Phoenix complaints are based on K/D.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ROMNEYTRON, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. ih8Darian

    If lancer gets a buff to one shot infantry then I'm fine with the phoenix, but as it stands the lancers way worse than the phoenix (I'm not speaking about the TR's new rocket launcher because I never used it), and yes it would be good in a group but people don't buy it because it doesn't 1 shot infantry
  2. freeze


    like bobby said, it's an AV weapon, not an AI weapon

    if it was up to me not a single one of the RLs would OHK infantry... it's beyond ******** and only caters to unskilled players
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  3. UnrealGaz

    im actually annoyed sony thought this would be ok and released it.what are they thinking?
  4. Eclipson

    If you want that, then the TR better get our spam dumbfire mode on the Striker.
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  5. Eclipson

    The funny thing is, they knew it wasn't OK, but they did it anyway.
  6. ih8Darian

    I really gotta make a TR account so I can check out the Striker
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  7. UnrealGaz

    they tested it extensively only for it to be the most broken thing ever realeased.

    Good thing it's not up to you eh? :D

    I'd heard this argument for a while and in virtually every FPS I've played. Fact is, as far as regular, non-guided launchers go, a direct hit OHK is fair. It comes down to aim and luck. If you miss, you'll die, due to the amount of time it takes to switch weapons. Assuming of course, that the people you're playing against aren't totally incompetent.
    I would be fine if the Lancer 1 shot infantry in exchange for a smaller hitbox as well. Increased damage to vehicles would give it a well deserved buff.

    *edit* A dumbfire striker would be fine by me. Although be prepared for CQB spam.
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  9. UnrealGaz

    you miss you die? kinda hard too kill someone whos 300meters away in the safety of his base or in the spawn room itself.
  10. Eclipson

    Its a good weapon, it does what its supposed to do, take out vehicles. I like it, I don't need to spam infantry with it, thats what my LMG is for, but if they want people running primary with these LMGs, might as well give the Lancer and Phoenix some OHK potential (not that I actually want this)
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    I'm talking about default launchers. I digressed for a bit to respond to Freeze.
  12. LordMondando

    Where does it commit to being a AV launcher?

    Indeed, where is the space for AI launchers.
  13. UnrealGaz

    ah yes I see with default launchers I have 0 issues with the 1hk but the phoenix is a disaster.
  14. Lancener

    A rocket should 1-hit infantry, but using the phoenix is so easy and it's the only ESL that can. The lancer appears to need a decently large buff, less power than any other launcher and it takes much longer to charge and fire. The TR may have it pretty bad with their launcher, not sure how it compares to other lock-on rockets, no moving targets in VR...

    I'd prefer a nerf to the phoenix because the lancer 1-hitting would be far to easy against infantry, it's the closest thing to hit-scan I've seen in this game, it'd turn into a sniper in almost all situations.

    To be honest, I wouldn't mind if they replaced the Phoenix with a shoulder mounted railgun.

    -5 second chargeup
    -High damage for vehicles (3 shot MBT)
    -OHK infantry with tiny hitbox. Grazing infantry would just result in loss of shields due to magnetic effect.

    Just pulling ideas out of my bum atm. While I personally think the Phoenix is ok (I only trailed it, mind you) I don't think there's really anyway to appease all parties no matter how you "fix" it.
  16. Vikarius

    that would fundamentally change the game and if anything they should increase some parts of the hitbox.
    Nerfing the damage against infantry is the only way
  17. phreec

    Nobody likes dying to something they can't counter.

    That's where most of the sniper and ESF hate also roots from, in any shooter. I'm not saying the Phoenix is uncounterable, hell just one ESF with pods should be enough, but since the Phoenix is an AV used primarily as AI it's fair to see it from the purebred infantrymans perspective. They don't necessarily even have pods on their ESF's or the terrain might not allow for flanking routes on foot so a guided-sniper-bullet like the Phoenix is unbeatable for them.

    Remove Infantry OHK from the Phoenix but add 200-300m more range to it.
  18. Nurf3d

    If someone using the Pheonix doesn't have an Engineer about then they are pretty useless, even if I hit with all my rockets thats 5 kills on Infantry on Vehicles well.... - I go on my Infil and I will get 20 kills sniping easy before seeking a Engi for ammo. I see it like this currently


    There is no kill cam , so you have NO idea where they shot from but you died and your epeen got you come to the forums and whine because your the best of the best and the game must be broken if you die amarite?
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  19. UnrealGaz

    2/10 would not read again.

    Would it? I hate to sound rude, but such claims must be backed up with sufficient evidence. I'm no dev, and I'm going out on a limb to say you aren't either.

    Anyways, if changing hitboxes isn't possible why not change the "box" of the rocket itself? Instead of 2 feet like it is now, make the user have to bring it within 6 inches. A 75% in required accuracy to get the kill.