something that deserves the title "OP".
    there is still none, right?
    so why are we wasting the power of our OP-shouts here instead of focusing on something that is easier to proof?
    bolt-actions in cqc: OP!
    knifes vs Maxes: OP!
    and damn... - the Duster! NERF PLEASE!!!
  4. Casterbridge

    Ah so you want defenders not to be able to fire from spawn room at all, so that once you get to a base and the offense around it there is nothing the defense can do cause they can't force the attackers away from line of sight of the spawn room giving you an easy victory, got it.

    And yes only the NC ever fire rockets from the Spawn room....

    Fact is more good is done using dumbfires from the spawn room to kill/chase of ESF, Max, Harrasers, and even tanks to a limited degree who are spawn camping the shielded room giving defenders a chance to push out and get back to the point.
  5. HadesR

    It was also balanced by being able to be shot down ..

    So if they removed the ability to fire it from spawns they should also remove the ability for it to be shot down .. Since the user would have no choice but to be at risk and thus it should be brought inline with the risk / reward of the other launchers ..
  6. Jalek

    Seems reasonable, since your claims are also a whole lot of stretching.
    I haven't seen this 300m of doom radius around a spawn room functioning anywhere nor any video substantiating anything.

    Ignore blocks quoting. Interesting.
  7. Alyz

    Actually that's not true at all. No other weapon can be fired so easily from behind cover without ANY risk of getting shot back at. The ONLY risk for a Phoenix user behind cover is infantry sneaking at them from behind - and if there's an infi stabbing you from behind, you're equally dead whether or not you use a Phoenix or a dumbfire or sniper or engi turret.
    If the position you're at can't be infiltrated, you're equally safe there as you are behind spawn shields.
  8. RaidsRUs

    Now, I don't know how it is on the other servers, but on Mattherson NC always gets the short end of the stick. I haven't used one, but if they were so broken, wouldn't NC be dominating the map instead of having a handful of bases while VS and TR have their way with them?

    The only time NC seems to have a great deal of success is when they wait for TR and VS to get tunnel-vision on each other and forget the NC exist.
  9. m44v

    An opposing sunderer refused to take my rockets because its driver had the NERVE to gun one of the basilisks and shot down my blue rockets, several times in a row. That was so infuriating, It pretty much ruined my phoenix cert whoring.
  10. Corezer

    You seem so passionate I can't tell if you're serious or trolling.

    I never said the risk was so catastrophic, although it does come up a good bit, in my 3 minute video someone almost got us both pink misted.

    The main thing however is that the reward is not near as great as you imply. The was a sundy nearby that I couldn't hit because the missile won't maneuver around objects within 100m, the was a lightning I didn't have the dps to even make hesitate, and another lightning driven by a Medic who I could only kill because they rolled up on spawn and took 2 mags of dual raven.

    The enemy wasn't pushed back, people didn't coordinate, and we the base.

    NC OP
  11. GrandpaFlipfox

    I kno rite!? I had a Magrider in my sights but at the last moment he lazily leaned to the left rendering my freedom screech most ineffective. I only made 100 certs that particular second instead of the usual 1000 the Phoenix easily manages. :p
  12. \m/SLAYER\m/

    here my PHOENIX stat by shooting from the spawn room [because i was stabbed, sniped, poisoned when used it anywhere else]:
    its OP to crashing rockets into spawn shield
  13. Alyz

    I tested a little more with the Phoenix. The upper floor of the spawn of tech facilities and the classic amp stations seem to be ideal for Phoenix launches with wide view in all directions. The big problem I found with the Phoenix when using a mouse is the inability to fly longer curvers because the mousepad is only so big and the Phoenix reacts to direct mouse input only. I tried to plug in my old joystick just for this, but it seems joysticks don't get riper with age, so I need a new one :(
  14. Hegeteus

    No one said engineer should start repairing where they stand. It's not that hard to get out of Phoenix missile's range or reach since it's relatively slow and can't go beyond 300 m.